


GB 50633-2010(英文版)核电厂工程测量技术规范电子书

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作       者:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:20.9万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 一般工业技术



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Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China


1 General

2 Terms,Symbols,and Codes

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

2.3 Codes

3 Horizontal Control Survey

3.1 General Provisions

3.2 Satellite Positioning Survey

3.3 Traverse Survey

3.4 Triangulation

4 Vertical Control Survey

4.1 General Provisions

4.2 Leveling Survey

4.3 Trigonometric Leveling

4.4 GPS Elevation Survey

5 Topographic Survey

5.1 General Provisions

5.2 Mapping Control Survey

5.3 Surveying and Mapping Techniques

5.4 Ground Feature Surveying and Mapping

5.5 Landform Surveying and Mapping

5.6 Underwater Topography Surveying

5.7 Marine Surveying and Mapping

5.8 Topographic Map Decoration and Checking

6 Digital photogrammetry

6.1 General Provisions

6.2 Requirements for Aerial Photography Technique and Data

6.3 Photo Control Survey

6.4 Photograph Annotation

6.5 Digital Mapping

6.6 Digital Image Product

7 Satellite Remote Sensing Survey

7.1 General Provisions

7.2 Data Preprocessing

7.3 Image Geometric Correction

7.4 Image Decoration

8 Construction Survey

8.1 General Provisions

8.2 Primary Network Surveying

8.3 Secondary Network Surveying

8.4 Micro Network Surveying

8.5 Micro Network Transferring and Surveying

8.6 Construction Setting-out and Testing

8.7 Data Processing and Result Submission

9 Deformation Monitoring

9.1 General Provisions

9.2 Horizontal Displacement Monitoring

9.3 Vertical Displacement Monitoring

9.4 Data Processing and Deformation Analyzing

10 Other Surveys

10.1 General Provisions

10.2 Exploration Points and Lines Surveying

10.3 Hydrological Surveying

10.4 Lines Surveying

Appendix A Correlation between Coordinate Systems

Appendix B Markers and Monuments of Horizontal Control Points

Appendix C Description of GPS Control Point

Appendix D GPS Surveying Notebook

Appendix E Basic Technical Parameters for Theodolite of Various Accuracy Ratings

Appendix F Circle and Micrometer Settings for Observing Horizontal Angles with Direction Method

Appendix G Computation of Earth Ellipsoid's Basic Parameters and Curvature Radiuses of Geodetic Coordinate Systems

Appendix H Transformation between Zero Points of the Major Elevation Reference Systems in China

Appendix J Basic Technical Parameters for Levels of Various Accuracy Ratings

Appendix K Markers and Monuments of Elevation Control Points of Various Accuracy Ratings

Appendix L Division and Numbering of Mapsheets

Appendix M Format of Decorations on Control Photos

Appendix N Markers and Monuments of Secondary Network Points,Micro Network Points and Intervisible Holes

Appendix P Formulas for Inclination and Inclinational Deviation of Main buildings or Structures

Appendix Q Formulas for Relative Inclinational Deviation and Deflection of Foundations

Explanation of Wording in This Code

List of Quoted Standards

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