


Machine Learning for Finance电子书

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作       者:Jannes Klaas

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:247.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Plan and build useful machine learning systems for financial services, with full working Python code Key Features * Build machine learning systems that will be useful across the financial services industry * Discover how machine learning can solve finance industry challenges * Gain the machine learning insights and skills fintech companies value most Book Description Machine learning skills are essential for anybody working in financial data analysis. Machine Learning for Finance shows you how to build machine learning models for use in financial services organizations. It shows you how to work with all the key machine learning models, from simple regression to advanced neural networks. You will see how to use machine learning to automate manual tasks, identify and address systemic bias, and find new insights and patterns hidden in available data. Machine Learning for Finance encourages and equips you to find new ways to use data to serve an organization’s business goals. Broad in scope yet deeply practical in approach, Machine Learning for Finance will help you to apply machine learning in all parts of a financial organization’s infrastructure. If you work or plan to work in fintech, and want to gain one of the most valuable skills in the sector today, this book is for you. What you will learn * Practical machine learning for the finance sector * Build machine learning systems that support the goals of financial organizations * Think creatively about problems and how machine learning can solve them * Identify and reduce sources of bias from machine learning models * Apply machine learning to structured data, natural language, photographs, and written text related to finance * Use machine learning to detect fraud, forecast financial trends, analyze customer sentiments, and more * Implement heuristic baselines, time series, generative models, and reinforcement learning in Python, scikit-learn, Keras, and TensorFlow Who this book is for Machine Learning for Finance is for financial professionals who want to develop and apply machine learning skills, and for students entering the field. You should be comfortable with Python and the basic data science stack, such as NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib, to get the most out of this book.

Machine Learning for Finance

Machine Learning for Finance

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Who this book is for

What this book covers

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1. Neural Networks and Gradient-Based Optimization

Our journey in this book

What is machine learning?

