


Mastering GeoServer电子书

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作       者:Colin Henderson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:223.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a GIS professional who intends to explore advanced techniques and get more out of GeoServer deployment rather than simply delivering good looking maps, then this book is for you.

Mastering GeoServer

Table of Contents

Mastering GeoServer


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1. Installing GeoServer for Production

Java requirements

Installing Java on CentOS 6.3

Installing Java on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Installing Apache Tomcat

Installing Apache Tomcat 7 on CentOS 6.3

Running Apache Tomcat as a service

Securing Apache Tomcat

Installing Apache Tomcat 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Controlling the Tomcat service

Configuring the Tomcat service

Deploying GeoServer to Apache Tomcat

Deploying on CentOS 6.3

Deploying on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Checking GeoServer deployment

Configuring GeoServer for maximum performance and availability

Scaling vertically

Scaling horizontally

Getting the best of both

Configuring multiple GeoServer instances on a single server

Configuring on CentOS 6.3

Configuring on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1


2. Working with Raster Data

Increasing the raster formats supported by GeoServer

Installing the GDAL binary libraries

Installing on CentOS Linux 6.3

Installing on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Setting environment variables

Installing the GeoServer GDAL plugin

How to optimize raster data for better performance

Understanding your source data

Single file versus multifile

GeoTIFF overviews and tiling

GeoTIFF overviews

GeoTIFF tiles

Converting raster formats to GeoTIFF

How to serve very large raster datasets

Using the ImageMosaic format

Creating ImageMosaic automatically

Creating ImageMosaic manually

How to use the ImageMosaic JDBC extension

Installing the extension

Configuring the extension

Preparing and loading raster data

Creating the metadata table

Creating the extension configuration files

Creating the GeoServer data store


3. Working with Vector Data in Spatial Databases

Database connection pooling

Understanding database connection pools

Configuring a database connection pool

JNDI connection or JDBC

Configuring JNDI at the servlet container

General database connection parameters

The primary key metadata table

The database session startup SQL

The database session close-up SQL

The geometry metadata table

Serving data from PostGIS

Publishing a PostGIS table as a layer

Serving data from Oracle

Installing the Oracle extension

Validating the installation

Publishing an Oracle table as a layer

Serving data from Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Azure

Installing the Microsoft SQL Server extension

Installing Microsoft JDBC drivers on Linux

Installing Microsoft JDBC drivers on Windows Server 2008 R2

Validating the installation

Publishing a Microsoft SQL Server table as a layer

Creating SQL View layers

GeoServer SQL Views versus database views

Creating a SQL View layer


4. Using GeoServer to Serve Complex Features

The difference between simple and complex features

Simple features – GeoServer's default

Complex features

Using GeoServer application schemas

Installing and configuring the extension

Configuring the WFS service

Application schema mapping file

Publishing data with an application schema

Source data preparation

The application schema mapping file

Data store and feature type configuration


5. Using GeoServer as a Proxy

Defining cascaded services

Using cascaded services

Extending the capabilities of another WMS server

WMS enabling a WFS-only server

Using GeoServer as a reverse proxy

Creating a cascaded WMS connection

Creating the data store

Publishing a cascaded WMS layer

Connecting to a cascaded WFS

Creating the data store

Connecting through a proxy

Extending server capabilities


6. Controlling the Output of GeoServer

Styling data with Styled Layer Descriptor

Creating SLDs visually

Taking SLD further – render transformations

Styling data using Cascaded Style Sheets

Installing the extension

The basics of CSS styles

Putting it all together

Per-request styling of map features

Per-request filtering of data

Using Freemarker templates to change WMS responses


7. Using GeoServer to Print Maps

The GeoServer print extension

Installing the print extension

Verifying the print extension installed

Configuring the print extension

The dpis section

The formats section

The scales section

The fonts section

The hosts whitelist section

The layouts section

Defining print layouts

Defining the layout metaData element

Defining layout pages

Making print requests


Getting the print server capabilities

Specifying print requests

An example OpenLayers application

Initializing the application

Generating the print SPEC to POST

Sending the print request


8. Integrating GeoServer in a Spatial Data Infrastructure

Definition of a spatial data infrastructure

The technology platform of a spatial data infrastructure

User perspective – editing data through WFS-T

Using a Desktop GIS

Connecting QGIS to GeoServer's WFS-T service

Using the QGIS Topology Checker tool

Using the WFS-T service to save results

User perspective – consuming data

Launching Google Earth from GeoServer

Using the KML reflector to load data

Using Google Earth network links


9. GeoServer as a Spatial Analysis Platform

Understanding Web Processing Services

A WPS process

WPS process chaining

Installing the WPS extension

Checking whether the extension is installed correctly

Configuring the extension

The workspace configuration section

The Service Metadata configuration section

The Execution Settings configuration section

The Process groups configuration section

Using WPS to perform spatial analysis

Executing a WPS process

Executing chained WPS processes

Selecting the crime type

Selecting the Police Force territory

Executing the WPS process chain

Understanding GeoScript

GeoScript integration with GeoServer

Installing the GeoScript extension

Checking whether the extension has been installed correctly

Scripting GeoServer

Creating a WPS process

Defining the WPS process

Creating the WPS process run method

Testing the Python WPS process

Creating a RESTful service


10. Enterprise Security and GeoServer

Authentication and authorization

User authentication methods

User authorization methods

Using Active Directory for user authentication and authorization

Configuring Active Directory for authentication

Configuring Active Directory for authorization

Using Digest for user authentication

Setting up an HTTP Digest authentication

Testing an HTTP Digest authentication

Using HTTP Header for user authentication

Setting up an HTTP Header authentication

Testing the HTTP Header authentication


11. Monitoring the Performance and Health of GeoServer

The importance of monitoring GeoServer

The GeoServer monitor extension

Installing the monitor extension

Configuring the monitor extension

The db.properties file

The filter.properties file

The hibernate.properties file

The monitor.properties file

Checking whether the monitor extension is installed correctly

Viewing the monitor extension activity and reports

Going further with the request data

Stress testing GeoServer

Generating test WMS bounding boxes

Creating an Apache JMeter™ test workbench

Choosing where to execute tests

Executing the test profile

Analyzing the results of the stress test


12. Optimizing GeoServer for Production

Deploying GeoServer in a cluster

Sharing a data directory in Windows 2008 R2

Optimizing GeoServer

Native JAI and JAI image I/O extensions

Optimizing Java Virtual Machine

Disabling unused GeoServer services

Managing request handling with the control-flow extension

Installing the control flow module

The control-flow module rules configuration

Automatic recovery from service failures

Creating a Windows Watchdog script

Scheduling the Watchdog script

Creating a Linux Watchdog script

Scheduling the Watchdog script using cron



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