


Learning PowerCLI电子书

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3人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Robert van den Nieuwendijk

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:305.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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"Learning PowerCLI" is written in a friendly and practical style with a focus on getting you started and automating daily tasks quickly and efficiently. If you manage or administrate a vSphere environment, and want to make that easier and more efficient, then this book is for you! This book is ideal for you if you want to learn how to automate your VMware vSphere infrastructure, by getting the most out of PowerCLI. It’s assumed that you have some experience in administrating a VMware vSphere environment. Knowledge of Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell is not a prerequisite.

Learning PowerCLI

Table of Contents

Learning PowerCLI


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1. Introduction to PowerCLI

Downloading and installing PowerCLI

Downloading PowerCLI

Installing PowerCLI

Modifying the PowerShell execution policy

Connecting and disconnecting servers

Connecting to a server

Connecting to multiple servers

Suppressing certificate warnings

Disconnecting from a server

Retrieving the PowerCLI configuration

Using the credential store

Retrieving a list of all of your virtual machines

Suppressing displaying deprecated warnings

Using wildcard characters

Filtering objects

Using comparison operators

Using aliases

Retrieving a list of all of your hosts

Displaying the output in a grid view


2. Learning Basic PowerCLI Concepts

Using the Get-Command, Get-Help, and Get-Member cmdlets

Using Get-Command

Using Get-VICommand

Using Get-Help

Using Get-PowerCLIHelp

Using Get-PowerCLICommunity

Using Get-Member

Using providers and PSDrives

Using providers

Using PSDrives

Using the vSphere PowerCLI Inventory Provider

Using the vSphere PowerCLI Datastore Provider

Copying files between a datastore and your PC

Using arrays and hash tables

Creating calculated properties

Using raw API objects with ExtensionData or Get-View

Using the ExtensionData property

Using the Get-View cmdlet

Using Managed Object References

Using the Get-VIObjectByVIView cmdlet

Extending PowerCLI objects with the New-VIProperty cmdlet

Working with vSphere folders


3. Working with Objects in PowerShell

Using objects, properties, and methods

Using methods

Expanding variables and subexpressions in strings

Understanding what expands a string

Expanding a string when it is used

Using here-strings

Using the pipeline

Using the ByValue parameter binding

Using the ByPropertyName parameter binding

Using the PowerShell object cmdlets

Using the Select-Object cmdlet

Using the Where-Object cmdlet

Using the ForEach-Object cmdlet

Using the Sort-Object cmdlet

Using the Measure-Object cmdlet

Rounding a value

Using the Group-Object cmdlet

Using the Compare-Object cmdlet

Using the Tee-Object cmdlet

Creating your own objects

Using the New-Object cmdlet

Using a hash table to create an object

Creating objects using the Select-Object cmdlet

Adding properties to an object with Add-Member

Using type declarations

Using COM objects


4. Managing vSphere Hosts with PowerCLI

Adding a host to a VMware vCenter Server

Creating a datacenter

Creating a cluster

Adding a host

Enabling and disabling maintenance mode

Working with host profiles

Creating a host profile

Attaching the host profile to a cluster or a host

Testing the host profile for compliance

Applying a host profile to a host or cluster

Using host profile answer files

Exporting a host profile

Importing a host profile

Working with host services

Retrieving information about host services

Starting a host service

Stopping a host service

Restarting a host service

Modifying the startup policy of a host service

Configuring the host firewall

Getting the host firewall default policy

Modifying the host firewall default policy

Getting the host firewall exceptions

Modifying a host firewall exception

Configuring vSphere Image Builder and Auto Deploy

Configuring Image Builder

Configuring Auto Deploy

Using esxcli from PowerCLI

Listing all of the available esxcli commands

Using the vSphere CLI commands from PowerCLI

Removing a host from the VMware vCenter Server


5. Managing Virtual Machines with PowerCLI

Creating a virtual machine

Creating a virtual machine from scratch

Creating a virtual machine from a template

Cloning a virtual machine

Registering a virtual machine

Using OS customization specifications

Starting and stopping a virtual machine

Starting a virtual machine

Suspending a virtual machine

Shutting down a virtual machine's guest operating system

Stopping a virtual machine

Modifying the settings of a virtual machine

Using the VMware vSphere API

Adding devices to a virtual machine

Adding a hard disk

Adding a SCSI controller

Adding a network adapter

Adding a floppy drive

Adding a CD drive

Modifying devices added to a virtual machine

Modifying a hard disk

Moving a hard disk to another datastore

Modifying a SCSI controller

Modifying a network adapter

Modifying a floppy drive

Modifying a CD drive

Removing devices from a virtual machine

Removing a hard disk

Removing a network adapter

Removing a floppy drive

Removing a CD drive

Converting a virtual machine into a template

Converting a template into a virtual machine

Modifying the name of a template

Removing a template

Moving a virtual machine to another folder, host, cluster, resource pool, or datastore

