


Python Deep Learning电子书

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作       者:Ivan Vasilev

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:48.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Learn advanced state-of-the-art deep learning techniques and their applications using popular Python libraries Key Features *Build a strong foundation in neural networks and deep learning with Python libraries *Explore advanced deep learning techniques and their applications across computer vision and NLP *Learn how a computer can navigate in complex environments with reinforcement learning Book Description With the surge in artificial intelligence in applications catering to both business and consumer needs, deep learning is more important than ever for meeting current and future market demands. With this book, you’ll explore deep learning, and learn how to put machine learning to use in your projects. This second edition of Python Deep Learning will get you up to speed with deep learning, deep neural networks, and how to train them with high-performance algorithms and popular Python frameworks. You’ll uncover different neural network architectures, such as convolutional networks, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and capsule networks. You’ll also learn how to solve problems in the fields of computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), and speech recognition. You'll study generative model approaches such as variational autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate images. As you delve into newly evolved areas of reinforcement learning, you’ll gain an understanding of state-of-the-art algorithms that are the main components behind popular games Go, Atari, and Dota. By the end of the book, you will be well-versed with the theory of deep learning along with its real-world applications. What you will learn *Grasp the mathematical theory behind neural networks and deep learning processes *Investigate and resolve computer vision challenges using convolutional networks and capsule networks *Solve generative tasks using variational autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks *Implement complex NLP tasks using recurrent networks (LSTM and GRU) and attention models *Explore reinforcement learning and understand how agents behave in a complex environment *Get up to date with applications of deep learning in autonomous vehicles Who this book is for This book is for data science practitioners, machine learning engineers, and those interested in deep learning who have a basic foundation in machine learning and some Python programming experience. A background in mathematics and conceptual understanding of calculus and statistics will help you gain maximum benefit from this book.

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Python Deep Learning Second Edition

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Machine Learning - an Introduction

Introduction to machine learning

Different machine learning approaches

Supervised learning

Linear and logistic regression

Support vector machines

Decision Trees

Naive Bayes

Unsupervised learning


Reinforcement learning


Components of an ML solution

Neural networks

Introduction to PyTorch


Neural Networks

The need for neural networks

An introduction to neural networks

An introduction to neurons

An introduction to layers

Multi-layer neural networks

Different types of activation function

Putting it all together with an example

Training neural networks

Linear regression

Logistic regression


Code example of a neural network for the XOR function


Deep Learning Fundamentals

Introduction to deep learning

Fundamental deep learning concepts

Feature learning

Deep learning algorithms

Deep networks

A brief history of contemporary deep learning

Training deep networks

Applications of deep learning

The reasons for deep learning's popularity

Introducing popular open source libraries




Using Keras to classify handwritten digits

Using Keras to classify images of objects


Computer Vision with Convolutional Networks

Intuition and justification for CNN

Convolutional layers

A coding example of convolution operation

Stride and padding in convolutional layers

1D, 2D, and 3D convolutions

1x1 convolutions

Backpropagation in convolutional layers

Convolutional layers in deep learning libraries

Pooling layers

The structure of a convolutional network

Classifying handwritten digits with a convolutional network

Improving the performance of CNNs

Data pre-processing


Weight decay


Data augmentation

Batch normalization

A CNN example with Keras and CIFAR-10


Advanced Computer Vision

Transfer learning

Transfer learning example with PyTorch

Advanced network architectures


VGG with Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow

Residual networks

Inception networks

Inception v1

Inception v2 and v3

Inception v4 and Inception-ResNet

Xception and MobileNets


Capsule networks

Limitations of convolutional networks


Dynamic routing

Structure of the capsule network

Advanced computer vision tasks

Object detection

Approaches to object detection

Object detection with YOLOv3

A code example of YOLOv3 with OpenCV

Semantic segmentation

Artistic style transfer


Generating Images with GANs and VAEs

Intuition and justification of generative models

Variational autoencoders

Generating new MNIST digits with VAE

Generative Adversarial networks

Training GANs

Training the discriminator

Training the generator

Putting it all together

Types of GANs


The generator in DCGAN

Conditional GANs

Generating new MNIST images with GANs and Keras


Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models

Recurrent neural networks

RNN implementation and training

Backpropagation through time

Vanishing and exploding gradients

Long short-term memory

Gated recurrent units

Language modeling

Word-based models


Neural language models

Neural probabilistic language model


Visualizing word embedding vectors

Character-based models for generating new text

Preprocessing and reading data

LSTM network



Example training

Sequence to sequence learning

Sequence to sequence with attention

Speech recognition

Speech recognition pipeline

Speech as input data


Acoustic model

Recurrent neural networks



End-to-end models


Reinforcement Learning Theory

RL paradigms

Differences between RL and other ML approaches

Types of RL algorithms

Types of RL agents

RL as a Markov decision process

Bellman equations

Optimal policies and value functions

Finding optimal policies with Dynamic Programming

Policy evaluation

Policy evaluation example

Policy improvements

Policy and value iterations

Monte Carlo methods

Policy evaluation

Exploring starts policy improvement

Epsilon-greedy policy improvement

Temporal difference methods

Policy evaluation

Control with Sarsa

Control with Q-learning

Double Q-learning

Value function approximations

Value approximation for Sarsa and Q-learning

Improving the performance of Q-learning

Fixed target Q-network

Experience replay

Q-learning in action


Deep Reinforcement Learning for Games

Introduction to genetic algorithms playing games

Deep Q-learning

Playing Atari Breakout with Deep Q-learning

Policy gradient methods

Monte Carlo policy gradients with REINFORCE

Policy gradients with actor–critic

Actor-Critic with advantage

Playing cart pole with A2C

Model-based methods

Monte Carlo Tree Search

Playing board games with AlphaZero


Deep Learning in Autonomous Vehicles

Brief history of AV research

AV introduction

Components of an AV system


Deep learning and sensors

Vehicle localization


Imitiation driving policy

Behavioral cloning with PyTorch

Driving policy with ChauffeurNet

Model inputs and outputs

Model architecture


DL in the Cloud


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