


Arduino Robotics Projects电子书

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7人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Richard Grimmett

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:46.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is for anyone who has been curious about using Arduino to create robotic projects that were previously the domain of research labs of major universities or defense departments. Some programming background is useful, but if you know how to use a PC, you can, with the aid of the step-by-step instructions in this book, construct complex robotic projects that can roll, walk, swim, or fly.

Arduino Robotic Projects

Table of Contents

Arduino Robotic Projects


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1. Powering on Arduino

Selecting the right Arduino board

A brief history of Arduino

Introducing the different versions of Arduino

Arduino Uno R3

Choosing the Arduino Uno R3

Arduino Mega 2560 R3

Choosing the Arduino Mega

Spotting a counterfeit or clone

Arduino Due

Choosing the Arduino Due

Arduino Micro

Choosing the Arduino Micro

Adafruit FLORA

Choosing the Adafruit FLORA

Adafruit Gemma

Choosing the Adafruit Gemma

Adafruit Trinket

Choosing the Adafruit Trinket

Other options with Arduino

Powering up Arduino

Unveiling your Arduino

Connecting to Arduino

Installing the FLORA IDE


2. Getting Started with the Arduino IDE

Using a Windows machine to develop with Arduino

Running the IDE for Uno

Setting the IDE to your board

Selecting the proper COM port

Opening and uploading a file to Arduino

Running the IDE for Mega

Running the IDE for the Adafruit FLORA

Installing the Adafruit drivers

Selecting the Adafruit boards

Selecting the COM port

Coding an LED flash on the FLORA

Using a Mac to develop using Arduino


3. Simple Programming Concepts Using the Arduino IDE

Creating, editing, and saving files on Arduino

Basic C programming on Arduino

Basic programming constructs on Arduino

The if statement

The for statement


4. Accessing the GPIO Pins

The GPIO capability of Arduino

The first external hardware connection

The Arduino IDE and LED code


5. Working with Displays

A simple serial display

Enabling the serial display in the IDE

Connecting a display using the SPI interface

Enabling the SPI display in the IDE

An LCD shield

Enabling the LCD display in the IDE


6. Controlling DC Motors

The basics of DC motor

Connecting a DC motor directly to Arduino

Using Arduino code to control the speed of the DC motor

Connecting a DC motor using an H-bridge and Arduino

Using Arduino code to control the direction of the DC motor

Controlling the DC motor using a shield

The Arduino code for the DC motor shield


7. Controlling Servos with Arduino

The basics of a servo motor

Connecting a servo motor directly to Arduino

Controlling the servos with a program

Connecting a servo motor shield to Arduino

Controlling the servo motor shield with a program


8. Avoiding Obstacles Using Sensors

An overview of the sensors

Sonar sensors

Infrared sensors

Connecting a sonar sensor to Arduino

Accessing the sonar sensor from the Arduino IDE

Connecting an IR sensor to Arduino

Accessing the IR sensor from the Arduino IDE

Creating a scanning sensor platform


9. Even More Useful Sensors

Connecting a digital compass to Arduino

Accessing the compass from the Arduino IDE

Connecting an accelerometer/gyro to Arduino

Accessing the accelerometer from the Arduino IDE

Connecting an altimeter/pressure sensor to Arduino

Accessing the altimeter/pressure sensor from the Arduino IDE


10. Going Truly Mobile – the Remote Control of Your Robot

Connecting a simple RF interface to Arduino

Enabling a simple RF interface in the Arduino IDE

Connecting an XBee interface to Arduino

Enabling an XBee interface in the Arduino IDE

Connecting a Bluetooth shield to Arduino

Connecting a Wi-Fi shield to Arduino

Enabling the Wi-Fi shield in the Arduino IDE

Connecting a GSM/GPRS shield to Arduino


11. Using a GPS Device with Arduino

GPS tutorial

Connecting a GPS device directly to Arduino

Accessing the GPS device from the Arduino IDE

Connecting a GPS shield to Arduino

Accessing the GPS shield from the Arduino IDE


12. Taking Your Robot to Sea

Building an automated sailing platform

Building an Arduino-powered underwater ROV

Building an ROV

Controlling brushless DC motors with Arduino

Connecting a LAN shield to Arduino

Accessing a camera for your project


13. Robots That Can Fly

Building an Arduino-operated plane

Building a quadcopter platform


14. Small Projects with Arduino

Small robots and Arduino

Wearable Arduino projects



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