Updating the VMware Tools

Using the Update-Tools cmdlet

Enabling the "Check and upgrade VMware Tools before each power on" checkbox

Upgrading virtual machine compatibility

Using snapshots

Creating snapshots

Retrieving snapshots

Reverting to a snapshot

Modifying snapshots

Removing snapshots

Running commands on the guest OS

Configuring Fault Tolerance

Turning Fault Tolerance on

Turning Fault Tolerance off

Opening the console of a virtual machine

Removing a virtual machine


6. Managing Virtual Networks with PowerCLI

Using vSphere Standard Switches

Creating vSphere Standard Switches

Configuring vSphere Standard Switches

Adding network adapters to a switch

Removing vSphere Standard Switches

Using host network adapters

Creating host network adapters

Retrieving host network adapters

Configuring host network adapters

Configuring network speed and the duplex setting

Configuring the management network

Configuring vMotion

Removing host network adapters

Configuring NIC Teaming

Using standard port groups

Creating standard port groups

Configuring standard port groups

Removing standard port groups

Using vSphere Distributed Switches

Creating vSphere Distributed Switches

Creating a new vSphere Distributed Switch from scratch

Cloning a vSphere Distributed Switch

Creating a vSphere Distributed Switch from an export

Retrieving vSphere Distributed Switches

Configuring vSphere Distributed Switches

Rolling back the configuration of a vSphere Distributed Switch

Importing the configuration of a vSphere Distributed Switch from a backup

Upgrading a vSphere Distributed Switch

Adding hosts to vSphere Distributed Switches

Adding host physical network adapters to a vSphere Distributed Switch

Removing host physical network adapters from a vSphere Distributed Switch

Removing hosts from a vSphere Distributed Switch

Exporting the configuration of vSphere Distributed Switches

Removing vSphere Distributed Switches

Using distributed virtual port groups

Creating distributed virtual port groups

Creating distributed virtual port groups from a reference group

Creating distributed virtual port groups from an export

Configuring distributed virtual port groups

Renaming a distributed virtual port group

Rolling back the configuration of a distributed virtual port group

Restoring the configuration of a distributed virtual port group

Configuring Network I/O Control

Enabling Network I/O Control

Disabling Network I/O Control

Exporting the configuration of distributed virtual port groups

Migrating a host network adapter from a standard port group to a distributed port group

Removing distributed virtual port groups

Configuring host networking

Configuring the network of a virtual machine


7. Managing Storage with PowerCLI

Rescanning for new storage devices

Creating datastores

Creating NFS datastores

Getting SCSI LUNs

Creating VMFS datastores

Creating software iSCSI VMFS datastores

Retrieving datastores

Setting the multipathing policy

Configuring the vmhba paths to a SCSI device

Retrieving the vmhba paths to a SCSI device

Modifying the vmhba paths to a SCSI device

Working with Raw Device Mappings

Configuring Storage I/O Control

Retrieving Storage I/O Control settings

Configuring Storage DRS

Creating a Datastore Cluster

Retrieving Datastore Clusters

Modifying Datastore Clusters

Adding datastores to a Datastore Cluster

Retrieving the datastores in a Datastore Cluster

Removing datastores from a Datastore Cluster

Removing Datastore Clusters

Upgrading datastores to VMFS-5

Removing datastores


8. Managing High Availability and Clustering with PowerCLI

Creating vSphere HA and DRS clusters

Retrieving clusters

Retrieving the HA master or primary hosts

Retrieving cluster configuration issues

Modifying cluster settings

Disabling HA

Disabling or enabling host monitoring

Associating a host profile with a cluster

Enabling VM and application monitoring

Configuring the heartbeat datastore selection policy

Moving hosts to clusters

Moving clusters

Using DRS rules

Creating VM-VM DRS rules

Creating VM-Host DRS rules

Creating virtual machines DRS groups

Creating hosts DRS groups

Retrieving DRS groups

Modifying DRS groups

Adding virtual machines to a DRS group

Removing virtual machines from a DRS group

Removing DRS groups

Creating virtual machines to hosts DRS rules

Retrieving DRS rules

Modifying DRS rules

Removing DRS rules

Using DRS recommendations

Using resource pools

Creating resource pools

Retrieving resource pools

Modifying resource pools

Moving resource pools

Configuring resource allocation between virtual machines

Removing resource pools

Using Distributed Power Management (DPM)

Enabling DPM

Configuring hosts for DPM

Testing hosts for DPM

Putting hosts in standby mode

Starting hosts

Retrieving the DPM configuration of a cluster

Disabling DPM

Removing clusters


9. Managing vCenter with PowerCLI

Working with roles and permissions

Retrieving privileges

Using roles

Creating roles

Retrieving roles

Modifying roles

Removing roles

Using permissions

Creating permissions

Retrieving permissions

Modifying permissions

Removing permissions

Managing licenses

Adding license keys to the license inventory

Retrieving license keys from the license inventory

Removing license keys from the license inventory

Assigning licenses to hosts

Retrieving assigned licenses

Removing assigned license keys from hosts

Using the LicenseDataManager

Associating license keys with host containers

Applying the associated license key to all the hosts in the container

Retrieving license key associations

Retrieving all of the license key associations to the host containers in your environment

Retrieving the license keys associated with a specific host container

Retrieving the effective license key of a host container

Modifying license key associations

Removing license key associations

Configuring alarms

Retrieving alarm definitions

Modifying alarm definitions

Creating alarm actions

Configuring the vCenter Server mail server and sender settings

Retrieving alarm actions

Removing alarm actions

Creating alarm action triggers

Retrieving alarm action triggers

Removing alarm action triggers

Retrieving events


10. Reporting with PowerCLI

Retrieving log files

Creating log bundles

Performance reporting

Retrieving the statistical intervals

Retrieving performance statistics

Retrieving metric IDs

Exporting reports to CSV files

Generating HTML reports

Sending reports by e-mail

Reporting the health of your vSphere environment with vCheck

Using PowerGUI



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