


Richard Owen电子书

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作       者:Rupke, Nicolaas A.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:487.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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In the mid-1850s, no scientist in the British Empire was more visible than Richard Owen. Mentioned in the same breath as Isaac Newton and championed as Britain's answer to France's Georges Cuvier and Germany's Alexander von Humboldt, Owen was, as the Times declared in 1856, the most "e;distinguished man of science in the country."e; But, a century and a half later, Owen remains largely obscured by the shadow of the most famous Victorian naturalist of all, Charles Darwin. Publicly marginalized by his contemporaries for his critique of natural selection, Owen suffered personal attacks that undermined his credibility long after his name faded from history.With this innovative biography, Nicolaas A. Rupke resuscitates Owen's reputation. Arguing that Owen should no longer be judged by the evolution dispute that figured inonly a minor part of his work, Rupke stresses context, emphasizing the importance of places and practices in the production and reception of scientific knowledge. Dovetailing with the recent resurgence of interest in Owen's life and work, Rupke's book brings the forgotten naturalist back into the canon of the history of science and demonstrates how much biology existed with, and without, Darwin

Cover Page

Title Page

Copyright Page

Dedication Page


List of Illustrations




A Note on Citation

1. Introduction: Personality Matters

Blackened Bronze

Portraits and Caricatures

The Rehabilitation of Owen

2. Museum Politics

The Museum Movement

Attempted Hijack of the Hunterian Museum

Move to the British Museum

By Word of Mouth

The Road to Albertopolis

Reform of Museum Management

Conflict with the Darwinians

Doing the Work of Empire

Australian Possessions

3. Gothic Designs

Oxbridge Patronage

London Clubs

Functionalist Dictates

The British Cuvier

Monster Models

Museum Icons

Parting Company with Lyell

4. The Vertebrate Blueprint

A Metropolitan Scientific Culture

The Great Executor

The Lure of Naturphilosophie

An Edinburgh Diaspora

In the Shadow of the Archetype

Not a Platonic Idea

From Archetype to Ancestor

5. Eclipsed by Darwin

Toward a Natural Origin of Species

Modes of Evolution

Evolution in Disguise

The BAAS Address of 1858

Clash with Darwin

Post-Origin Clarity

The Derivative Hypothesis of 1868

A Copernican Analogy

6. Cerebral Constructs

Contrasting the Frames of Apes and Humans

Delineating the Cerebral Divide

The Hippocampus Controversy Begins: Oxford, 1860

The Hippocampus Controversy Broadens: Manchester, 1861

The Hippocampus Controversy Culminates: Cambridge, 1862

Outflanked by Huxley

7. Frames of Mind

In Owen's Defense

Glowing Rivalries

Public Perception of the Owen-Huxley Joust

Men, Monkeys, and Mind

Owen on the Mind-Body Problem

The Du Chaillu Affair

Owen's “Ministry of Truth”

Appendix: Anatomy of Owen's Scientific Oeuvre




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