


Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices电子书

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作       者:Samir Bhatt

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:226.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A step-by-step tutorial on implementing Liferay- based portals to learn performance best practices.The book is good for Liferay portal developers and architects who want to learn performance best practices for implementing Liferay- based solutions. It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of the Liferay portal.

Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices

Table of Contents

Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices


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1. Architectural Best Practices

The Liferay Portal reference architecture

The Presentation tier

The Networking tier

The Web tier

The Application tier

The Database Repository tier

The Search Repository tier

The Media Repository tier

The Active Directory tier

Reference architecture characteristics



High availability and fault tolerance


The Deployment sizing approach

The reference hardware

The performance benchmark test summary

An example of sizing calculations

Sample performance requirements

Sizing calculations

The Documents and Media Library architecture

File System and Advanced File System stores

The Database store

The JCR store

The CMIS store

The S3 store

The database architecture

The read/write database

Database sharding

Static content delivery

Content Delivery Network

Content delivery through the web server

The caching architecture

Caching using Ehcache

Ehcache replication using RMI

Ehcache replication using Cluster Link

Caching using Terracotta

Web resource caching using Varnish

The search architecture

Apache Lucene

Index storage on SAN

Lucene Index replication using Cluster Link

Apache Solr


2. Load Balancing and Clustering Best Practices

The basics of load balancing and clustering with Liferay

Setting up Liferay Portal nodes

Software load balancer configuration using the Apache Web Server

Load balancer configuration using mod_jk

Load balancer configuration using mod_proxy_ajp

Load balancer configuration using mod_proxy_http

Load balancing best practices

Liferay Portal cluster configuration

Session replication configuration

Cache replication

Ehcache replication using RMI

Ehcache configuration using JGroups

Ehcache replication using Cluster Links

Ehcache clustering best practices

Media Library configuration

Network file storage using the Advanced File System store

Database storage using the JCR store

Database storage using DBStore

Media Library clustering best practices

Search engine configuration

Lucene index storage on network storage

Lucene index replication using Cluster Link

Using the Apache Solr search engine

Clustering best practices for the search engine

Quartz scheduler configuration


3. Configuration Best Practices

Liferay Portal configuration best practices

Servlet filter configuration

The auto login filter

The CAS filter

The NTLM SSO filter

The OpenSSO filter

The SharePoint filter

The GZip filter

The Strip filter

The ValidHtml filter

Auto login hooks

Counter increment

User session tracker

Direct Servlet Context

Plugin repositories

Pingbacks and trackbacks

Google's blog search ping integration

The asset view counter

Document ranks and view count

Scheduler configuration

The Calendar portlet

LDAP integration

The Web Content portlet

The Message Board portlet

The Blogs portlet

The Media Library portlet

The Announcement portlet

Inline permission checks

Lucene Configuration

Application Server configuration best practices

Database connection pool configuration

JVM configuration

Garbage Collection

The Java Heap configuration

JSP engine configuration

Thread pool configuration

Apache Web Server configuration best practices

Static content delivery

GZip compression configuration

Cache header configuration

Apache Web Server MPM configuration


4. Caching Best Practices

Customizing the Ehcache configuration

Hibernate Ehcache CacheManager

Single-VM CacheManager

Multi-VM CacheManager

Ehcache configuration best practices

Caching using Terracotta


5. Development Best Practices

UI best practices

Reducing the number of JavaScript files

Reducing the number of CSS files

Using CSS image sprites

Minifying JavaScript files

JavaScript positioning

Limiting the use of DOM operations

Analyzing web page performance using tools

Portlet development best practices

Limiting the use of dynamic queries

Liferay caching API

Coding best practices


6. Load Testing and Performance Tuning

Getting ready for load testing

Capturing load testing requirements

Selecting load testing tools

Apache JMeter


Apache Benchmark (ab)

Preparing load testing scripts

Setting up the load testing environment

Conducting load tests

Resource monitoring and performance tuning

Liferay Portal server – monitoring and tuning



JVM – monitoring and tuning

Tomcat thread – monitoring and tuning

Database connection pool – monitoring and tuning

Cache – monitoring and tuning

Apache web server – monitoring and tuning

Monitoring the database server

CPU and memory usage

Slow queries


Lock monitoring

Monitoring logfiles



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