


Design Principles for Process-driven Architectures Using Oracle BPM and SOA Suit电子书

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作       者:Matjaz B. Juric

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:346.5万

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This book is intended for BPM and SOA architects, analysts, developers, and project managers who are responsible for, or involved in, business process development, modelling, monitoring, or the implementation of composite, process-oriented applications. The principles are relevant for the design of on-premise and cloud solutions.

Design Principles for Process-driven Architectures Using Oracle BPM and SOA Suite 12c

Table of Contents

Design Principles for Process-driven Architectures Using Oracle BPM and SOA Suite 12c


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1. Business Process Management, Service-oriented Architecture, and Enterprise Architecture

The importance of business processes

Modeling and optimizing business processes

Classifying business processes

The digital economy and knowledge-driven processes

Business architecture

Enterprise architecture

Business process management

Business process life cycle

Business process modeling

Modeling method and notation

Adaptive case management

AS-IS process model diagram

Exception handling

Modeling principles

Common problems in process modeling

Publishing and communicating process models

Process execution, monitoring, and analytics

Business activity monitoring

Key performance indicators

Process optimization

The TO-BE process model

Typical problems in process optimization

Oracle BPM Suite

How SOA and BPM fit together



Better aligning business with IT

New frontiers for SOA

Oracle SOA Suite


2. Modeling Business Processes for SOA – Methodology

The postmature birth of enterprise BPM

Oracle BPM Suite 12c – new business architecture features

Football games – same basic rules, different methodology

Which BPM game do we play?

Game Silo BPM – departmental workflows

Oracle BPM Suite 11g is made for playing Game Silo BPM

Oracle BPM Suite models processes in BPMN

Game Enterprise BPM

Still wide open – the business/IT divide

Oracle BPM Suite 12c tackles Game Enterprise BPM

Using business architect features

Properties of BA models

Depicting organizational units

Value chains

Strategy models

Key performance indicators

KPIs in the value chain step level

Why we need a new methodology for Game Enterprise BPM

Political change through Game Enterprise BPM

Pair modeling the value chains and business processes

Using guidelines and conventions to establish broad understanding

BPM Methodology for Oracle BPM Suite


3. BPMN for Business Process Modeling

Business process classification and BPMN

Strategic or operational

Process type

Process scope

Business process diagrams

Deeper analysis of BPMN elements






Sequence and message flows

Pools and lanes

General guidelines for business process modeling

Rule 1 – process models should provide aid in process understanding

Rule 2 – match each split with a join

Rule 3 – have well-defined start and end events

Rule 4 – look out for orphan tasks

Process modeling patterns and BPMN

Basic control patterns

Simple sequence

Parallel split sequence or forking

Type 1 – uncontrolled flow

Type 2 – controlled flow

Type 3 – parallel box

Synchronization or joining flow

Type 1 – use of the parallel (AND) gateway

Type 2 – subprocess completion

Branching and synchronization patterns


Structured synchronizing merge


Iteration-based patterns

Arbitrary cycles

Structured loop


Implicit termination

Explicit termination

Multiple-instance pattern

Multiple instances without synchronization

Multiple instances with a priori design-time knowledge

Multiple instances with a priori runtime knowledge

State-based patterns

Deferred choice

Modeling an abstract BPMN process

Top-down modeling: where the value chain meets BPMN

Moving from process level 3 to level 4

Differentiating automated process/workflows and page flows


4. Process-driven Service Design

Service design guidelines

Benefits of service design for BPM

Key service design principles

Service granularity

Service categories

Presentation services

Business process services

Enterprise business services

Application services

Utility services

Service design – an enterprise concern

Data in the context of SOA

Service virtualization

Service design methodology

Top-down portfolio-driven service design

Bottom-up application-driven service design

Use case-driven service design

Process-driven service design

Applying service design to RYLC

Rationalizing the RYLC process into abstract services

Building the RYLC service catalog

Service architecture for the Rent A Car process


5. Composite Applications

SOA + applications = composite applications

SOA is backed up by user requirements

Always link new architecture styles back to highly prioritized business requirements

What are composite applications?

Moving from the programmatic paradigm to the declarative paradigm

The Oracle SOA Suite journey

Beyond 12c – the trend of the zero code

How to get on board?

SCA as the next generation of containers

How does SCA composite behave from the outside?

