


Fundamental Aspects of Palliative Care Nursing 2nd Edition电子书

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作       者:Becker, Robert

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:64.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 科技/医学



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This new and expanded edition is aimed directly at the learning needs of student nurses and is unique in that context. Whilst there are many high quality books available for academic study in palliative care this is currently the only one that balances a strong educational focus for developing nursing practice with an understanding of the particular needs of student nurses. The text maintains a sensitive and supportive approach to the key themes of palliative care nursing, but contains important new material of a wide range of initiatives that are impacting on end of life care across the UK. It will provide the reader with a concise, easy to read and learning oriented text that will give advice and direction to the many challenges faced in this most important area of patient care. Each chapter examines a key component of care and new features include: Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter to guide the reader Clinical anecdotes to illustrate the reality and complexity of practice Extensive use of recognisable symbols to guide the reader and improve the usability of the text Competency assessment to help gauge knowledge and progress Reflective points to aid professional development Reflective activities to enable the student to reinforce learning from practice Links to appropriate clauses of the current 2008 NMC Code of Professional Conduct Quality internet resources relevant to chapter content Self assessment multiple choice tests at the end of each chapter to consolidate learning An extensive palliative care quiz covering the main topic areas of the book to test knowledge. This can be used as evidence with professional portfolios.


Front matter

Title page

Publisher information




Palliative care quiz

Body matter

Part 1: Core concepts and developments in end of life care

1. What is palliative care nursing?

2. Palliative nursing skills: what are they?

3. Care pathways

4. Palliative care for all diagnoses

5. Dealing with ethical dilemmas

Part 2: Delivering hands-on care

6. Encountering death for the first time

7. Communicating with care and compassion

8. The nature of pain and suffering

9. The assessment of pain

10. The management of pain

11. Managing symptoms other than pain

12. Spiritual care

13. Palliative care emergencies

Part 3: Life closure skills

14. Essential comfort measures at the bedside

15. Multicultural needs at the end of life

16. Care priorities in the last days of life

17. Caring for the bereaved

Back matter

Self-assessment test answers

Answers to palliative care quiz

Also available

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