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作       者:韩满玲,王瑞

出  版  社:清华大学出版社


字       数:468

所属分类: 教育 > 考试 > 学历考试



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     《考研英语题源深阅读(Ⅳ科学美国人商业周刊 与卫报分册考研英语一英语二通用)》由韩满玲、王 瑞编著,本书从题源报刊杂志中共精选出四十篇* 文章,分社会人生、经济管理、文化艺术、教育科技 及自然健康五大部分。所选文章特突出、时效性强 且与考研英语难度相当、体裁相近,每篇文章的讲解 分为“提纲挈领”、“障碍词汇”、“难句翻译”和 “文化背景小”四大版块,力求做到全面细致并 精确地为读者剖析文章。《考研英语题源深阅读(Ⅳ 科学美国人商业周刊与卫报分册考研英语一英语二通 用)》还在部分演示了从题源文章到考研英语真 题的改编过程,在后附录中附上了近十年来选自本 书题源的所有真题及答案。<br/>【作者】<br/>韩满玲,中国人民大学外国语学院副教授,英语教研室副主任。长期从事考研、考博英语教学及辅导工作,专门针对考生总结出一套陕捷、有效、实用的阅读方法和答题技巧,使考生在应试中游刃有余、稳得高分。已经参与编写了多部畅销考研辅导书,其编写的教辅书切题率极高,深受广大考生喜爱。<br/>







第一篇 从题源文章到考研真题的改编演示

第二篇 题源文章阅读

第一部分 社会人生类

Passage One Born Poor? Bad Luck, You Have Won Last Prize in the Lottery of Life

Passage Two Convincing Evidence: Our Wills Aren't As Free As We (or I) Would Like to Think

Passage Three Lessons to Be Learned from the First Social Media Olympics

Passage Four Still Living with Your Parents at 30? Get a Life

Passage Five Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling: Giant Leap for Obama

Passage Six Decline of the Phone Call: Ofcom Shows Growing Trend for Text Communication

Passage Seven Apologies Fail to Live Up to Our Expectations

Passage Eight Now Everyone Is Connected, Is This the Death of Conversation?

第二部分 经济管理类

Passage One For U. S. Brands, There's No Middle in China's Middle Class

Passage Two How the Poor Are Made to Pay for Their Poverty

Passage Three A Marketer's Homage to the Soda Can

Passage Four The Economic Fallout from Bombing Iran

Passage Five This Sentimentality over Old People Is Hitting Our Young

Passage Six The Tourists Who Could Save Greece Are the Rich of China and India, Not Europe

Passage Seven Black Wednesday, 20 Years on: Five Worst Economic Disasters of the 20th Century

Passage Eight Economists Expect UK to Lose AAA Credit Rating

第三部分 教育科技类

Passage One The Game of Life

Passage Two Are Eyewitnesses in the Zimmerman Trial Reliable?

Passage Three Know-it-all Toll Roads

Passage Four The Matter That's Not Not Not There

Passage Five Young People Are Rubbish…

Passage Six Freedom and Anonymity: Keeping the Internet Open

Passage Seven The DNA Transistor

Passage Eight No One Likes A City That's Too Smart

第四部分 文化艺术类

Passage One It's the 21st Century-Why Are We Working So Much?

Passage Two Diana Athill: the London I Remember

Passage Three No Wonder the Working Man Despises the Elites

Passage Four Superheroes Movies Like Avengers Assemble Should Not Be Scorned

Passage Five Can You Make Any Kind of Living as An Artist?

Passage Six Scream If You Want to Bid Higher: the High Cost of Art

Passage Seven The Battle of the Book Reviews

Passage Eight Why the Titanic Always Sinks

第五部分 自然健康类

Passage One The Garden of Our Neglect: How Humans Shape the Evolution of Other Species

Passage Two Observations: Sleep Might Help Dieters Shed More Fat

Passage Three Coal Ash Is More Radioactive than Nuclear Waste

Passage Four The Advantages of Being Helpless

Passage Five Japan's Giant Shock Rattles Ideas about Earthquake Behavior

Passage Six Can You Be Both Obese and Healthy?

Passage Seven Pain Relief " Cuts Heart Attack Victims' Survival Chances"

Passage Eight Putting A Price on the Rivers and Rain Diminishes Us All

Passage Nine GuWs Dolphins Pay Heavy Price for Deepwater Oil Spill

附录 同源真题回溯

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