


Hands-On Business Intelligence with Qlik Sense电子书

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作       者:Pablo Labbe

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:27.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create dynamic dashboards to bring interactive data visualization to your enterprise using Qlik Sense Key Features * Implement various Qlik Sense features to create interactive dashboards * Analyze data easily and make business decisions faster using Qlik Sense * Perform self-service data analytics and geospatial analytics using an example-based approach Book Description Qlik Sense allows you to explore simple-to-complex data to reveal hidden insights and data relationships to make business-driven decisions. Hands-On Business Intelligence with Qlik Sense begins by helping you get to grips with underlying Qlik concepts and gives you an overview of all Qlik Sense’s features. You will learn advanced modeling techniques and learn how to analyze the data loaded using a variety of visualization objects. You’ll also be trained on how to share apps through Qlik Sense Enterprise and Qlik Sense Cloud and how to perform aggregation with AGGR. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the stories feature to create data-driven presentations and update an existing story. This book will guide you through the GeoAnalytics feature with the geo-mapping object and GeoAnalytics connector. Furthermore, you’ll learn about the self-service analytics features and perform data forecasting using advanced analytics. Lastly, you’ll deploy Qlik Sense apps for mobile and tablet. By the end of this book, you will be well-equipped to run successful business intelligence applications using Qlik Sense's functionality, data modeling techniques, and visualization best practices. What you will learn * Discover how to load, reshape, and model data for analysis * Apply data visualization practices to create stunning dashboards * Make use of Python and R for advanced analytics * Perform geo-analysis to create visualizations using native objects * Learn how to work with AGGR and data stories Who this book is for If you’re a data analyst, BI developer, or interested in business intelligence and want to gain practical experience of working on Qlik Sense, this book is for you. You’ll also find it useful if you want to explore Qlik Sense’s next-generation applications for self-service business intelligence. No prior experience of working with Qlik Sense is required.

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Hands-On Business Intelligence with Qlik Sense

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Section 1: Qlik Sense and Business Intelligence

Getting Started with Qlik Sense

An overview of the Qlik Sense product

The components of Qlik Sense

In-memory associative database

ETL engine

Data manager


Data model

Visualization platform

The hub

Application overview



API and extensibility capabilities

The Associative Engine

Setting up Qlik Sense Desktop

Setting up Qlik Sense Cloud

Self-service with Qlik Sense


Section 2: Data Loading and Modeling

Loading Data in Qlik Sense

Technical requirements

Data loading process

Loading data from data sources

Data connections

Data manager

Dragging a data file into your application

Loading a data file from a folder (Qlik Sense Desktop)

Loading a data file from data files (QlikCloud)

Creating calculated fields

Data load editor

Table associations

Data profiling

Profiling using the Data manager

Profiling using the Data model viewer


Further reading

Implementing Data Modeling Techniques

Technical requirements

An overview of data modeling

Data modeling techniques

Entity relationship modeling

Dimensional modeling


Types of joins

Join/outer join

Left join

Right join

Inner join

Pitfalls of using joins


Automatic concatenation

Forced concatenation

The NoConcatenate


Filtering data using the Data manager

Filtering data in the script editor


Why use QVDs?

Link table

Canonical dates

As-Of Table

Script optimization

Using Applymap instead of joins


Reducing the size of data as much as possible

Optimized QVD load

Non-optimized load

Optimized load

Dropping unwanted tables immediately after use


Sample questions

Further reading

Section 3: Building an Analytical Application

Working with Application Structure

Technical requirements

Application overview


Understanding the DAR methodology

Creating visualization objects

Getting started

Generating visualizations using Insights Advisor

Generating visualizations using Insights Advisor for selected fields

Creating visualizations using chart suggestions

Creating visualizations manually

Creating Master items

Creating master dimensions

Creating master measures

Creating master visualizations

Calculation expressions



Further reading

Creating a Sales Analysis App Using Qlik Sense

Technical requirements

Creating the dashboard sheet

Creating the dashboard

Creating a new sheet for the dashboard

Creating KPI visualizations

Creating a pie chart with Sales $ by Categories

Creating a bar chart with Sales $ by Top 10 Customers

Creating the geographical map of sales by country

Creating a filter pane with Order Year and Order Month fields

Creating the analysis sheets

Creating a customer analysis sheet

Creating a new sheet for customer analysis

Adding a filter pane with main dimensions

Adding KPI visualizations

Creating a combo chart for Pareto (80/20) analysis

Creating a table chart with customer information

Creating a product analysis sheet

Creating a new sheet for product analysis

Adding a filter pane

Adding KPI visualizations

Creating a bar chart with a drill-down dimension

Creating a line chart by OrderMonthYear and Category

Creating a scatter plot

Creating a reporting sheet

Creating a new sheet

Adding a default filter pane


Interacting with Advanced Expressions

Technical requirements

Creating calculations with conditions

Condition to show a text message

Condition to show a different calculation

Condition to filter data on a measure

Using TOTAL for aggregation scope

Calculating the relative share over the total

Calculating the relative share over a dimension

Using some useful inter-record functions

Calculating sales variance year over year

Using AGGR for advanced aggregation

Calculating the top sales product over each category

Leveraging Set Analysis for in-calculation selection

Selecting a specific country for comparison


Further reading

Creating Data Stories

An overview of stories

Creating snapshots

Planning and organizing your presentation

Creating stories

Editing your story

Sharing stories


Further reading

Section 4: Additional Features

Engaging On-Demand App Generation

Technical requirements

How Qlik Sense handles large volumes of data

Setting up a Google BigQuery account

Configuring Qlik Sense for ODAG applications

Building a summarized application

Creating a connection

Adding a script to retrieve data

Building the detailed application

Binding expressions in on-demand template apps

Recovering a long list of selected (or possible) values

Adding restrictions

Creating a dynamic SQL

Integrating the summarized and detailed applications

Testing our on-demand application


Further reading

Creating a Native Map Using GeoAnalytics

Technical requirements

Concepts of GeoAnalytics

Creating a map

Loading geographical data

Adding the base map

Adding layers

Area layer

Heatmap layer

Adding more information to the map


Info Bubble


Further reading

Working with Self-Service Analytics

Technical requirements

Creating self-service analytics

Publishing an application

Creating a new sheet in a published app

Sharing insights with community sheets

Approving sheets to add them to a baseline

Co-creating applications in Qlik Sense Cloud Business

Managing members

Editing the application with multiple users

Sharing the app with users

Publishing changes to a published application


Further reading

Data Forecasting Using Advanced Analytics

Technical requirements

Qlik Sense Engine and Server Side Extensions

Qlik approach to data science platforms

How SSE works

SSE functions

Preparing your R environment

Installing R

Installing Rserve()

Installing more packages

Installing the SSE plugin

Configuring Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense Desktop

Qlik Sense Enterprise

Starting all services

Using the R extension in a Qlik Sense application

Preparing your Python environment

Installing Python

Updating Python pip

Installing TensorFlow

Using a Python extension

Configuring Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense Desktop

Qlik Sense Enterprise

Using the Python SSE in your apps



Further reading

Deploying Qlik Sense Apps for Mobile/Tablets

Technical requirements

Setting up the Sales Analysis app for mobile usage

Responsive layouts

Responsive object design

Reviewing the responsive design of the Sales Analysis application

The Quick view sheet

Choosing the right client

Preparing the Sales Analysis app for offline usage


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