


Mastering Cocos2d Game Development电子书

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作       者:Alex Ogorek

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:176.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a developer who is experienced with Cocos2d and Objective-C, and want to take your game development skills to the next level, this book is going to help you achieve your goal.

Mastering Cocos2d Game Development

Table of Contents

Mastering Cocos2d Game Development


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1. Refreshing Your Cocos2d Knowledge

Preparing the mindset

The physics engine

In-App Purchases

Making use of analytics

Complex mechanics and special effects

Choosing tools and getting started


Particle Designer

Glyph Designer



Git and GitHub/Bitbucket

Setting flexible, focused goals




Downloading the IDE and Source Code

Step 1 – become a developer through Apple's iOS program

Step 2 – download and install Xcode

Adding a device

Step 3 – download Cocos2d (via SpriteBuilder)

Creating a new project via SpriteBuilder

Exporting SpriteBuilder projects to Xcode


2. Failing Faster with Prototypes

File suffixes versus directories

Why prototype?

Playtesting and feedback analysis

Project for the book

A quick mock-up

Overview of how the Cocos2d engine works

Getting a scene up and running

Creating the initial code for the scene to open

Run it on the simulator – doesn't require an iOS developer license

Run it on the device – requires an iOS developer license

Creating buttons and text (labels)

Let's get some text displayed – CCLabelTTF

Let's get some text displayed – CCLabelBMFont

Saving your BMFont using file suffixes

Saving your BMFont using directories

Exporting the BMFont and importing to Xcode

Not using TexturePacker – A brief how-to

Begin using sprite sheets with TexturePacker

Saving to the project location

Scaling the images and publishing the sprite sheet

Importing the sprite sheet and loading it into the memory

Creating buttons via CCButton and CCLayout

Adding the Restart button

Creating nodes and units (sprites)

Setting up the background

Defining and adding a unit to the screen

Moving the units around with touch controls

Talking between scenes

Interaction with enemies and scoring

Creating menus, scenes, and scene transitions

Creating a new file for the scene

Turning a class into an official CCScene subclass

Linking the button in the game to go to the menu

Creating and linking a button in the menu to go to the game

Where to go from here?

Some suggestions


3. Focusing on Physics

Learn how Chipmunk works

Overall structure of Chipmunk

Types of bodies

Setting up a project and creating basic objects

Setting up Cocos2d for use with physics

Building a world for physics to exist

Enabling touch creation of our object

Making the objects fall – adding CCPhysicsBody

Adding the ground and walls

Setting gravity by tilting the device

Setting up the accelerometer

Reading the data

Manipulating gravity to your heart's content

Handling collisions in Chipmunk

Setting the collision delegate

Setting collision tags on game objects

Detecting collision

Using Chipmunk for just collision detection

Turning the physics body into a sensor


4. Sound and Music


Seeing the difference in audio types

Learning about OALSimpleAudio

Preloading effects

Loading files asynchronously

Unloading effects

Playing sound effects and loop background music

Getting some background music going

Sounds when a button is clicked on

Sounds on unit movements

Sounds on unit combination

Sounds when the user loses

Modifying the sound effect on the fly

The volume (or gain), pitch, and pan

Stopping looped sound effects

Modifying the combine sound effect

Other great sound places


5. Creating Cool Content

Adding a table for scores

CCTableView versus UITableView

Saving high scores (NSUserDefaults)

Creating the table

Showing the scores

Adding subtle sliding to the units

Sliding one unit

Sliding all units

Creating movements on a Bézier curve

Examples of using a Bézier curve

Sample project – Bézier map route

Curved M-shape

Depth perception via device tilting

Isn't this parallax scrolling?

Sample project – depth

Creating the parallax node and adding the objects

Visualizing the depth

Restoring equilibrium (calibrating to the new rotation)

A quick scrolling example

Three ways to make unit streamers or "ghosts"

Sample project – ghosts

Method 1 – particle systems

Method 2 – sprites or nodes

Method 3 – constant line

Touchscreen controls versus D-pad adaptation (and why it matters so much to know this distinction)

Bad examples of iOS game controls

Great examples of touchscreen controls


6. Tidying Up and Polishing

Button press visuals

Modifying the CCButton class

Pulse on unit combine


Tutorial phase variable and the NSUserDefaults key

Displaying text for each phase (and CCSprite9Slice)

Advancing the tutorial

Advancing in all the right places

Removing the previous phases' text

Fingers pointing the way

Rejecting non-tutorial movement

Sharing on Facebook and Twitter (and more)

Using the built-in share feature

Creating the Share button

Creating a variable for the current score

Creating the UIActivityView object

Displaying UIActivityViewController

Adding a screenshot to the share

Turning sounds on and off

No options or settings? Main menu it is!

Creating the buttons

Creating the keys

Grabbing the sound and music Boolean from NSUserDefaults

Setting and saving the values

Pausing/resuming background music and sound

Handling MainScene sound

Repeating for GameOverScene (and any other scenes)

Handling AppDelegate music

Making sure that sound/music starts enabled

Game Center leaderboards

Creating the App ID

Creating the app in iTunes Connect

Creating the leaderboard

Adding the GameKit framework

GameKit helper files

Authenticating the user

Creating the Game Center button

Submitting the score

Slide transition

Creating a generic slide function

Extending the background

Replacing the scene with a rubber band transition

Transition in MenuScene

Transition in GameOver

Other ideas for polishing


7. Reaching Our Destination

Adding a default image

Adding the loading screen

Switching to LoadingScene from MainScene



Adding the icons to the project

Asset catalog

Analytics and user data

Signing up for Flurry

Adding Flurry to your project

Logging events

Tracking and visualizing the data

Preparing the app on iTunes Connect

Releasing the game and steps after it

After submission

Beta testers and the target market

App review sites

Other sources of information


8. Exploring Swift

How Swift works

Learning Swift through Playgrounds

How Playgrounds are organized

Viewing the results over time

Learning more about Swift

Creating a game in Swift instead of Objective-C

Goal of the game

Starting a new Swift project

Adding the font files

Importing Bridging-Header and loading MainScene

Creating the background, turret, and score label

Rotating the turret with touchMoved

Shooting some bullets

Spawning enemies and sending them towards the center

Transitioning to GameOver

Handling collisions

Counting the score

Increasing the difficulty



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