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96人正在读 | 4人评论 6.2

作       者:蔡美娜

出  版  社:圓方出版社(香港)有限公司


字       数:2.3万

所属分类: 生活 > 烹饪/美食 > 家常菜谱



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材料介绍 Cooking Ingredients

雞·鴨 Chicken·Duck

海底椰紅棗雞湯 Chicken Soup with Sea Coconuts and Red Dates

花膠黨參煲雞湯 Chicken Soup with Fish Maw and Dang Shen

羅漢果南北杏雞湯 Chicken Soup with Luo Han Guo and Almonds

馬蹄紅豆竹絲雞湯 Black-skinned Chicken Soup with Water Chestnuts and Red Beans

南瓜雞肉蘑菇忌廉湯 Pumpkin and Chicken Mushroom Cream Soup

花生眉豆雞腳湯 Chicken Feet Soup with Peanuts and Black-eyed Beans

薏米綠豆老鴨湯 Mature Duck Soup with Job’s Tears and Mung Beans

豬 Pork

老黃瓜肉丸湯 Meat Ball Soup with Mature Cucumber

芥菜排骨湯 Sparerib Soup with Mustard Greens

涼瓜黃豆瘦肉湯 Pork Soup with Bitter Melon and Soybeans

冬瓜榨菜排骨湯 Sparerib Soup with Winter Melon and Zha Cai

南瓜栗子豬骨湯 Pork Bone Soup with Pumpkin and Chestnuts

蓮藕淮杞豬骨湯 Pork Bone Soup with Lotus Root,Huai Shan and Qi Zi

花旗參無花果豬骨湯 Pork Bone Soup with American Ginseng and Dried Figs

粟米紅蘿蔔西施骨湯 Pork Shoulder Bone Soup with Corn and Carrot

蘋果雪梨南北杏瘦肉湯 Lean Pork Soup with Apples,Pears and Sweet and Bitter Almonds

佛手瓜南瓜瘦肉湯 Lean Pork Soup with Chayotes and Pumpkin

粟米魚肚瘦肉羹 Fish Maw Thick Soup with Corn and Lean Pork

粉葛雪耳豬腱湯 Pork Shin Soup with White Fungi and Kudzu Root

魚 Fish

黃豆雪耳鯽魚湯 Tilapia Soup with Soybeans and White Fungi

木瓜蓮子鯇魚湯 Grass Carp Soup with Papaya and Dried Lotus Seeds

番茄蘿蔔大眼雞湯 Big-eye Fish Soup with Tomatoes and Carrot

番茄芽菜豆腐紅衫魚湯 Red Snapper Soup with Tomatoes,Bean Sprouts and Beancurd

蔬果 Vegetable&Melon

菠菜豬膶湯 Pork Liver Soup with Spinach

蝦米肉粒絲瓜湯 Diced Pork Soup with Angled Luffa and Dried Shrimps

瑤柱肉碎冬瓜湯 Winter Melon Soup with Dried Scallops and Meatballs

冬瓜海鮮湯 Winter Melon and Seafood Soup

瑤柱蝦米蔬菜湯 Vegetable Soup with Dried Scallops and Dried Shrimps

青豆豆腐羹 Beancurd Thick Soup with Green Beans

蓮藕紅豆唐排骨湯 Pork Bone Soup with Lotus Roots and Red Beans

節瓜鹹蛋湯 Hairy Gourd Soup with Salted Egg

蜜棗大白菜湯 Duo Pak Choy Soup with Candied Dates

木耳紅棗蘋果湯 Apple Soup with Wood Ear Fungi and Red Dates

南北杏陳皮雪梨湯 Chinese Pear Soup with Sweet and Bitter Almonds and Dried Tangerine Peel

紅蘿蔔竹蔗馬蹄湯 Water Chestnut Soup with Carrot and Sugar Cane

紅蘿蔔雪梨雪耳湯 White Fungus Soup with Carrot and Chinese Pears

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