



售       价:¥

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作       者:刘继凯,喻煌超

出  版  社:电子工业出版社


字       数:417.7万

所属分类: 科技 > 工业技术 > 一般工业技术



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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Chapter 1 Introduction to Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The fundamentals of density-based and homogenization-based topology optimization

1.2.1 Density-based method

1.2.2 SIMP

1.2.3 Homogenization

1.2.4 Inverse homogenization

1.3 Hotspots in topology optimization for AM

1.3.1 Optimization design of multiscale structures

1.3.2 Lattice structure topology optimization

1.3.3 Topology optimization considering AM constraints

1.4 Outline of this book


Chapter 2 A Novel Lattice Structure Topology Optimization Method with Extreme Anisotropic Lattice Properties

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Topology optimization of the sample lattices

2.3 Details of the proposed LSTO method

2.3.1 Design of lattice structures with extreme mechanical properties

2.3.2 Parameterized property modeling for the proposed candidate lattice

2.3.3 Formulation of the LSTO problem

2.3.4 Sensitivity analysis

2.3.5 Numerical implementation

2.4 Numerical examples

2.4.1 A 3D three-point bending beam

2.4.2 A 3D L-bracket structure

2.5 Mechanical test

2.6 Applications to part design

2.7 Extension to incorporate macroscopic topological changes

2.8 Discussion and conclusion

Appendix MATLAB codes for the 3D three-point bending beam case


Chapter 3 Multiscale Topology Optimization for Solid-lattice-void Hybrid Structures through An Ordered Multi-phase Interpolation

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Method

3.2.1 Design of extreme anisotropic lattice structures

3.2.2 Parametrized modeling for the candidate lattice

3.2.3 The ordered solid-lattice-void interpolation

3.2.4 Formulation of the optimization problem

3.2.5 Sensitive analysis

3.2.6 Optimization procedures

3.3 Numerical examples

3.3.1 L-bracket beam

3.3.2 MBB beam

3.3.3 Additive manufacturing and mechanical tests

3.3.4 A bone remodeling example

3.4 Conclusions

Appendix MATLAB reference codes for MBB beam


Chapter 4 Comprehensive Clustering-based Topology Optimization for Connectable Multi-scale Additive Manufacturing Structures

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Homogenization theory

4.3 Methodology

4.3.1 A LSTO method by using multi-variable lattices

4.3.2 Clustering strategy for post-processing

4.3.3 Inverse homogenization-based MTO

4.4 Numerical implementations

4.5 Numerical examples

4.5.1 Simply supported beam

4.5.2 L-bracket

4.5.3 Cantilever

4.6 Additive manufacturing and mechanical test

4.7 Extensions and discussions

4.7.1 The influence of varying initial designs for guaranteeing connectivity

4.7.2 Further clustering for the highest-density sub-domain

4.7.3 The influence of different lattice types

4.8 Conclusion

Appendix MATLAB reference codes for the simply supported beam


Chapter 5 Topology Optimization for Vat Photopolymerization 3D Printing of Ceramics with Flushing Jet Accessibility Constraint

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Problem formulation

5.2.1 Material model

5.2.2 Optimization problem

5.2.3 Sensitivity analysis

5.3 Numerical examples

5.3.1 2D cantilever beam

5.3.2 3D MBB beam

5.4 CSL 3D printing experiment

5.5 Engineering application: a pillow bracket part

5.6 Conclusion

Appendix MATLAB codes for 2D cantilever beam case


Chapter 6 Path-driven Shell Lattices Designed for Continuous Fiber Composite 3D Printing

6.1 Introduction

6.2 TPMS lattices

6.3 Path-driven shell lattice design

6.3.1 Periodic function

6.3.2 Parametric generation of path-driven shell lattices

6.4 Shape optimization

6.4.1 Mechanical property optimization

6.4.2 Surface curvature optimization

6.5 Fabrication and experimental method

6.6 Result and discussion

6.6.1 PDSLs with different parameter configurations

6.6.2 Mechanical property optimization

6.6.3 Surface curvature optimization

6.6.4 Fabrication and experimental result

6.7 Conclusion


Chapter 7 Stress Constrained Topology Optimization of Heterogeneous Lattice Structures

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Technical details

7.2.1 Homogenization of the composite materials

7.2.2 Ordered SIMP stress interpolation for solids

7.2.3 Failure criteria identification and ordered SIMP stress interpolation for lattices

7.3 Optimization problem formulation

7.4 Numerical experiment

7.5 Conclusion

Appendix MATLAB codes for 2D L-bracket case


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