The many colors of SCA's internals

Impacts of SCA on the architecture and design guidelines

Templates in SOA Suite 12c for consistent designs

The deployment model for SCA

The building blocks of a composite architecture

An end-to-end walkthrough – from processes to use cases

Designing read services – a shift from WSDL to REST

Designing writing services – WSDL and SOAP still reign

From composite applications to domain services

Linking domain processes to local workflows

Components of the process layer

Automated processes are the new kid in town

Interacting with users through task management

Notifying through business activity monitoring

When to use a business rule for decision making in the process

Components of the multichannel application layer

Components of the functionality virtualization layer

Components of the data access virtualization layer

Using the business rule engine as an alternative to classical integration tools

Other types of integration logic that motivate a business rule engine


6. Process Execution with BPMN and BPEL

Implementation roadmap

From process requirements to design

Evaluating the associated components

Defining the implementation steps

Deciding where to use BPMN and where BPEL

Using BPEL to implement fleet management

Solution concepts

Service facade and contract-first composite design

Delegation pattern

Implementing the OperationDelegator

Implementing service operations

Using BPMN to implement the rental process

Finding the right level of variance paths

Bridging the gap between the business and IT

Concretizing the process

Deciding on the coupling levels per activity

Defining the activity type per activity

Designing the referenced services

Deciding on message exchange patterns

Adding exception handling

Defining the correlation of events to processes

Decoupling business data from process instance data

Best practices

Degrees of coupling between technical components

Organizing the MDS structure

Distinguishing between public and private interfaces

Archiving and monitoring with BPEL sensors

Keeping processes clean using assertions

Naming criteria for composite partitions


7. Human Interaction with Business Processes

User experience guidelines

User personas and user journeys within a business process

Designing the user interface – wireframes, task-driven, process insight

Task identification and patterns

Invoking human tasks from BPMN and BPEL

Human Workflow architecture

Example: Adding human interaction to a business process

Building task-driven user interfaces – workspace, web forms, ADF, .Net


Web forms


Best practice considerations – performance, extensibility, upgrade protection

General process design

Explicit versus implicit modeling

Custom inbox applications


8. Business Rules

Why business rules within BPM are important?

About rules

Rules and BPM

How to design rules and how to organize them

Discovering rules

Designing and organizing rules

Using rules

Design-time architecture

Runtime architecture

Best practices

Defining the interface

Service design

Rule management

Example – adding rules to BPMN and BPEL


9. Adaptive Case Management

The people do matter – not the machines

The rise of the knowledge worker

Why do we deliver bad IT support to our knowledge workers?

How to involve a user in the processes?

Defining a "case"

Case management is a natural evolution of BPM

The characteristics of ACM

System interactions

Is the exception becoming the norm?

Data centricity versus process centricity

Multiple stakeholders

Task management

Building blocks

The ACM user interface

The "A" in ACM

ACM and business analytics

Emerging paths and process mining

Adding business analytics to the game

The basic concepts of adaptive case management in Oracle BPM Suite

Build a case in Oracle BPM Suite

Modeling a case

Building your own case UI on top of the Case API

Sample – ACM at RYLC

Best practices

Using custom activities for fast prototyping

Using data in cases

Cases and subcases

Bringing order into different rulesets

Working around the missing stages concept

Using ACM in BPMN or better BPMN in ACM?

Engaging a UX designer in your ACM project

Granularity of activities


10. Mobile and Multichannel

Development of mobile solutions

The challenges of mobile development

The renaissance of JavaScript

HTML5 – cross-platform technology

Updates of your apps

Single-page web apps

Hybrid apps

The shift in web development

UX design

Mobile solutions and SOA

Mobile solutions and BPM

Use cases

Oracle Mobile Tooling

Oracle Mobile Application Framework

Oracle Mobile Suite

Oracle Mobile Security Suite

Oracle API Gateway

Mobile use case for RYLC with MAF


11. Event Processing and BPM

What is fast data?

What is event processing?

Event-driven thinking

The four Ds of event processing

The key elements of event processing

Event-driven architecture

Event processing network

Types of event processing

Simple Event Processing

Event Stream Processing

Complex Event Processing

Event processing versus Business Rule Management Systems

Conceptual architecture for event processing

Event producers

Inbound adapters and outbound adapters

Event channels

Event processors

Event consumers

Event bus

Event monitoring and management

Event governance and security

Self-contained versus claim check event messages

How does event processing fit into a modern architecture?

Oracle Fusion Middleware products supporting event processing

Oracle Event Processing

Oracle Event Processing for Java Embedded

Oracle Stream Explorer

Oracle Business Rule

Oracle Real-time Decisions

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Oracle Coherence

Oracle RDMS and Oracle NoSQL

Oracle Event Delivery Network

Oracle WebLogic JMS

Event processing architectural patterns

Architectural pattern 1 – standalone event processing

Architectural pattern 2 – event processing in front of BPM and/or SOA

Architectural pattern 3a – decoupling processes/services through business events

Architectural pattern 3b – decoupling processes/services through business events with event processing

Architectural pattern 4 – analyzing BPM process behavior with event processing


12. Business Activity Monitoring

What is BAM?

Operational analytics

Business analytics

Operational intelligence

Strategic analytics

BAM versus BI

Oracle BAM 12c architecture

BAM Process Analytics

The BAM methodology

Monitoring RYLC with BAM

BAM data object design

RYLC BAM data design

BAM integration with BPEL and BPM

BAM dashboard design

The RYLC BAM dashboard

BAM best practices



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