


Critiquing Nursing Research 2nd Edition电子书

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作       者:Cutcliffe, John

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:79.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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This second edition of Quay Books' bestselling title retains all of the successful features of the first, plus additional material including a chapter on European psychiatric research. Foreword by Kevin Gournay.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information


Foreword to the first edition

Foreword to the second edition

Preface to the first edition

Preface to the second edition


Body matter

Part 1: Background to psychiatric/mental health nursing research and critiquing research

Chapter 1: The growth of evidence-based practice and the importance of critiquing research

Chapter 2: The Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research (NPNR) and the National Journal Club

Part 2: Examples of a range of approaches used to critique nursing research

Chapter 3: An introduction, and Duffy’s (1985) Research Appraisal Checklist approach

Chapter 4: Burns and Grove’s (1987) critical appraisal approach to critiquing nursing research

Chapter 5: Morrison’s (1991) approach to critiquing nursing research

Chapter 6: Ryan-Wenger’s (1992) guidelines for critique of a research report

Chapter 7: Polit and Hungler’s (1997) approach to critiquing nursing research

Chapter 8: Polit, Beck and Hungler’s (2001) approach to critiquing qualitative nursing research

Part 3: The development of the NPNR Journal Club approach to critiquing nursing research

Chapter 9: The need for a new approach to critiquing nursing research? The NPNR Journal Club approach

Chapter 10: The second stage of the NPNR Journal Club development: taking shape

Chapter 11: The third stage of the NPNR Journal Club development: gaining confidence in the approach

Chapter 12: The fourth stage of the NPNR Journal Club development: critiquing with a degree of confidence

Part 4: Future considerations

Chapter 13: Using the NPNR approach to critiquing for a student dissertation

Chapter 14: The future of psychiatric and mental health nursing research?

Chapter 15: Evidence-based mental health practice in Europe

Back matter

Appendix: Key points arising from the examples had we used the NPNR Journal Club approach to critiquing research

Also available

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