


Learning Adobe Muse电子书

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5人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Jennifer Farley

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:185.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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This is an easy to read, practical, step by step guide covering the typical workflow for designing and building a website using Adobe Muse. As you work though the examples in the book you will build a fully-functioning website. The book includes many screenshots and graphics showing you exactly how to use the various features in Adobe Muse,This book is written for beginner web designers and also graphic designers who are interested in using their print design skills on the Web. It will teach you how to quickly build websites without the need to learn HTML or CSS.

Learning Adobe Muse

Table of Contents

Learning Adobe Muse


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Downloading the example text and image




1. Welcome to Muse

What is this Muse you speak of?

Where to find Muse

The Muse workspace

The Welcome screen

To open a recent site

To create a new site


Saving your site

Opening a page in Design view

The toolbar

Using the tools

The Control Panel


Expanding and collapsing panels

Hide all panels

Open a panel

Rearranging panels

The document window

Rulers, guides, and grids

Header and footer guides

Grid overlay


Changing magnification

Undoing actions

Getting help and more resources

Muse updates


2. The Muse Workflow

Print workflow versus web workflow

Pre-Muse planning

Browser battles


Download speed

Where to find more information?

The Muse workflow

Create a site

Why 960 instead of 1024?

Plan your site

Design your site

Preview your site

Publish your site

Reviewing and testing a website

Adobe Business Catalyst

A brief overview of publishing

Domain names

Acquire server space

Uploading your site


3. Planning Your Site

Page layouts

Bread and butter layouts

What appears on a typical web page?


Navigation bar




What to include in a wireframe?

Wireframes with Muse

Site structure with Plan view

Working with thumbnails in the Plan view

Working with wireframes

Saving the graphic style

Using placeholder images

Updating placeholder images with final site graphics

Adding dummy text and paragraph styles

Where are the files generated by Muse?



4. Powerful Pages


Master pages

Working with pages within your site

Adding a sibling page

Adding a child page

Creating a duplicate page

Deleting a page

Renaming a page

Rearranging pages

Editing page properties

Page sizes

Opening, saving, and closing a page

Working with Master pages

Creating a new Master page

Applying a Master page to a web page

Header and footer guides

Adding text to a page

Creating links

Creating a link to a page in our site

Creating a link to an external web page

Creating a link anchor

Creating an e-mail link

Understanding two different types of links

Changing the color of links

Editing and deleting links

To edit a link

To delete a link

Creating a navigation bar

Tips for navigation links

Zooming in, out, and about

Zooming in

Zooming out

Fit page to window

Making page to its actual size


5. The Joy of Rectangles

Working with rectangles

Setting up a master background rectangle

Creating a rectangle on individual pages

Deleting a rectangle

Adjusting a rectangle

Rotating a rectangle

Cutting, copying, and pasting rectangles

Duplicating a rectangle

Adding color – fills and strokes

Adding a stroke

Stroke alignment

Stroke widths

Changing rectangle fill

Setting a gradient fill

Adding an image to a rectangle

Adding effects to rectangles

Adding a drop shadow

Adding a bevel effect

Adding a glow

Change stacking order of rectangles

Creating a mixture of round and square corners

Creating full width rectangles


6. Typography, Muse, and the Web

The power of text

Anatomy of type

Creating text frames

Clear, compelling, and correct content

Editing text

Creating and applying paragraph styles

Creating and applying character styles

Using the Context menu in the Character and Paragraph Styles panels


Content organization and hierarchy

Headings and accessibility

Headings and SEO

Creating headings

Change text case

Text wrapping

Web-safe fonts

Metadata – the hidden text on your page


7. Working with Images

Hello web-friendly images

Choosing the best file format




Web-safe colors – a thing of the past?

Getting images onto your page

Placing an image

Adding alternative text

The image context menu

Manipulating images

Resizing an image

Rotating an image

Positioning an image

Duplicating an image

Cropping an image

Adding effects to an image

Pasting an image from another program

Working with background images

Adding a logo

Adding a link to a logo

Using a tiled image as a background

Using a photographic image as a background image

Pinning an image

Taking care of site files with the Assets panel

Group objects together to work with them as a single object

Grouping objects


8. Customizing with Widgets—Menus and Panels

Working with widgets

Adding a widget to the page

How menu widgets work

Adding a menu bar

Selecting the widget and its subelements

Setting widget options

Formatting each menu item

Adding states

Transferring a style

Horizontal menus

Vertical menus

Accordion panels

Adding a panel

Editing Accordion widget elements

Editing Accordion widget options

Tabbed Panels

Deleting a panel


9. More Widgets—Compositions and Slideshows

Composition widgets

Creating a simple photo gallery using a blank composition

Add content to a target area

Changing Composition widget options

Another way to create triggers and targets with multiple images

Slideshow widgets

Creating a slideshow presentation

Insert arbitrary HTML

Adding a Google Map to your page

Adding a Twitter (or any other type of) feed to your site


10. Muse, Meet the Adobe Creative Suite

Adding a Photoshop rollover button


Creating a rollover button with multiple states in Photoshop

Placing the Photoshop button

Adding a Photoshop image that's not a button

Editing our Photoshop file

Paste an image from another program

Embedding rich media content


11. Previewing and Testing Your Site

Previewing pages

Completing the site

Preview a page in Muse

Preview a page in a browser

Preview the entire site in a browser

Export HTML for browser testing

Viewing your home page on an installed browser

What to test for?

Test your website on multiple browsers and platforms

Which browsers and platforms to test?

Test page optimization

View pages on a variety of displays

View pages on different screen resolutions

Check for adequate color contrast

Test the functionality of all your widgets

Test all links, including navigation

Test all downloads

Test the site's accessibility conformance

Proofread all content

Usability testing

Creating a device-friendly website


12. Publishing Your Site

Adobe ID

Publishing a temporary site

Remind me what the .muse file is again

Editing and updating a site

Upgrading and launching

Register a domain name

Upgrade to a published site

Associating the domain name with your Muse site

Re-delegating your domain name

Alternative hosting

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP clients



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