


Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents电子书

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作       者:Stefan Sjogelid

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:90.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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A playful, informal approach to using the Raspberry Pi for mischief! Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents is for all mischievous Raspberry Pi owners who’d like to see their computer transform into a neat spy gadget to be used in a series of practical pranks and projects. No previous skills are required to follow along and if you’re completely new to Linux, you’ll pick up much of the basics for free. Apart from the Raspberry Pi board itself, a USB microphone and/or a webcam is required for most of the audio/video topics and a Wi-Fi dongle is recommended for the networking examples. A Windows/Mac OS X/Linux computer (or second Raspberry Pi) is also recommended for remote network access.

Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents

Table of Contents

Raspberry Pi for Secret Agents


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1. Getting Up to No Good

A brief history lesson on the Pi

The ins and outs of the Raspberry Pi


RCA video







SD card

Writing Raspbian OS to the SD card

Getting Raspbian

SD card image writing in Windows

SD card image writing in Mac OS X or Linux

Booting up and configuring Raspbian

Basic commands to explore your Pi

Accessing the Pi over the network using SSH

Wired network setup

Wi-Fi network setup

Connecting to the Pi from Windows

Connecting to the Pi from Mac OS X or Linux

The importance of a sneaky headless setup

Keeping your system up-to-date


2. Audio Antics

Configuring your audio gadgets

Introducing the ALSA sound system

Controlling the volume

Switching between HDMI and analog audio output

Testing the speakers

Preparing to record

Testing the microphone

Clipping, feedback distortion, and improving sound quality

Recording conversations for later retrieval

Writing to a WAV file

Writing to an MP3 or OGG file

Creating command shortcuts with aliases

Keep your recordings running safely with tmux

Listening in on conversations from a distance

Listening on Windows

Listening on Mac OS X or Linux

Talking to people from a distance

Talking on Windows

Talking on Mac OS X or Linux

Distorting your voice in weird and wonderful ways

Make your computer do the talking

Scheduling your audio actions

Start on power up

Start in a couple of minutes from now

Controlling recording length

Bonus one line sampler


3. Webcam and Video Wizardry

Setting up your camera

Meet the USB Video Class drivers and Video4Linux

Finding out your webcam's capabilities

Capturing your target on film

Viewing your webcam in VLC media player

Viewing in Windows

Viewing in Mac OS X

Viewing on Linux

Recording the video stream

Recording in Windows

Recording in Mac OS X

Recording in Linux

Detecting an intruder and setting off an alarm

Creating an initial Motion configuration

Trying out Motion

Collecting the evidence

Viewing the evidence

Hooking up more cameras

Preparing a webcam stream in Windows

Preparing a webcam stream in Mac OS X

Configuring Motion for multiple input streams

Building a security monitoring wall

Turning your TV on or off using the Pi

Scheduling video recording or staging a playback scare


4. Wi-Fi Pranks – Exploring your Network

Getting an overview of all the computers on your network

Monitoring Wi-Fi airspace with Kismet

Preparing Kismet for launch

First Kismet session

Adding sound and speech

Enabling rouge access point detection

Mapping out your network with Nmap

Finding out what the other computers are up to

How encryption changes the game

Traffic logging

Shoulder surfing in Elinks

Pushing unexpected images into browser windows

Knocking all visitors off your network

Protecting your network against Ettercap

Analyzing packet dumps with Wireshark

Running Wireshark on Windows

Running Wireshark on Mac OS X

Running Wireshark on Linux


5. Taking your Pi Off-road

Keeping the Pi dry and running with housing and batteries

Setting up point-to-point networking

Creating a direct wired connection

Static IP assignment on Windows

Static IP assignment on Mac OS X

Static IP assignment on Linux

Creating an ad hoc Wi-Fi network

Connecting to an ad hoc Wi-Fi network on Windows

Connecting to an ad hoc Wi-Fi network on Mac OS X

Tracking the Pi's whereabouts using GPS

Tracking the GPS position on Google Earth

Preparing a GPS beacon on the Pi

Setting up Google Earth

Setting up a GPS waypoint logger

Mapping GPS data from Kismet

Using the GPS as a time source

Setting up the GPS on boot

Controlling the Pi with your smartphone

Receiving status updates from the Pi

Tagging tweets with GPS coordinates

Scheduling regular updates

Keeping your data secret with encryption

Creating a vault inside a file




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