


Sexual Intelligence电子书

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作       者:Klein, Marty

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:31.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Enjoyable sex: it not about technique or a perfect body or being hopelessly, passionately in love. It about Sexual Intelligence. In his three decades of working with couples and individuals as a sex therapist and marriage counselor, Dr. Marty Klein has continually seen that although most people say what they want from sex is pleasure and closeness, that not what they focus on during sex. Instead, we’re preoccupied with how we look, what our partner is thinking, how we’re performing, and whether we’re “normal.” We do more thinking, worrying, and judging than experiencing . Sex like that can’t thrill us, can’t create intimacy, and can’t, well, feel sexy. In Sexual Intelligenc e, Klein shows how to stop observing ourselves during sex, ending our obsession with sexual performance and sexual normality. “I don’t help people ‘function’ better during sex,” he says. “I teach people how to relax and enjoy sex with the body they have, the partner they have, in the situation they have.” Now that something we all want: fulfilling, exciting sex at every stage of our lives. In Sexual Intelligence , Klein challenges our understanding of sex, love, intimacy, romance, and satisfaction. After all, sex isn’t just an activity. Change the way you think about sex, and you can change your sex life forever.



No Wonder Most People Don’t

Part One: Telling the Truth About Sex

1. What Do People Say They Want from Sex?

What Do They Really Want?

2. Am I Normal?

Why Focusing on “Normal Sex” Undermines Sex

3. What Is Sexual Intelligence? Why Does It Matter?

Part Two: Components of Sexual Intelligence

4. Your Brain

Information and Knowledge

5. Your Heart

Emotional Skills

6. Your Body

Awareness and Comfort

Part Three: Implications and Applications

7. Letting Go

Obstacles to Developing Sexual Intelligence

8. New Focus, New Approach

Developing Your Sexual Intelligence

9. Embracing the Inevitable

Health and Aging Challenges

10. Creating Sex That Can’t Fail (or Succeed)

Using Your Sexual Intelligence

Appendix 1

For Couples Therapists, Psychologists, and Physicians

Appendix 2

Hand Massage: An Exercise


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