


Caffe2 Quick Start Guide电子书

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作       者:Ashwin Nanjappa

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:15.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build and train scalable neural network models on various platforms by leveraging the power of Caffe2 Key Features * Migrate models trained with other deep learning frameworks on Caffe2 * Integrate Caffe2 with Android or iOS and implement deep learning models for mobile devices * Leverage the distributed capabilities of Caffe2 to build models that scale easily Book Description Caffe2 is a popular deep learning library used for fast and scalable training and inference of deep learning models on various platforms. This book introduces you to the Caffe2 framework and shows how you can leverage its power to build, train, and deploy efficient neural network models at scale. It will cover the topics of installing Caffe2, composing networks using its operators, training models, and deploying models to different architectures. It will also show how to import models from Caffe and from other frameworks using the ONNX interchange format. It covers the topic of deep learning accelerators such as CPU and GPU and shows how to deploy Caffe2 models for inference on accelerators using inference engines. Caffe2 is built for deployment to a diverse set of hardware, using containers on the cloud and resource constrained hardware such as Raspberry Pi, which will be demonstrated. By the end of this book, you will be able to not only compose and train popular neural network models with Caffe2, but also be able to deploy them on accelerators, to the cloud and on resource constrained platforms such as mobile and embedded hardware. What you will learn * Build and install Caffe2 * Compose neural networks * Train neural network on CPU or GPU * Import a neural network from Caffe * Import deep learning models from other frameworks * Deploy models on CPU or GPU accelerators using inference engines * Deploy models at the edge and in the cloud Who this book is for Data scientists and machine learning engineers who wish to create fast and scalable deep learning models in Caffe2 will find this book to be very useful. Some understanding of the basic machine learning concepts and prior exposure to programming languages like C++ and Python will be useful.

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Introduction and Installation

Introduction to deep learning



Deep learning

Introduction to Caffe2

Caffe2 and PyTorch

Hardware requirements

Software requirements

Building and installing Caffe2

Installing dependencies

Installing acceleration libraries

Building Caffe2

Installing Caffe2

Testing the Caffe2 Python API

Testing the Caffe2 C++ API


Composing Networks


Example – the MatMul operator

Difference between layers and operators

Example – a fully connected operator

Building a computation graph

Initializing Caffe2

Composing the model network

Sigmoid operator

Softmax operator

Adding input blobs to the workspace

Running the network

Building a multilayer perceptron neural network

MNIST problem

Building a MNIST MLP network

Initializing global constants

Composing network layers

ReLU layer

Set weights of network layers

Running the network


Training Networks

Introduction to training

Components of a neural network

Structure of a neural network

Weights of a neural network

Training process

Gradient descent variants

LeNet network

Convolution layer

Pooling layer

Training data

Building LeNet

Layer 1 – Convolution

Layer 2 – Max-pooling

Layers 3 and 4 – Convolution and max-pooling

Layers 5 and 6 – Fully connected and ReLU

Layer 7 and 8 – Fully connected and Softmax

Training layers

Loss layer

Optimization layers

Accuracy layer

Training and monitoring


Working with Caffe

The relationship between Caffe and Caffe2

Introduction to AlexNet

Building and installing Caffe

Installing Caffe prerequisites

Building Caffe

Caffe model file formats

Prototxt file

Caffemodel file

Downloading Caffe model files

Caffe2 model file formats

predict_net file

init_net file

Converting a Caffe model to Caffe2

Converting a Caffe2 model to Caffe


Working with Other Frameworks

Open Neural Network Exchange

Installing ONNX

ONNX format


ONNX operators

ONNX in Caffe2

Exporting the Caffe2 model to ONNX

Using the ONNX model in Caffe2

Visualizing the ONNX model


Deploying Models to Accelerators for Inference

Inference engines


Installing TensorRT

Using TensorRT

Importing a pre-trained network or creating a network

Building an optimized engine from the network

Inference using execution context of an engine

TensorRT API and usage

Intel OpenVINO

Installing OpenVINO

Model conversion

Model inference


Caffe2 at the Edge and in the cloud

Caffe2 at the edge on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi

Installing Raspbian

Building Caffe2 on Raspbian

Caffe2 in the cloud using containers

Installing Docker

Installing nvidia-docker

Running Caffe2 containers

Caffe2 model visualization

Visualization using Caffe2 net_drawer

Visualization using Netron


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