


Hands-On Dashboard Development with QlikView电子书

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作       者:Abhishek Agarwal

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:9.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A step-by-step approach to building stunning dashboards with QlikView Key Features * Perform effective storytelling through interactive dashboards built with QlikView * Create different types of visualizations from a variety of data sources * Includes tips, tricks, and best practices to perform effective Business Intelligence using QlikView Book Description QlikView is one of the market leaders when it comes to building effective Business Intelligence solutions. This book will show how you can leverage its power to build your own dashboards to tell your own data story. The book starts with showing you how to connect your data to QlikView and create your own QlikView application. You will learn how to add data from multiple sources, create a data model by joining data, and then review it on the front end. You will work with QlikView components such as charts, list boxes, input boxes, and text objects to create stunning visualizations that help give actionable business insights. You will also learn how to perform analysis on your data in QlikView and master the various types of security measures to be taken in QlikView. By the end of this book, you will have all the essential knowledge required for insightful data storytelling and creating useful BI dashboards using QlikView. What you will learn * Learn to use the latest and newest features of QlikView * Connect QlikView to various data sources, such as databases and websites * Create a fully featured data model without circular references * Display your data in maps, charts, and text across multiple sheets * Apply set analysis to your data in QlikView expressions * Secure your data based on the various audience types Who this book is for This book is best suited for BI professionals, data analysts and budding QlikView developers who wish to build effective dashboards using QlikView. Some basic understanding of the data visualization concepts and Business Intelligence is required.

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Hands-On Dashboard Development with QlikView

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Getting Started with QlikView


Installing QlikView

Exploring QlikView

Creating a document

Saving the document

Important terminologies in QlikView

QlikView selections

QlikView architecture

Exploring data in QlikView


Getting Data in QlikView and Creating Your First App

Setting up the structure

Creating an app

Importing data from Excel

Reviewing the data

Understanding facts and dimensions

Dimensions and measures

Best practices for dimensions and facts

Understanding list boxes

Selections in list boxes

Creating new tabs

Adding filters to the app


Creating Data Models

Creating a star schema

Implementing the star schema

Getting data from databases

Getting data from QVD files

Analyzing the resulting model

Information density

Subset ratio


Creating a QVD file


Components in QlikView

List boxes

Layout of columns

Ordering of data

Showing frequency of values

QlikView charts

Changing the chart type

Multi boxes

Properties of multi box


Properties of bookmarks

Input boxes

Text objects


Building a Dashboard

Adding KPIs

Adding charts

Block chart

Scatter chart

Pivot table chart

Adding dynamic chart displays


Different types of expressions

Group expressions

Drill-down expressions




Set Analysis

The basics of set analysis

What set analysis means

Set analysis syntax structure

Assignment operators

Assignment operators in action

Set operators

Set operators in action

Element functions

Element functions in action


Adding Security

Security scripts

Best practices for enabling a security script

Understanding various types of securities

Configuring security

Advanced security

Troubleshooting issues in QlikView


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