


Legal Aspects of Medicines 2nd Edition电子书

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作       者:Dimond, Bridgit

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:52.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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Concise overview of the laws relating to the supply, administration and prescribing of medicines. User-friendly format for easy reference on the job, or a handy revision aid. Highly practical with case studies throughout to demonstrate application of theory into practice and revised and updated to reflect current law. This book is intended for all health professionals who are likely to be involved in the dispensing, administration, prescribing or supply of medication, whether in hospitals or in the community. It may also be of assistance to others, such as health service managers, patient groups and their representatives, lecturers and clinical supervisors. Each chapter uses a situation to illustrate the relevant laws so that the law can be explained in a practical jargon-free way. The book is intended to introduce readers to the basic principles which apply and the sources of law, so that they can, by following up the further reading and websites provided, add to their knowledge. This book will provide a baseline on which readers can develop their knowledge and understanding of the law relating to medicines.


Front Matter

Title Page

Copyright Page


Foreword to the first edition

Preface to the first edition

Preface to the second edition




Table of useful web sites

Body Matter

1: The statutory framework for medicines

2: Controlled drugs

3: Control mechanisms

4: The British National Formulary and other sources

5: Administration of medicines 1

6: Administration of medicines 2

7: Prescriptions: Basic principles

8: Patient Group Directions

9: Non medical prescribing 1

10: Non medical prescribing 2

11: Midwives and medicines

12: Consent by the mentally capacitated patient

13: Giving information to the patient

15: Consent to medicines and children

16: Consent and the mentally disordered detained patient

17: The older person

18: Self-administration of medicines

19: Accountability and medicines 1: Criminal law

20: Accountability and medicines 2: Civil law

21: Accountability and medicines 3: Employment

22: Accountability and medicines 4: Professional

23: Storage, destruction of drugs and management of pharmaceutical services

24: Homoeopathy and herbal medicines

25: Documentation and confidentiality

26: Research and medicines

27: The right to obtain medicinal products

28: Illegal use of drugs

29: Pharmacists in the community

30: Private hospitals and care homes

31: The Future

Back Matter

Further reading

Also available

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