


Cancer Companion电子书

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作       者:Srivastava, Ranjana

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:50.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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Cancer. It's the diagnosis no one wants to hear. Unfortunately though, these days most of us have known or will know someone who receives it. But what's nextWith the diagnosis comes not only fear and uncertainty, but numerous questions, and a lot of unsolicited advice. With A Cancer Companion, esteemed oncologist Ranjana Srivastava is here to help, bringing both experience and honesty to guide cancer patients and their families through this labyrinth of questions and treatments.With candor and compassion, Srivastava provides an approachable and authoritative reference. She begins with the big questions, like what cancer actually is, and she moves on to offer very practical advice on how to find an oncologist, what to expect during and after treatments, and how to manage pain, diet, and exercise. She discusses in detail the different therapies for cancers and why some cancers are inoperable, and she skillfully addresses the emotional toll of the disease. She speaks clearly and directly to cancer patients, caretakers, and their loved ones, offering straightforward information and insight, something that many oncologists can't always convey in the office.Equipping readers with the knowledge to make informed decisions at every step of the way, A Cancer Companion is an indispensable guide by a physician who cares to educate patients as much as she does to treat them.



Title Page





1. What Is Cancer?

2. Where Do I Even Begin?

3. How Is Cancer Treated?

4. Finding an Oncologist

5. What to Expect When Having Chemotherapy

6. Deciding Whether to Have Treatment and Understanding Side Effects

7. How Do I Know if My Chemo Is Working?

8. I Could Do with a Break from Chemotherapy

9. When to Stop Treatment

10. I’m Off Chemotherapy—What Now?

11. Do I Need Radiotherapy?

12. Why Can’t I Have an Operation to Remove the Cancer?

13. Is a Clinical Trial for Me?

14. What Happens Once I Finish Treatment?

15. I’m Getting Worse—What Is the Best Course?

16. Managing Pain

17. How Cancer Affects Appetite, Diet and Weight

18. Why Natural Therapies Aren’t the Answer

19. How Much Exercise Should I Be Doing?

20. I’m Always Tired

21. Lost Sexuality

22. Tackling Anxiety and Depression

23. Does My Oncologist Have Feelings?

24. Is My Family at Risk and What Can I Do?

25. Handling Unexpected Outcomes

26. How Long Do I Have?

27. What Is Palliative Care?

28. How Do I Tell the Kids?

29. Keeping Hope Alive

30. Advance Care Planning

31. Will My Death Be Painful?

32. The Impact of Being a Carer




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