


Mastering JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7电子书

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作       者:Francesco Marchioni,Luigi Fugaro,

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:255.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create modular scalable enterprise-grade applications with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 About This Book Leverage the power of JBoss EAP 7 along with Java EE 7 to create professional enterprise grade applications. Get you applications cloud ready and make them highly scalable using this advanced guide. Become a pro Java Developer and move ahead of the crowd with this advanced practical guide. Who This Book Is For The ideal target audience for this book is Java System Administrators who already have some experience with JBoss EAP and who now want explore in depth creating Enterprise grade apps with the latest JBoss EAP version. What You Will Learn Configure services using the Command Line Interface Deliver fault tolerant server configurations Harden the application server with advanced techniques Expand the application server's horizon with tools such as like Docker/OpenShift Create enterprise ready configurations using clustering techniques. Deliver advanced security solutions and learn how to troubleshoot common network/performance issues In Detail The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) has been one of the most popular tools for Java developers to create modular, cloud-ready, and modern applications. It has achieved a reputation for architectural excellence and technical savvy, making it a solid and efficient environment for delivering your applications. The book will first introduce application server configuration and the management instruments that can be used to control the application server. Next, the focus will shift to enterprise solutions such as clustering, load balancing, and data caching; this will be the core of the book. We will also discuss services provided by the application server, such as database connectivity and logging. We focus on real-world example configurations and how to avoid common mistakes. Finally, we will implement the knowledge gained so far in terms of Docker containers and cloud availability using RedHat's OpenShift. Style and approach If you are a Java developer who wants to level-up to modern day Java web development with the latest Java EE 7 and JBoss EAP 7, this book is the ideal solution for you. It addresses (in a clear and simple way) proof-of-concept scenarios such as clustering and cloud and container configurations, and explains how to solve common issues.

Mastering JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7

Mastering JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7


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1. Installation and Configuration

What's new in EAP 7?

Installing EAP 7

Installing from the ZIP file

Installing EAP from RPM

Installing from the JAR installer

Installing from the source

Other installation options

Starting the application server

Stopping the application server

Basic server administration

EAP 7 basic configuration

Standalone configuration

Domain configuration

Application server core building blocks




Socket bindings and socket binding groups

System properties

Profiles and subsystems


2. The CLI Management Tool

Connecting to the CLI

Using the CLI

Basic operations

Managing server state

Deploying and undeploying an application using CLI

Creating a configuration snapshot

Features of the CLI

Batch mode

Commands in batch mode

Scripting in the CLI

Using the CLI in offline mode

Using the CLI in graphical mode


3. Managing EAP in Domain Mode

Domain mode breakdown

Domain physical components

Domain logical components

Handy domain properties

Electing the domain controller

Creating an advanced domain

Building up your domain

Configuring host controllers

Connecting other host controllers

Tweaking the domain settings

Domain controller failover

Basic solution – building a watchdog procedure

Using domain start up options to allow host controller restart

Using domain discovery to elect a new domain controller

Using a centralized store for your server configurations

Additional EAP 7 features

Connecting EAP 6 host controllers to an EAP 7 domain controller

Hierarchical profiles

Profile cloning


4. Deploying Applications

Overview of deployments

Deployment in standalone mode

Automatic deployment

Deployment triggered by the user

Deploying using the CLI

Deploying using the web console

Deployment in domain mode

Deployment using the CLI

Deployment using the web console

Advanced deployment strategies

Deployment overlays


5. Load Balancing

The need for balancing

Load balancing with mod_cluster

Configuring EAP 7 as load balancer

Configuring the frontend server

Advantages of an all-in-one solution

Configuring mod_cluster with Apache

Installing mod_cluster on the Apache web server

Testing mod_cluster

Troubleshooting mod_cluster

Security checks

Network checking

Network checks for non-Linux machines

Configuring mod_cluster to use TCP transport

Determining the optimal load configuration between Apache and JBoss

Configuring balancing groups

Why use balancing groups?

