


Pro Tools HD 11电子书

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41人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Edouard Camou

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:312.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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An easy-to-follow guide for using Pro Tools HD 11 effectively.This book is ideal for anyone who already uses ProTools and wants to learn more, or is new to Pro Tools HD and wants to use it effectively in their own audio workstations.

Pro Tools HD: Advanced Techniques and Workflows

Table of Contents

Pro Tools HD: Advanced Techniques and Workflows


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1. System Optimization

The Pro Tools range

Hardware solutions

Pro Tools HD Accel

Pro Tools HDX

Pro Tools HD Native

Software options

Pro Tools HD 10/Pro Tools 10 with Complete Production Toolkit using third-party interfaces

Pro Tools HD 10 or Pro Tools 10 with Complete Production Toolkit using Avid interfaces

Pro Tools HD 11 update

Choosing the most adapted system

Recording and mixing considerations

DSP or no DSP?

Playback engine optimizations

Pro Tools HD 10 Playback Engine

H/W Buffer Size

Host Processors and CPU Usage Limit

Delay Compensation engine

Disk Playback

Plugin streaming buffer

Voice allocation

Pro Tools 11 Playback Engine

Automatic Delay Compensation (ADC)

A bit more about the Pro Tools mixer

Voices and time slots

Low latency monitoring (LLM) and cue mixes

Pro Tools version summary

Customizing MIDI

Organizing external MIDI devices

Controlling MIDI hardware on instrument tracks

Plugin mapping and MIDI learn


2. Editing Techniques

Vocal editing preparations

Zero crossing

Relative grid

Finding clicks

Cuts and fades

The Fades window

Clip gain

Elastic Audio

Using AudioSuite

Take comping

Drum editing

Edit and Mix groups

A bit of navigation

Project overview

Zoom presets and zoom toggle

Clip groups

Selection techniques

Tab to Transient or Tab to clip edges

Other selection techniques

Beat Detective

Normal mode

Collection mode

Mapping project tempo to the audio

Using Identify Beat

Using Beat Detective

Elastic Audio for drums

Elastic Audio as an effect

The vinyl stopping effect using Elastic Audio

Using Vari-Fi


3. Advanced Mixing

Getting organized with colors

Inserting analog hardware into the mix

Measuring hardware insert latency

Using hardware sends across different I/O


Routing and grouping techniques

Easy audio grouping

Multiple track outputs

Stemming with multiple outputs

Using multiple outputs

Using auxiliary sends

Sound layering

Stemming with Pro Tools 11

Increasing mixing complexity

Default output bus options

Greater control over parallel processing

Advanced side chain

For bass

For vocals

Using automatic delay compensation creatively

The Avid Channel Strip plugin

Master faders

Pro Tools and analog console integration

Starting with Pro Tools automations

The track view shortcuts

Automation modes

More automation options

Enabling the write automation

Manual Write and Write on Stop

Auto Join

Trying new mix settings with preview mode

Copying and recalling automations to other song sections

Glide automations

VCA mixing

Use of an MIDI controller with Latch Prime


4. Importing and Exporting Options

Importing audio

Importing session data

Creating stems and exporting clips

Saving a session copy

Exporting over the Internet

Missing audio files

Disk allocation

Pro Tools autobackup



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