


碳材料科学与工程基础=Materials science and engineering of carbon:fundamentals:第2版:英文电子书


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作       者:(日)稻垣道夫(Michio Inagaki),(中)康飞宇(Feiyu Kang)

出  版  社:清华大学出版社


字       数:77.6万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 一般工业技术



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  • 读书简介
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《碳材料科学与工程基础(第2版)》内容简介:近年来由于富勒烯和碳纳米管的发现,炭材料研究受到了全球材料科学界、物理界和化学界的广泛关注。《碳材料科学与工程基础(第2版)》系统地介绍了炭材料的科学理论知识和工程应用实例。部分为绪论,介绍了写作《碳材料科学与工程基础(第2版)》的目的和炭材料的分类与发展史,以及炭的多样性。第二部分为炭材料的基础科学知识,主要介绍了炭材料的结构、性能和制备工艺,特别是炭化和石墨化的原理及其微观结构控制技术,多孔炭的孔径控制和炭材料掺杂其他原子的技术,炭材料的各类表征方法。第三部分主要为炭素材料的工程与应用问题,特别是新型炭材料的发展及其在能源、环保、原子能、国防方面的应用实例,涉及石墨电极,高密度各向同性石墨,高取向热解石墨,玻璃炭,纤维状炭,多孔炭,石墨层间化合物等。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>碳材料由于其结构多样性,导致其性能多样化,因而应用领域广阔,碳材料研究已受到全球材料科学界、物理学界、化学界的广泛关注。本书系统介绍了碳材料的科学理论知识和工程应用实例。书中首先介绍碳材料的分类与发展史,及其多样性;并围绕工艺-微观结构-性能之间的关系,对碳材料的制备技术、结构和性能作了系统归纳与总结;介绍碳材料,特别是新型碳材料的发展及其在环保、能源、制造业、国防等领域应用。书中还包括碳纳米管、纳米纤维、富勒烯、石墨烯等碳材料研究的**展。 本书以英文著述,并与Elsevier出版集团合作在海外出版。<br/>




CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.1  Carbon materials

1.2 Short history of carbon materials

1.3 Classic carbons, new carbons, and nanocarbons

1.3.1 Classic carbons

1.3.2 New carbons

1.3.3 Nanocarbons

1.4 Construction and purposes of the present book


CHAPTER 2 Fundamental Science of Carbon Materials

2.1 Carbon families

2.1.1 Carbon-carbon bonds

2.1.2 Carbon families

2.1.3 Structural relation to neighboring atoms

2.2 Structure and texture of carbon materials

2.2.1 Structure

2.2.2 Structure development with heat treatment (carbonization and graphitization)

2.2.3 Nanotexture

2.2.4 Microtexture (agglomeration)

2.3 Carbonization (nanotexture development)

2.3.1 Formation processes of carbon materials

2.3.2 Gas phase carbonization

2.3.3 Solid phase carbonization

2.3.4 Liquid phase carbonization

2.4 Novel techniques for carbonization

2.4.1 Template method

2.4.2 Polymer blend method

2.4.3 Electrospinning

2.4.4 Pressure carbonization

2.4.5 High-yield carbonization

2.4.6 Low-temperature carbonization

2.5 Graphitization (structure development)

2.5.1 Structure parameters

2.5.2 Graphitization behavior

2.5.3 Relations among structure parameters

2.5.4 Graphitization process

2.5.5 Graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons

2.5.6 Heterogeneous graphitization (multiphase graphitization)

2.6 Acceleration of graphitization

2.6.1 Catalytic graphitization

2.6.2 Stress graphitization

2.6.3 Graphitization of exfoliated carbon fibers

2.7 Pore development in carbon materials

2.7.1 Pores in carbon materials

2.7.2 Identification of pores

2.7.3 Pore development in carbon materials

2.8 Introduction of foreign species

2.8.1 Possibility to introduce foreign species into carbon materials

2.8.2 Intercalation

2.8.3 Substitution

2.8.4 Doping

2.8.5 Dispersion of fine metal particles


CHAPTER 3 Engineering and Applications of Carbon Materials

3.1 Polycrystalline graphite blocks

3.1.1 Production

3.1.2 Applications

3.1.3 Filler cokes and binder pitches

3.1.4 Properties

3.2 Highly oriented graphite

3.2.1 Highly oriented graphite

3.2.2 Natural graphite

3.2.3 Kish graphite

3.2.4 Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)

3.2.5 Graphite films derived from polyimide films

3.2.6 Flexible graphite sheets

3.3 Non-graphitizing and glass-like carbons

3.3.1 Structural characteristics

3.3.2 Properties

3.3.3 Glass-like carbons

3.4 Carbon fibers

3.4.1 Classification of fibrous carbons

3.4.2 Characteristics of carbon fibers

3.4.3 PAN-based carbon fibers

3.4.4 Pitch-based carbon fibers

3.4.5 Vapor-grown carbon fibers

3.4.6 Glass-like carbon fibers

3.4.7 Carbon microcoils

3.5 Nanocarbons

3.5.1 Carbon nanotubes and nanofibers

3.5.2 Fullerenes

3.5.3 Graphene and its derivatives

3.5.4 Graphyne and graphdiyne

3.5.5 Single-wall carbon nanohorns

3.5.6 Helical carbon films

3.6 Porous carbons

3.6.1 Activated carbons

3.6.2 Novel techniques to control pore structure

3.6.3 Carbon foams (macroporous carbons)

3.7 Carbon-based composites

3.7.1 Carbon-based composites

3.7.2 Carbon/carbon composites

3.7.3 Carbon/plastics composites

3.7.4 Carbon/ceramics composites

3.7.5 Carbon/metal composites

3.8 Intercalation compounds

3.8.1 Possible applications

3.8.2 High conductivity function

3.8.3 Electrochemical functions

3.8.4 Catalytic functions

3.8.5 Gas adsorption and storage

3.8.6 Other functions

3.9 Carbon materials for energy storage

3.9.1 Rechargeable batteries

3.9.2 Electrochemical capacitors

3.9.3 Storage of hydrogen gas

3.9.4 Storage of methane gas

3.10 Carbon materials for environment remediation

3.10.1 Carbon/anatase composites

3.10.2 Carbon materials for sorption of viscous fluids

3.10.3 Carbon fibers for environment remediation


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