


Instant OpenLayers Starter电子书

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作       者:Alessio Di Lorenzo

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:61.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks.A quick and simple Starter to working with the OpenLayers JavaScript library architecture, helping you become productive with it in a very short time. Instant OpenLayers Starter is a book for web designers or GIS specialists with a basic knowledge of JavaScript, for learning how to create simple, embedded, and basic maps, or to build complex data analysis and data management RIAs.

Instant OpenLayers Starter

Instant OpenLayers Starter


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1. Instant OpenLayers Starter

So, what is OpenLayers?


Step 1 – What do I need?

Step 2 – Downloading OpenLayers

Step 3 – Unpacking OpenLayers

Step 4 – Serving the library

And that's it!

Quick start – Creating your first web map

Step 1 – Organizing your workspace

Step 2 – Creating the HTML template

Step 3 – Including the OpenLayers library

Step 4 – Defining an initialization JavaScript function

Step 5 – Creating the map

Top features you need to know about

Adding an image overlay

Using Google Maps, OSM, and Bing as base layers

Using layers from OGC WMS services

Obtaining information about the mapped features from WMS servers

Using data from tile servers

Adding interaction controls

Adding a vector overlay

Creating a vector layer from GeoJSON data

Obtaining vector data from WFS and transforming coordinates with Proj4js

Adding a vector overlay from GeoRSS

Showing feature attributes in a pop up

Creating a thematic map

Using strategies and attribute replacement

People and places you should get to know

Official site and documentation

Community channels

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