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作       者:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:6.5万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 其他



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  • 读书简介
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本规范共分11章,主要技术内容包括:总则,术语和符号,海底光缆系统组成及系统制式,海底光缆数字信号传输系统设计,海底光缆线路设计,海底光缆线路及数字信号传输系统性能指标,海底光缆登陆站和附属设施要求,局站设备安装,远供电源系统设计,辅助系统设计,维护工具及仪表的配置。本规范适用于海底光缆线路和海底光缆数字信号传输系统及相关辅助系统工程设计。中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告第987号住房城乡建设部关于发布国家标准《海底光缆工程设计规范》的公告现批准《海底光缆工程设计规范》为国家标准,编号为GB/T51154-2015,自2016年8月1日起实施。   本规范由我部标准定额研究所组织中国计划出版社出版发行。



Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General Provisions

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 System Configuration and System Categorization

3.1 System Configuration and Categorization

3.2 System Interfaces and Operating Wavelength

4 Digital Transmission System Design

4.1 Generic Requirements

4.2 Capacity

4.3 Network Topology

4.4 Submerged Equipment

4.5 Line Terminal Equipment

4.6 Optical Fiber

4.7 Transmission-related Ancillary Technologies

4.8 System Reliability

4.9 System Maintenance Margin

5 Submarine Cable Line Design

5.1 Cable Route Desk Top Study

5.2 Submarine Cable Route Survey

5.3 Submarine Cable and its Installation Requirements

5.4 Land Cable and its Installation Requirements

6 Performance Parameters of Digital Transmission System and Cable Line

6.1 Performance Parameters of Submarine Cable Line

6.2 Performance Parameters of Digital Transmission System

7 Requirements for Landing Station and itsAuxiliary Facilities

8 Installation of Terminal Station Equipment

9 Design of Power Feeding System

10 Design of Auxiliary Systems

11 Maintenance Tools and Test Instruments

Explanation of Wording in This Code

List of Quoted Standards

Explanation of Provisions

Purpose of this Explanation

1 General Provisions

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

3 System Configuration and System Categorization

3.1 System Configuration and Categorization

3.2 System Interfaces and Operating Wavelength

4 Digital Transmission System Design

4.1 Generic Requirements

4.2 Capacity

4.3 Network Topology

4.4 Submerged Equipment

4.5 Line Terminal Equipment

4.6 Optical Fiber

4.7 Transmission-related Ancillary Technologies

4.8 System Reliability

4.9 System Maintenance Margin

5 Submarine Cable Line Design

5.1 Cable Route Desk Top Study

5.3 Submarine Cable and its Installation Requirements

5.4 Land Cable and its Installation Requirements

6 Performance Parameters of Digital Transmission System and Cable Line

6.1 Performance Parameters of Submarine Cable Line

6.2 Performance Parameters of Digital Transmission System

7 Requirements for Landing Station and its Auxiliary Facilities

9 Design of Power Feeding System

10 Design of Auxiliary Systems

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