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning

Reinforcement learning

The unreasonable effectiveness of data

All models are wrong

Setting up your workspace

Using Kaggle kernels

Running notebooks locally

Installing TensorFlow

Installing Keras

Using data locally

Using the AWS deep learning AMI

Approximating functions

A forward pass

A logistic regressor

Python version of our logistic regressor

Optimizing model parameters

Measuring model loss

Gradient descent


Parameter updates

Putting it all together

A deeper network

A brief introduction to Keras

Importing Keras

A two-layer model in Keras

Stacking layers

Compiling the model

Training the model

Keras and TensorFlow

Tensors and the computational graph



2. Applying Machine Learning to Structured Data

The data

Heuristic, feature-based, and E2E models

The machine learning software stack

The heuristic approach

Making predictions using the heuristic model

The F1 score

Evaluating with a confusion matrix

The feature engineering approach

A feature from intuition – fraudsters don't sleep

Expert insight – transfer, then cash out

Statistical quirks – errors in balances

Preparing the data for the Keras library

One-hot encoding

Entity embeddings

Tokenizing categories

Creating input models

Training the model

Creating predictive models with Keras

Extracting the target

Creating a test set

Creating a validation set

Oversampling the training data

Building the model

Creating a simple baseline

Building more complex models

A brief primer on tree-based methods

A simple decision tree

A random forest


E2E modeling



3. Utilizing Computer Vision

Convolutional Neural Networks

Filters on MNIST

Adding a second filter

Filters on color images

The building blocks of ConvNets in Keras


Kernel size

Stride size


Input shape

Simplified Conv2D notation

ReLU activation




Training MNIST

The model

Loading the data

Compiling and training

More bells and whistles for our neural network


The Adam optimizer


L2 regularization

L1 regularization

Regularization in Keras



Working with big image datasets

Working with pretrained models

Modifying VGG-16

Random image augmentation

Augmentation with ImageDataGenerator

The modularity tradeoff

Computer vision beyond classification

Facial recognition

Bounding box prediction



4. Understanding Time Series

Visualization and preparation in pandas

Aggregate global feature statistics

Examining the sample time series

Different kinds of stationarity

Why stationarity matters

Making a time series stationary

When to ignore stationarity issues

Fast Fourier transformations


Establishing a training and testing regime

A note on backtesting

Median forecasting


Kalman filters

Forecasting with neural networks

Data preparation



Dilated and causal convolution

Simple RNN


The carry

Recurrent dropout

Bayesian deep learning



5. Parsing Textual Data with Natural Language Processing

An introductory guide to spaCy

Named entity recognition

Fine-tuning the NER

Part-of-speech (POS) tagging

Rule-based matching

Adding custom functions to matchers

Adding the matcher to the pipeline

Combining rule-based and learning-based systems

Regular expressions

Using Python's regex module

Regex in pandas

When to use regexes and when not to

A text classification task

Preparing the data

Sanitizing characters


Preparing the target

Preparing the training and test sets



Topic modeling

Word embeddings

Preprocessing for training with word vectors

Loading pretrained word vectors

Time series models with word vectors

Document similarity with word embeddings

A quick tour of the Keras functional API


Seq2seq models

Seq2seq architecture overview

The data

Encoding characters

Creating inference models

Making translations



6. Using Generative Models

Understanding autoencoders

Autoencoder for MNIST

Autoencoder for credit cards

Visualizing latent spaces with t-SNE

Variational autoencoders

MNIST example

Using the Lambda layer

Kullback–Leibler divergence

Creating a custom loss

Using a VAE to generate data

VAEs for an end-to-end fraud detection system

VAEs for time series



Understanding GAN latent vectors

GAN training tricks

Using less data – active learning

Using labeling budgets efficiently

Leveraging machines for human labeling

Pseudo labeling for unlabeled data

Using generative models

SGANs for fraud detection



7. Reinforcement Learning for Financial Markets

Catch – a quick guide to reinforcement learning

Q-learning turns RL into supervised learning

Defining the Q-learning model

Training to play Catch

Markov processes and the bellman equation – A more formal introduction to RL

The Bellman equation in economics

Advantage actor-critic models

Learning to balance

Learning to trade

Evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms

Practical tips for RL engineering

Designing good reward functions

Careful, manual reward shaping

Inverse reinforcement learning

Learning from human preferences

Robust RL

Frontiers of RL

Multi-agent RL

Learning how to learn

Understanding the brain through RL



8. Privacy, Debugging, and Launching Your Products

Debugging data

How to find out whether your data is up to the task

What to do if you don't have enough data

Unit testing data

Keeping data private and complying with regulations

Preparing the data for training

Understanding which inputs led to which predictions

Debugging your model

Hyperparameter search with Hyperas

Efficient learning rate search

Learning rate scheduling

Monitoring training with TensorBoard

Exploding and vanishing gradients


Launching fast

Understanding and monitoring metrics

Understanding where your data comes from

Performance tips

Using the right hardware for your problem

Making use of distributed training with TF estimators

Using optimized layers such as CuDNNLSTM

Optimizing your pipeline

Speeding up your code with Cython

Caching frequent requests



9. Fighting Bias

Sources of unfairness in machine learning

Legal perspectives

Observational fairness

Training to be fair

Causal learning

Obtaining causal models

Instrument variables

Non-linear causal models

Interpreting models to ensure fairness

Unfairness as complex system failure

Complex systems are intrinsically hazardous systems

Catastrophes are caused by multiple failures

Complex systems run in degraded mode

Human operators both cause and prevent accidents

Accident-free operation requires experience with failure

A checklist for developing fair models

What is the goal of the model developers?

Is the data biased?

Are errors biased?

How is feedback incorporated?

Can the model be interpreted?

What happens to models after deployment?



10. Bayesian Inference and Probabilistic Programming

An intuitive guide to Bayesian inference

Flat prior

<50% prior

Prior and posterior

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Metropolis-Hastings MCMC

From probabilistic programming to deep probabilistic programming



Further reading

General data analysis

Sound science in machine learning

General machine learning

General deep learning

Reinforcement learning

Bayesian machine learning

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