


EJB 3.0 Database Persistence with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g电子书

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作       者:Deepak Vohra

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:149.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a practical, tutorial-style book that includes many examples that demonstrate how to develop EJB 3.0 database persistence applications with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. Every chapter starts with setting the environment for the chapter and includes an example application illustrated with figures at milestone stages. This book is aimed at EJB 3.0 application developers who want to learn about the practical use of EJB 3.0 database persistence with Oracle Fusion Middleware. Those who are already using EJB 3.0 database persistence will learn about using EJB 3.0 database persistence with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. The target audience is expected to have some prior knowledge about Java EE, EJBs, EJB 3.0, JSF, AJAX, web services, and XML. This book is ideal for those developers who have working knowledge of JDeveloper and WebLogic server, and wish to learn about the practical use of EJB 3.0 with Oracle Fusion Middleware.

EJB 3.0 Database Persistence with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

Table of Contents

EJB 3.0 Database Persistence with Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g


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1. What's New in EJB 3.0

Metadata annotations

Configuration defaults

Environmental dependencies and JNDI Access

Simplified Session Beans

Simplified entity beans

Java Persistence API


Simplified checked exceptions

Callback Interfaces


2. Converting an EJB 2.0 Entity to an EJB 3.0 Entity

Setting the environment

Adding an Application

Creating an XML deployment descriptor

Creating stylesheets

Converting the entity class

The EJB 2.0 entity

The XSLT stylesheet

Generating the EJB 3.0 entity

Developing a session façade for an entity

The XSLT stylesheet

Generating the session Façade


3. EclipseLink JPA Persistence Provider

Specifying the EclipseLink persistence provider

The JPA framework

Advantages of JPA

What is required for JPA?

Types of entity managers

Container-managed entity manager

Application-managed entity manager

EclipseLink JPA

Metadata annotations

XML mapping metadata

Entity identity

Entity relationships

EclispeLink JPA Persistence unit properties


4. Building an EJB 3.0 Persistence Model with Oracle JDeveloper

Setting the environment

Creating a datasource in JDeveloper

Creating an EJB 3 application

Creating an EJB 3 entity bean

Mapping an Oracle database table to an entity bean

The entity bean class

Creating a session bean

The session bean class

Creating and testing a test client

Creating a client

Testing the client


5. EJB 3.0 Persistence with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse

Setting the environment

Installing required products

Creating a MySQL database table

Configuring WebLogic Server with MySQL database

Creating a data source

Deploying the data source

Testing the data source

Creating a JPA project in Eclipse

Creating an EJB 3.0 entity bean

The EJB 3.0 entity class

Creating a Persistence Configuration file

Creating a session bean

The session bean class

Creating a test client

Deploying the entity in WebLogic Server

Testing the EJB 3.0 entity client


6. EJB 3.0 with ADF Faces UI

Setting the environment

Creating a datasource in JDeveloper

Creating an EJB 3 application

Creating an EJB 3 entity bean from Oracle database

The Entity class

The persistence configuration file

Creating a session bean

The session bean class

Creating an Oracle ADF Faces client user interface

Creating a JSF page

Adding ADF Faces components

The index JSF page

The JSF page to create an Entity

The JSF page to find an Entity

The catalog entry JSF page

The managed bean

The JSF configuration file

The web application configuration file

Testing the Oracle ADF Faces user interface

Creating an Entity instance

Finding an Entity instance


7. Creating EJB 3.0 Entity Relationships

EJB 3.0 entity relationship annotations

Setting the environment

Creating database tables

Creating an EJB project

Creating the entity beans

The Entity classes

The Catalog entity class

The Edition entity class

The Section entity class

The Article entity class

Creating a session bean

The Session Bean class

Creating the client

Testing the client

Modifying the fetch strategy


8. EJB 3.0 Database Persistence with Ajax in the UI

The XMLHttpRequest Object

Setting the environment

Installing WebLogic Server

Creating an EJB 3.0 application in JDeveloper

Creating a database connection

Creating a data source in WebLogic Server

Creating an entity bean

The entity bean class

The Entity configuration file

Creating a session bean

The session bean class

Creating a servlet client

The Servlet class

Creating an Ajax user interface

Sending an Ajax request

Processing the server response

The Ajax user interface JSP

Creating an application deployment descriptor

Deploying the EJB 3 application to WebLogic Server

Creating a build file

Deploying the EJB 3.0 application

Testing the Ajax input form


9. Using JSF with Entity Relationships

Setting the environment

Creating database tables

Creating an EJB 3.0 application

Creating a database connection

Creating entity beans from tables

Edition entity

Section entity

Article entity

Entity Persistence Configuration file

Creating a session bean

Session bean class

Creating JSF user interfaces

Adding JSF components to the article JSF page

Managed bean for the article JSF page

Adding JSF components to the section JSF page

Managed bean for the section JSF page

Adding JSF components to the Edition JSF page

Managed bean for the Edition JSF page

Adding JSF page navigation

Web configuration file

Running the JSF user interfaces

Creating an Edition entity

Creating a Section entity

Creating an Article entity

The database persisted entities


10. Creating an EJB 3.0 Web Service

Setting the environment

Creating a JDeveloper application

Creating a database connection

Creating a data source in the WebLogic server

Creating an entity bean

The Entity class

The entity Persistence Configuration file

Creating a stateless session bean

The session bean class

Creating a Web Service class

Creating a web service client

Creating and packaging Web Service classes

Testing the web service

Building the client

Testing the client



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