


VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming电子书

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46人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Vivek Thangaswamy

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:162.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book contains complete step-by-step instructions and simple explanations about VSTO programming of entire Office applications. It covers the concepts of VSTO, VSTO architecture, its features, and versions using practical examples, to help beginners and intermediate developers develop real-world Office applications. Separate chapters cover programming InfoPath, Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. This book is aimed at .NET developers, familiar with C#, who want to get to grips with programming Office 2007. The book will also be useful for those of you who already have experience with VBA and programming Office, but are ready to take the next step into the more powerful world of Office programming with VSTO.

VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming

Table of Contents

VSTO 3.0 for Office 2007 Programming


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1. Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)

What is Microsoft VSTO?

Why VSTO 3.0?

Safer managed code extensions

Data caching

Feature customization

User Interface customization

Smart tags

WPF support

Visual designers

Security improvements


What's new in VSTO 3.0?

VSTO architecture

Development approaches

Document-oriented approach

Application-oriented approach

VSTO development and deployment

Creating Office applications through VSTO

VSTO development environment


Visual Studio integration

Creating VSTO solutions

Viewing IDE Windows


What can we expect in the next version?


2. Microsoft Office InfoPath Programming

Microsoft Office InfoPath

InfoPath 2007 in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2008 InfoPath solution overview

The VSTO problem when installing Office InfoPath 2007

Creating our first example

Available customization features

Data validation

Custom actions on save

Switching views

Object model in InfoPath solution

Understanding the Microsoft Office InfoPath object model

Understanding the InfoPath object model functional area








Using events in InfoPath

Form-level events

An example of the solution xsi:nil="true" attribute

Loading event

Using the ViewSwitched event

Using the ContextChanged event

Using the Submit event

Using the VersionUpgrade event

Using the Save event

Sign event

Merge event

Xml events

Changed event

Changing event

Validating event

Control events

Clicked event

Writing event validation for an expense report form

Manipulating a data source

Fetch node value from main data source

Assigning a value to a node in the main data source

Adding or creating a new node in the main data source

Deleting or removing nodes from the main data source

Populating Microsoft Office InfoPath with Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Working with Custom Task Panes

Managed code

Custom Task Pane

Creating an InfoPath Task Pane

Creating an InfoPath add-in project using Visual Studio 2008

InfoPath and SharePoint workflow


3. Microsoft Office Word Programming

Microsoft Office Word 2007 solutions

Application-level solutions versus document-level solutions

Creating document-level solutions

Publishing solution deployment

Working with objects and documents

Application object

Document object

Range object

Selection object

Tables collection object

Working with key objects

Inserting text in Word 2007 document

Selecting text in a Word 2007 document

Creating a table in a Word 2007 document

Working with Word templates

Actions Pane: Document-level customization

Creating a Custom Actions Pane for Microsoft Office Word 2007

Managing the Actions Pane

Designing the Actions Pane

Application-level solutions

Task Pane: Application-level customization

What is the Task Pane?

Custom Task Pane

Creating a Custom Task Pane for Microsoft Office Word 2007

Programming in Word

Word host items

Word host controls

Adding controls to a document

Adding an ActiveX control to Microsoft Office Word 2007 programmatically

Data binding to host controls

Simple data binding

Complex data binding

What is LINQ?

Using LINQ in Word 2007 with VSTO 3.0 and Visual Studio 2008


Ribbon menu

Adding controls to menus

Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Adding controls to toolbars


4. Microsoft Office Excel Programming

Programming in Excel

Hello World example using Visual Studio 2008


Data manipulation

Reading worksheet cells

Opening a text file as a workbook using VSTO

Connecting with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database

Worksheet manipulation

Working with ranges



Named ranges

Excel host items

The workbook host item

The worksheet host item

The ChartSheet host item

Excel host controls

Chart control

The ListObject control

The NamedRange control

The XMLMappedRange control

The SelectionChange event

Creating Excel smart tags with VSTO

Excel formulae

Regular expressions

Excel data protection

Workbook protection

Worksheet protection


5. Microsoft Office Outlook Programming

Microsoft Office Outlook object model overview

Customization using VSTO

Menus in Outlook

Toolbars in Outlook

Outlook form regions support




Email messages

Working with Appointments

Working with meetings

Creating a Ribbon menu for Outlook 2007

Outlook 2007 data interaction with Microsoft SQL Server 2008


6. Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Visio, and Project Programming

Programming PowerPoint 2007

PowerPoint 2007 object model

Creating a presentation at runtime

Dynamically add a slide and set title text in the presentation

Set the presentation theme

Ribbons in PowerPoint

Ribbon Visual Designer

Creating a Ribbon

Programming Visio 2007

Visio 2007 object model

Dynamically creating a new Visio document

Adding shapes to a document at runtime

Adding a page as a background for another page

Set the document theme

Creating a Commandbar

Programming Project 2007

Creating a Project and adding a task dynamically

Creating menus for Microsoft Project

Creating a Commandbar for Microsoft Project



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