


Cocos2d-x Game Development Blueprints电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Karan Sequeira

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:259.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a proficient Cocos2d game developer who wants to enhance his or her game development skill set using Cocos2d-x to build different types of games, this book is for you.

Cocos2d-x Game Development Blueprints

Table of Contents

Cocos2d-x Game Development Blueprints


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1. A Colorful Start

An overview of ColourSmash

Setting up the environment for Cocos2d-html5

Creating a project in Cocos2d-html5

Getting acquainted with the project structure

Creating the first scene – the main menu

Moving on to the game world

Declaring and initializing the variables

Creating the background

Creating the tiles

Creating the Heads-Up Display

The countdown timer

Let's get touchy...

The core gameplay

Finding the tiles

Removing the tiles

Finding and shifting tiles from above

Adding new tiles

Adding score and bonus

Updating the timer


2. How to Fly a Dragon!

Getting to know sprite sheets

Creating a lively menu screen

Creating a fairy tale

Building an infinitely long castle in 20 lines of code

Adding the stars

Setting things into motion

On to the game world

The core gameplay

Creating the dragon

Creating the towers

The update loop

Updating the dragon

Updating the towers

Collision detection

Flying the dragon

Farewell dear dragon

Saving a high score using LocalStorage

Let's make some HTML5 noise


3. Not Just a Space Game

An overview of SpaceCraze

Creating a project

Defining the global variables of the game

Creating your own Sprite

On to the game world...

The Player class

The Enemy class

The Brick class

Parsing the level file

Creating enemies

Creating bricks

Creating the player

Creating HUD elements

The start and stop functions

Moving the enemies

Fire the bullets!

The update function

Checking for collisions

Touch controls

Level complete and game over


4. Back to the Drawing Board

An introduction to Inverse Universe

The CCDrawNode class

Figuring out the geometry

Defining the elements of Inverse Universe

The Player class

The Enemy class

The PowerUp class

The Bomb class

The Blast class

The MissileLauncher class

The Missile class

The Shield class

Creating the game

The update loop

Adding tilt controls

Moving the player

Adding progression and difficulty levels


5. Let's Get Physical!

An overview of Jumpy Clown

The basics of Box2D

Creating the world

Using debug draw

Stepping into the world

Creating the GameObject class

Creating the walls

Creating the base

Creating the clown

Defining the clown's state machine

Creating the platform

Adding and removing platforms

Adding the controls

Listening for collisions

The Collectible class

Creating and reusing collectibles

The update loop


6. Creativity with Textures

An introduction to Penguins Can Fly

The Terrain class

Generating the striped texture

Drawing the stripes

Adding a gradient

Adding some highlight

Drawing the border

Adding some noise

Generating the hills

Generating the hill key points

Generating the curve of the hill

Creating the Box2D body for the hill

Rendering the hills

Updating the hill

The Penguin class

Updating the penguin

On to the game world


7. Old is Gold!

An introduction to Iceman

What is a tile-based game?

What is the Tiled Map Editor?

Creating a new tile map

Adding a tileset

Adding a tile layer

Adding an objects layer

Tile-based collision detection

The GameObject class

The Hero class

The Enemy class

Collisions with moving platforms and enemies


8. Box2D Meets RUBE

An introduction to Angry Fish

A brief introduction to RUBE

Creating bodies

Running the scene

Importing images

Creating a level with RUBE

Creating the catapult

Adding custom properties

Generating a world using data exported from RUBE

Defining the fish

The Fish class

The ShootingFish class

The SplittingFish class

The ExplodingFish class

Using Box2D's RayCast

The Cat class

The PostSolve function

Creating and spawning the fish

Creating a mouse joint


9. The Two Towers

Introduction to Pumpkin Defense

Defining the properties of the tower

Defining the properties of the enemy

Defining the XML file for a level

Designing the level in Tiled

The Tower class

The Lightning class

The Enemy class

Spawning waves of enemies

The GestureLayer class

Spawning the towers

Fast forwarding the gameplay


10. Cross-platform Building

Setting up the environment for Android

Java Development Kit 7+

The Android SDK

Eclipse or the ADT bundle

ADT plugin for Eclipse

Installing Cygwin for Windows

The Android NDK

Building Pumpkin Defense on Android

Creating an Android Virtual Device

Running Pumpkin Defense on Android

Setting up the environment for Windows Phone 8

Building Pumpkin Defense on Windows Phone 8

What to do next?



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