


The New IQ:Use Your Working Memory to Think Stronger, Smarter, Faster电子书

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作       者:Tracy Alloway,Ross Alloway

出  版  社:Fourth Estate


字       数:49.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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IQ tests, which measure our ability to retain information, are out-dated. In the digital era, the new IQ is not about retaining knowledge, but managing it. Working memory is the brain’s Post-It note. It allows us to make mental scribbles of what we need to remember and process. The bigger the ‘Post-It’ we have, the more proficient a multi-tasker we are. And in a modern world, where technology and busy lives place an increasing strain on our working memory’s capacity, its strength becomes an important predictor of our success. But what determines the strength of our working memory? How does it change over the course of our lives and is there anything we can do to improve its capability? Through research, observations and anecdotes, ‘The New IQ’ explores these questions, dispelling the myths that surround modern intelligence and IQ and explaining how working memory differs across a spectrum of people, with varying aptitude, experiences, and expertise. It looks at athletes as well as chess players, memory champions and autistic savants, the young and the old, examining the impact of working memory on finances, relationships and work. ‘The New IQ’ provides an understanding of working memory as an evolving mechanism of the modern brain and shows us how to enhance it in order to improve our chances of success in all aspects of life.

Title Page




Part I: The New IQ and You

1. Welcome to the Working Memory Revolution

2. Why Working Memory Is Crucial to Success

3. The Joker in the Mines—How Working Memory Makes Us Happier

4. Failures, Bad Habits, and Missteps

5. The Most Important Learning Tool— Working Memory in School

6. The New Mind-Body Connection—Working Memory in Sports

Part II: Growing and Improving Working Memory

7. Working Memory Across the Life Span

8. Working Memory Training 101

9. Secrets of Working Memory Specialists

10. Feed Your Brain, Fuel Your Working Memory

11. Seven Habits to Supercharge Working Memory … and a Few to Avoid

Part III: The Future and Past of Working Memory

12. Designing the World for Working Memory

13. The Dawn of Working Memory



Working Memory Quick Hits Manual


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