


Learning Object-Oriented Programming电子书

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作       者:Gastón C. Hillar

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:148.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you're a Python, JavaScript, or C# developer and want to learn the basics of object-oriented programming with real-world examples, then this book is for you.

Learning Object-Oriented Programming

Table of Contents

Learning Object-Oriented Programming


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1. Objects Everywhere

Recognizing objects from nouns

Generating blueprints for objects

Recognizing attributes/fields

Recognizing actions from verbs – methods

Organizing the blueprints – classes

Object-oriented approaches in Python, JavaScript, and C#


2. Classes and Instances

Understanding classes and instances

Understanding constructors and destructors

Declaring classes in Python

Customizing constructors in Python

Customizing destructors in Python

Creating instances of classes in Python

Declaring classes in C#

Customizing constructors in C#

Customizing destructors in C#

Creating instances of classes in C#

Understanding that functions are objects in JavaScript

Working with constructor functions in JavaScript

Creating instances in JavaScript


3. Encapsulation of Data

Understanding the different members of a class

Protecting and hiding data

Working with properties

Understanding the difference between mutability and immutability

Encapsulating data in Python

Adding attributes to a class

Hiding data in Python using prefixes

Using property getters and setters in Python

Using methods to add behaviors to classes in Python

Encapsulating data in C#

Adding fields to a class

Using access modifiers

Using property getters and setters in C#

Working with auto-implemented properties

Using methods to add behaviors to classes in C#

Encapsulating data in JavaScript

Adding properties to a constructor function

Hiding data in JavaScript with local variables

Using property getters and setters in JavaScript

Using methods to add behaviors to constructor functions


4. Inheritance and Specialization

Using classes to abstract behavior

Understanding inheritance

Understanding method overloading and overriding

Understanding operator overloading

Taking advantage of polymorphism

Working with simple inheritance in Python

Creating classes that specialize behavior in Python

Using simple inheritance in Python

Overriding methods in Python

Overloading operators in Python

Understanding polymorphism in Python

Working with simple inheritance in C#

Creating classes that specialize behavior in C#

Using simple inheritance in C#

Overloading and overriding methods in C#

Overloading operators in C#

Understanding polymorphism in C#

Working with the prototype-based inheritance in JavaScript

Creating objects that specialize behavior in JavaScript

Using the prototype-based inheritance in JavaScript

Overriding methods in JavaScript

Overloading operators in JavaScript

Understanding polymorphism in JavaScript


5. Interfaces, Multiple Inheritance, and Composition

Understanding the requirement to work with multiple base classes

Working with multiple inheritance in Python

Declaring base classes for multiple inheritance

Declaring classes that override methods

Declaring a class with multiple base classes

Working with instances of classes that use multiple inheritance

Working with abstract base classes

Interfaces and multiple inheritance in C#

Declaring interfaces

Declaring classes that implement interfaces

Working with multiple inheritance

Working with methods that receive interfaces as arguments

Working with composition in JavaScript

Declaring base constructor functions for composition

Declaring constructor functions that use composition

Working with an object composed of many objects

Working with instances composed of many objects


6. Duck Typing and Generics

Understanding parametric polymorphism and duck typing

Working with duck typing in Python

Declaring a base class that defines the generic behavior

Declaring subclasses for duck typing

Declaring a class that works with duck typing

Using a generic class for multiple types

Working with duck typing in mind

Working with generics in C#

Declaring an interface to be used as a constraint

Declaring an abstract base class that implements two interfaces

Declaring subclasses of an abstract base class

Declaring a class that works with a constrained generic type

Using a generic class for multiple types

Declaring a class that works with two constrained generic types

Using a generic class with two generic type parameters

Working with duck typing in JavaScript

Declaring a constructor function that defines the generic behavior

Working with the prototype chain and duck typing

Declaring methods that work with duck typing

Using generic methods for multiple objects

Working with duck typing in mind


7. Organization of Object-Oriented Code

Thinking about the best ways to organize code

Organizing object-oriented code in Python

Working with source files organized in folders

Importing modules

Working with module hierarchies

Organizing object-oriented code in C#

Working with folders

Using namespaces

Working with namespace hierarchies in C#

Organizing object-oriented code in JavaScript

Working with objects to organize code

Declaring constructor functions within objects

Working with nested objects that organize code


8. Taking Full Advantage of Object-Oriented Programming

Putting together all the pieces of the object-oriented puzzle

Refactoring existing code in Python

Refactoring existing code in C#

Refactoring existing code in JavaScript



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