


Baking Soda Wonder电子书

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作       者:Mercy Mitch

出  版  社:Mayorline


字       数:2.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Baking Soda Wonder


An Insight Into The Wonders Of Baking Soda

Why Use Baking Soda

Kitchen Cleaning With Baking Soda

Food Safe/Surface Safe kitchen

Cleaning Coffee and Tea Pots

Deodorizing Dishwashers

Easier Dish Washing

Drains and Garbage Disposals

Fruit And Vegetable Scrub

Pots & Pans Care

Microwave Cleaning


Kitchen Sink& Sponges

Deodorizing Containers

Silverware Shiner/ Homemade Ash Metal Polish

Extinguishing Minor Fires

Bathroom Cleaning With Baking Soda

Bathroom Floor Cleaner

Shiny Tiles & Sinks

Toothbrush Soak

Shower Curtains & Toilet bowl

Grout & Tile Stains Remover

Hard Bathwater Softener

Septic Care

Laundry With Baking Soda

Freshen Laundry Hampers

Stubborn Smell Remover

Chlorine Bleach Booster

Freshen Closets

Excellent Baby Laundry

Homemade Fabric Softener

Pets, Toys And Pests

Porcupine Quill Remover

Fido Dry-Cleaner

Toys And Dishes Cleaner

Pet Bedding & Cages

Keep Ants At Bay

Roaches And Silverfish Killer

Fresh Kitty Litter

Toys &Stuffed Animal Freshener

Hygiene And Beauty Uses With Baking Soda

Mouthwash/Bad Breath Killer

Homemade Toothpaste

Dentures/ Retainers Freshener

Refreshing Bath Additive

De-product Hair

Dry shampoo

Hand Cleanser

Nails Cleanser

All- Natural Facial Scrub

Soothing Foot Soak

Natural Deodorant

Grooming Accessories Cleaner

Silver Jewelry Polisher

Personal Health Care With Baking Soda

Soothe minor burns and rashes

Antacid Drug

Insect Bite Care

Soothe Irritated Skin

Soothing Skin Bath

Sore Throat Eliminator

Stuffy Nose

Neutralize Gassy Beans

Around The Home With Baking Soda

Scuff Marks Remover/ Safer Front Steps

Musty Books Deodorizer

Cleaner Walls & Carpets

Deodorize Smoke-Filled Room

Fresher& Longer Lasting Flowers

Make An Inexpensive Plaster

Shoes, Rubber Gloves & Chairs

Air Freshener

Cars And Garages

Batteries Cleaner

Cleaner Cars

Oil and Grease Stains Remover

Cars Deodorizers

Deodorize Car Ashtrays

RV Water Tanks Deodorizer

Baking Soda For Outdoor Use

Cleaning Grills

Pool Care

Cleaner Pool Tools

Non-Toxic Homemade Fungicide

Rejuvenate The Greenery

Power Cleaner

Clean Lawn Furniture

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