Configuring mod_cluster balancing factors

Adding custom mod_cluster metrics

Using other balancing solutions

Configuring mod_jk

Configuring mod_proxy

Configuring Nginx load balancer


6. Clustering EAP 7

Clustering overview and misconceptions

Clustering in standalone mode

Testing in standalone mode

Clustering from a network point of view

Clustering in domain mode

Server-group configuration

Testing in domain mode

Advanced topics

Clustering using TCP

EJBs in a clustered environment

Testing clustered EJB


7. Logging

The basics of logging

Default log file locations

Configuring handlers

Console handler

Periodic log handlers

Size handlers

Combining size and periodic log files

Adding asynchronous behavior

Custom handlers

JBoss SyslogHandler

Filtering logs

Configuring loggers

Defining new loggers

Managing your application logging

Per-deployment logging

Logging profiles

Reading logs with management interfaces

Reading logs from the CLI

Streaming logging through HTTP

Building a centralized logging system


8. Configuring Database Connectivity

Introduction to datasources

Datasource overview


Adding a JDBC 4 driver module

Configuring a JDBC 4-compliant driver

Defining a new datasource

Connection pool for a datasource

Flushing a pool's connections

Validating pool's connection

Defining an XA-datasource

Connection pool for an XA-datasource

Difference between XA and non-XA datasource

Hardening datasource configuration

Password encryption

Password protection using the vault


9. Configuring EAP 7 for Java EE Applications

Configuring the EJB container

Configuring the stateless EJB pool

Configuring the message driven bean pool

Configuring the stateful EJB cache

Controlling the amount of stateful beans in the cache

Configuring the web server

Undertow core server configuration

Configuring Undertow connectors

Configuring the pool of threads used by Undertow

Migrating from web configurations

Migrating Valve components

Configuring Undertow to serve static content

Undertow servlet container

Monitoring your applications

Using JConsole to display graphical attributes

Data mining using the ELK stack

Using Byteman to trace your application


10. Messaging Administration

Introduction to Artemis MQ

Configuring broker transport

Configuring persistence

Configuring destinations

Routing messages to other destinations

Diverting messages to other destinations

Creating a bridge between two ActiveMQ Artemis servers

ActiveMQ Artemis source configuration

ActiveMQ Artemis target configuration

Bridging messages to another JMS broker


Configuring server discovery

Broadcast groups

Discovery groups

Configuring high availability

HA with shared-store

Restoring the master node

HA with data replication

Shared-store versus replication


11. Securing the Application Server

Creating security domains

Internal based login modules

External based login modules

Database login module

Troubleshooting security domains

Hardening the database login modules

Creating a Kerberos security domain

Basic Kerberos configuration

Running the Kerberos server

Testing the Kerberos login against management interfaces

Using Kerberos to provide SSO

Securing the management interfaces with LDAP

Setting up LDAP authentication


Configuring RBAC

Mapping individual users

Mapping groups to roles

Mapping groups with property files

Mapping groups with LDAP

Scoped roles

Generating certificates

Creating an SSL realm

Securing the management interfaces


12. New Security Features of EAP 7

EAP 7 new security model

Introducing elytron

Elytron building blocks

An overview of the elytron subsystem

Creating a FileSystem security realm

Developing a JDBC realm

Developing an LDAP realm

Introducing Red Hat SSO

Installing Red Hat SSO server

Creating a new realm

Configuring client applications

Installing the client template on the server


13. Using EAP 7 with Docker

Getting to grips with Docker

Basic components of containers

Installing Docker

Running your first container

Creating your Docker images

Building our image

Inspecting the server logs

Managing the server storage

Mounting a volume from the host machine

Troubleshooting mounting volumes from the host machine

Using a data container

Managing multiple containers

Using Docker compose

Composing EAP 7 with a Database

Composing a cluster of EAP 7 nodes


14. Running EAP 7 on the Cloud Using OpenShift

Introducing OpenShift

OpenShift Online

Developing and deploying your first OpenShift application in the cloud


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