


GB/T 50789-2012GB/T 50789-2012 ±800KV直流换流站设计规范:英文版电子书

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作       者:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部/组织编译

出  版  社:中国计划出版社


字       数:9.0万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 其他



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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This code applies to the design of converter stations of ±800kV two-terminal DC transmission system.



Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People s Republic of China


1 General

2 Terms

3 Siting of Converter Stations

4 Basic Conditions of AC System and Performance Requirements for DC System

4.1 Basic Conditions of AC System

4.2 Performance Requirements for DC System

5 Electrical Design

5.1 Main Electrical Connection

5.2 Arrangement of Electrical Equipment

5.3 Overvoltage Protection,Insulation Coordination,and Lightning Protection

5.4 External Insulation Design of Equipment in Converter Stations

5.5 Selection of Main Equipment

6 Design of Converter Station Control and Protection

6.1 General Provision

6.2 Computer-based Monitoring and Control System

6.3 DC Control and Protection System

6.4 DC Line Fault Location System

6.5 DC Transient Fault Recorder System

6.6 Valve Cooling Control and Protection System

6.7 Station Auxiliary DC Power Supply and AC Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS)System

6.8 Image Monitoring and Safety Guarding System

6.9 Time Synchronization System

7 Converter Station Communication Design

7.1 Main Communication Facilities in Converter Stations

7.2 System Communication

7.3 Intra-station Communication

7.4 Requirements for Communication Power Supply,Room and Interfaces

8 Civil Works of Converter Stations

8.1 General Layout and Vertical Arrangement

8.2 Buildings

8.3 Structure

9 Auxiliary Equipment in Converter Stations

9.1 Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning

9.2 Valve Cooling System

9.3 Water Supply System

9.4 Fire Detection and Extinguishing System

10 Noise Control and Energy Conservation of Converter Stations

10.1 Noise Control

10.2 Energy Conservation

Appendix A Armonic Interference Indexes of AC Systems

Appendix B Alculation of Equivalent Disturbing Current of DC Lines

Explanation of Wording in This Code

List of Quoted Standards

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