


UX Design for Mobile电子书

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作       者:Pablo Perea, Pau Giner

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:40.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Get proficient in building beautiful and appealing mobile interfaces (UI) with this complete mobile user experience (UX) design guide. About This Book ? Quickly explore innovative design solutions based on the real needs of your users. ? Create low and high fidelity prototypes using some of the best tools. ? Master a pragmatic design process to create successful products. ? Plan an app design from scratch to final test, with real users. Who This Book Is For This book is for designers, developers and product managers interested in creating successful apps. Readers will be provided with a process to produce, test and improve designs based on best practices. What You Will Learn ? Plan an app design from scratch to final test, with real users. ? Learn from leading companies and find working patterns. ? Apply best UX design practices to your design process. ? Create low and high fidelity prototypes using some of the best tools. ? Follow a step by step examples for Tumult Hype and Framer Studio. ? Test your designs with real users, early in the process. ? Integrate the UX Designer profile into a working team. In Detail User experience (UX) design provides techniques to analyze the real needs of your users and respond to them with products that are delightful to use. This requires you to think differently compared to traditional development processes, but also to act differently. In this book, you will be introduced to a pragmatic approach to exploring and creating mobile app solutions, reducing risks and saving time during their construction. This book will show you a working process to quickly iterate product ideas with low and high fidelity prototypes, based on professional tools from different software brands. You will be able to quickly test your ideas early in the process with the most adequate prototyping approach. You will understand the pros and cons of each approach, when you should use each of them, and what you can learn in each step of the testing process. You will also explore basic testing approaches and some more advanced techniques to connect and learn from your users. Each chapter will focus on one of the general steps needed to design a successful product according to the organization goals and the user needs. To achieve this, the book will provide detailed hands-on pragmatic techniques to design innovative and easy to use products. You will learn how to test your ideas in the early steps of the design process, picking up the best ideas that truly work with your users, rethinking those that need further refinement, and discarding those that don’t work properly in tests made with real users. By the end of the book, you will learn how to start exploring and testing your design ideas, regardless the size of the design budget. Style and approach A quick and simple guide to design and test a mobile application from the UX design point of view

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UX Design for Mobile


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Design Principles and General Design Planning

Switching your perspective to focus on the user

Getting organizations to adopt a user-centered perspective

Design principles

Needs from our human condition

Needs from general expectations

Needs from the specific context of use

General design planning

Being pragmatic

Design is not about making things look nice

Users are not able to tell you what they need

You (or your team) are not your users

User experience is not a list of features

Your goal is not to make your client or boss happy


Research - Learning from Your Users

How we will do that?

Getting to know your users

Mental model - understand how your users think

What is the conceptual model?

Researching methods

Observation and interviews

Affinity Diagram

The method steps

Card sorting

Open card method steps

Closed card method steps

When is it convenient to perform this method?

Tree Test

The method steps

How to improve the organization

Content organization

Area naming

The working memory limit


What we want to discover?

Find the participants

Determining the questions

Open-answer questions

Questions with pre-established answers

Humanize the forms

Research documents

The Persona Document

How should I create a persona document?

Better with an example template




Domain and technical expertise





User journeys

Create a User Journey

Competitors' analysis

Functionality analysis

Vocabulary analysis

Target users, supported users, and non-supported users

Being pragmatic

Recruiting participants

Avoiding biases

Looking for the signs


Exploring Ideas - Sketching

Adopting the sketching mindset

Sketching basics

Sketching tools

Producing results fast

Adjusting your focus

Timeboxing with the Crazy Eights technique

Organizing your exploration

Decomposing your problem

Identifying conflicts

Communicating your ideas

Creating storyboards

Organizing critique sessions

Being pragmatic

The perfect is the enemy of the good

This is not about inspiration

Connecting the conversation to the design goals

Making tradeoffs visible - you cannot emphasize everything


Mobile Patterns - Web App, Android, and iOS Best Practices

Web application approaches - responsive, adaptive, and flexible

Responsive behavior




Frontend frameworks

Design in columns

Mobile application design patterns

Mobile user interface design patterns


Sliding drawer

Upper area tabs

Bottom menu

Placing actions in the screen to facilitate navigation

Back button

Multiscreen task

Explore navigation

Floating buttons


Movement in notifications

Circle hint

Count notifications app icon


Galleries with miniatures


Portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal) orientations

User interactions

One-tap interaction

Share functionality

Comment and review

Secondary actions

Handling errors

Overlay tips


In-content messages

Displaying a message as the first block of content

Other mobile user interface design patterns

Mobile design behavior patterns

Progressive disclosure

Lazy login

Swipe down to refresh

Search suggestions


Android and iOS differences

Physical buttons

Screen density and features

UI elements

Being pragmatic

Explore different solutions


Detail Your Solution - Wireframes and Mockups

Understanding wireframes

Wireframes as a functionality specification document









Testing your designs with real content

Specifications and assets for multiple screens

Understanding units and pixel densities

Specifications file

Automated solutions

Touch target

Images with good resolution

Pixel perfect icons

Being pragmatic

Learn how to code

Test in real environments

Stay up to date on the latest trends


Prototyping - Bringing Your Ideas to Life

Adopting the prototyping mindset

Deciding the best prototyping approach for your needs

Deciding on the type of prototype

Selecting the appropriate tools

Planning the prototype

Deciding what to prototype

Deciding how to prototype

Being pragmatic

A prototype is not an early version of your product

A prototype is worth a thousand meetings


Prototyping with Motion - Using Tumult Hype

The role of motion in prototyping

The basic concepts of Hype

Scene list

Scene editor

Property inspector

Timeline and layers

Code editor

Importing and exporting

Prototyping navigation

Manipulating layers with interactions

Manipulating layers

Using a single layer for the active state

Using separate layers for each state

Supporting scroll and navigation

Supporting gestures

Prototyping complex behavior

Composing animations

Supporting user input

Being pragmatic

Organize your layers

Preview often


Prototyping with Code - Using Framer Studio


Framer Studio

Understanding CoffeeScript

Let's start coding with CoffeeScript

Variables and operators



Loops and conditional structures

Objects and methods

Understanding Framer.js






Creating prototypes with Sketch and Framer Studio

Welcome Tour Prototype

Artboards states

Prototype behavior

Coordinating animations

Drawer Navigation Prototype

Using the ScrollComponent

FAB button event reacting

Drawer menu functionality

Input field search functionality

Bottom Navigation Prototype

Bottom navigation

Being Pragmatic

Be part of the community

Learning resources

Test with your mobile phone

Stay up to date with Framer news


User Testing

Understanding the role of testing usability

Deciding what to test

Using the right method

Planning the test

Defining the goals

Scenarios and tasks

Defining a script

Setting up the environment

Conducting usability tests

Recruiting participants

Introducing the process

Observing users behavior

Identifying key aspects and summarizing the results

Being pragmatic

Inviting people from your team to view the research sessions

Learning is more important than validating

Check you are answering the research questions

Combining research with measurements


Bibliography and References


Kano model

Gestalt principles

Mental model references

Conceptual model references

Persona document references

Card sorting references

Tree testing (Reverse card sorting) references

Affinity diagram references

Crazy eights references

Survey references

User journey references

Scenarios references

Progressive disclosure

Reciprocity effect

Lazy login

User testing

Mobile patterns

Information architecture

Visual design


Tumult Hype





Image sources

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

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