


iOS 9 Game Development Essentials电子书

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4人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Chuck Gaffney

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:147.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 其他



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Design, build, and publish an iOS game from scratch using the stunning features of iOS 9 About This Book Create storyboards in Xcode from concept to code and designChalk out your game’s overall navigation and structureWork with 2D and 3D game development toolsWho This Book Is ForThis book is intended for game developers who wish to develop 2D and 3D games for iPhone and iPad. If you are a developer from another platform, or game engine such as Android or Unity, a current iOS developer wishing to learn more about Swift and the latest features of iOS 9, or even if you are new to game development, then this book is for you. Some prior programming knowledge is recommended, but not required.What You Will LearnFamiliarise yourself with both basic and advanced Swift game development codeUnderstand the structure and flow of a typical iOS appWork with the SpriteKit framework to make 2D games, sprites, and overlaysDiscover 3D game development with SceneKitVisually design levels and game assets with XCode 7’s latest featuresExplore the concept of component-based structuring with iOS 9’s GameplaykitBeta test and publish your game with iTunes ConnectIn DetailGame development has always been a combination of programming and art, and mobile game development is no exception to this rule. The iOS platform has been both a staple in the ever-growing mobile game market, as well as a launching point for many game developers (hobby and career-wise). The features and frameworks available in iOS 9 continue to cater to the synergy of design and computer engineering, using tools that allow developers to take a game idea from concept to application in record time.Whether you are new to iOS and game development as a whole, or are an experienced programmer wanting to learn the latest features of the platform, iOS 9 Game Development Essentials will provide you with crucial insight into this widely used platform.Starting with the Swift programming language, this book gets the ball rolling with code concepts and game-centric code samples right from the get-go, giving you get a solid understanding of Apple’s cutting-edge programming language. The book takes you through iOS game development concepts and introduces the various frameworks that allow you to develop robust, reusable, and intelligent game components in both 2D and 3D game environments.Style and approachThis book is a step-by-step guide into the code and concepts of iOS apps. Each chapter contains diagrams that showcase the features of the platform, along with code samples from Apple and code samples exclusive to this book.

iOS 9 Game Development Essentials

Table of Contents

iOS 9 Game Development Essentials


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1. The Swift Programming Language

Hello World!

No more semicolons

Variables, constants, and primitive data types



More about constants…

Arrays, matrices, sets, and dictionaries


2D arrays / matrices



Mutable/immutable collections

Editing/accessing collection data

Iterating through collection types

Objective-C and Swift comparison



Characters and strings

String Interpolation

Mutating strings

String indices

Commenting in Swift


Ints, UInts, floats, and doubles

Integers and unsigned integers

Floats and doubles

Objects in Swift

Type safety and type inference


Unwrapping optionals

Optional binding and chaining

Control flow in Swift

If statements

For loops

Do-while loops

Switch statements

Functions and classes





2. Structuring and Planning a Game Using iOS 9 Storyboards and Segues


An iOS app's lifecycle

The main() function

The UIApplication class/object

The AppDelegate class

View controllers

View controller types

Storyboards and segues


Storyboards versus coding


3. SpriteKit and 2D Game Design

A brief history of iOS game development engines

The game loop

Tile game – SwiftSweeper

What is SwiftSweeper?

Creating our SpriteKit game

An overview of the SpriteKit structure and objects

Scene transitions and the choice of code, storyboards, and/or SKS files

An SKTransition example

A SKScene/storyboard example

SKScene transitions with SKS files

Assets, sprites, and icons

Sprite atlases and animating sprites

Creating our game logic


Putting it all together in GameScene.swift



4. SceneKit and 3D Game Design

SceneKit basics and working with nodes

SpriteKit / SceneKit interactivity

The issue with inheritance-based structuring and game design

Our first SceneKit scene – the Xcode template

SceneKit project flow and structure

SceneKit Debugging Options

Handling user input in SceneKit

SceneKit features introduced in iOS 9 / Xcode 7

Audio nodes and 3D sound

Ambience and music

SpriteKit scene transitions in SceneKit

Fox demo

Particle systems

Placing particles into our pioscene



Introducing SceneKit and SpriteKit physics

Visually composed game scenescgs


5. GameplayKit

Entities and components

Using GKEntity and GKComponent objects in our games

State machines

Agents, goals, and behaviors



Random sources

Rule systems


6. Exhibit the Metal in Your Game

The Apple Metal API and the graphics pipeline

CPU/GPU framework levels

Graphics pipeline overview

What are shaders?

Types of shaders

Why is Metal faster than OpenGL ES?

The basic Metal object/code structure


7. Publishing Our iOS Game

The ever changing process of app submission

Before submitting your app

Preparing our apps for iTunes Connect

Submitting your app in the testing/beta phase

Creating an iTunes Connect app record

Updating the build string

Archive and validate your app

Upload your app to iTunes Connect

Beta test your game with the TestFlight service

External tester invites

Analyzing crash reports and feedback from testers

Submitting your game for review

Updating your game


8. The Future of iOS Game Development

A greater focus on functional programming

The Apple Watch

Component-based structuring

The rise of VR



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