


Implementing Samba 4电子书

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5人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Marcelo Leal

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:98.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is an implementation tutorial covering stepbystep procedures, examples, and sample code, and has a practical approach to set up a Samba 4 Server as an Active Directory Domain Controller and also set up different Samba 4 server roles. This book is ideal for system administrators who are new to the Samba 4 software, and who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use Samba 4 to implement Active Directory Services. It's assumed that you will have some experience with general system administration, Active Directory, and GNU/Linux systems. Readers are expected to have some test machines (virtual machines), which will be used to execute the examples within this book.

Implementing Samba 4

Table of Contents

Implementing Samba 4



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1. Installing the Samba 4 Server

Installing Debian 7.0 (Wheezy)

Installing and configuring Samba 4 Server's dependencies

Installing Samba 4 Server step by step

Basic validations of the Samba's installation


2. Provisioning Samba 4 as an AD Domain Controller

Highlighting the planning points for an AD service

Acquiring information for deploying an AD service

Availability, performance, and replication for the network service

Setting up Samba 4 as an AD Domain Controller

Validating the Samba 4 configuration


3. Managing the Samba Active Directory Server

Understanding the possible roles of the Samba 4 Server on the network

Implementing the AD authentication and authorization for GNU/Linux systems

Configuring the PAM and NSS libraries

Joining the Debian 7 GNU/Linux into our Active Directory Domain

Starting with the basic concepts for Group Policies on Samba 4

Allowing a user to create Group Policies

Allowing a user to link Group Policies to OUs

Creating a Group Policy

Trust relationships and replication with Samba 4


4. Replacing a Microsoft Windows Active Directory Server

Key points to consider before replacing an AD DC

Planning the replacement – tests and validations

Exporting directory entries

Comparing backup data against live data

Replacing the Active Directory Domain Controller

Replacement tests and validations


5. Upgrading from Samba Server Version 3

Distinguishing between Samba Versions 3 and 4

Key points for consideration before the upgrade

Establishing an upgrade plan

Creating tests and validations before the upgrade

Executing the Samba Server upgrade procedure

Stopping and disabling Samba and winbind daemons

Editing the Samba 4 configuration file

Configuring the reverse zone

Adding the profiles share to the configuration

Deciding the upgrade approach for Member Servers

Upgrading tests and validations for the PDC

Upgrading tests and validations for Member Servers


6. Printing and File Services

Introducing SMB/CIFS protocol versions and Samba 4

Introducing the Samba 4 file and print server daemons

Introducing Microsoft Windows print driver Versions 3 and 4

Configuring a printer on the Samba 4 Server host using CUPS

Sharing the printer on a Microsoft AD network using Samba

Introducing Microsoft Windows Point and Print Samba Server configuration

Sharing files using Samba 4


7. Extending the Active Directory Schema Using Samba 4

Planning an Active Directory schema extension

Exporting the current Active Directory schema configuration

Extending the Active Directory schema in practice

Extending the Active Directory schema

Testing and validating the Samba 4 Active Directory schema extension


8. Implementing a Highly Available Distributed File Server

Preparing the Debian GNU/Linux environment

Configuring GlusterFS for high availability and scalability

Integrating CTDB, GlusterFS, and the Samba 4 Server

Executing tests and validations on the highly available file server


9. The Samba 4 Python Scripting Interface

Open source development and collaborative work

Exploring and using the Python interface of the Samba 4 Server

Introducing Samba 4 Python bindings

Understanding the power of Python and the Samba 4 Server


A. References


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