


Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Professional Reporting电子书

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作       者:Steven Renders

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:196.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Discover tips and trick for Dynamics NAV report building About This Book Create and customize reports in Dynamics NAV 2015 using RDLC, Word, Power BI, and Reporting Services Work with different elements in the toolbox such as tablix, which can be used as a List, Table, or Matrix and understand the differences between them and when to use which This book is a pragmatic guide with clear instructions and real-world examples to teach you about the reporting capabilities of Dynamics NAV 2015 Who This Book Is For If you are a consultant, developer, customer, user, or just interested in the reporting capabilities of Dynamics NAV, then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of Dynamics NAV will be helpful. What You Will Learn Understand why reports are designed in a specific way and then apply this knowledge to your advantage Develop document reports using different techniques Apply filtering and sorting, and create groups Use RDLC to visualize information Visualize information, KPIs, and trends using expressions, Gauges, Charts, Data bars, Indicators, and Spark lines Create and optimize your dataset for RDLC and for Word layouts Use Power BI with Dynamics NAV to bring your data to life Build Reporting Services reports on top of Dynamics NAV In Detail Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a multi-lingual, multi-currency business management solution that organizations use to manage their accounts, supply chain, sales, payroll, and HR. It is an ERP tool for organizations that is fast to implement, easy to configure, and simple to use. It is widely used because simplicity is a part of its development, product design, usability, and implementation. This book will help you to master, analyze, and deliver the most challenging reporting requirements in Dynamics NAV 2015. The book starts by explaining report development and it's different phases such as data model, layout, and testing you go through. It introduces you to RDLC and the different controls in the toolbox, such as the Tablix, in its many forms. You will learn to use expressions to make your layout dynamic and to overcome typical problems. Moving on, the book will teach you to visualize data and be able to understand and read a report as it is intended. You will also learn to use Microsoft Word to create a layout for a report. With Power BI and Power Pivot, Power View, and Power Map, you will learn how easy and powerful it is to bring your data to life, so you can spot trends and perform in depth analysis of your business. Reporting Services is also explained as another way that you can apply the knowledge you have about RDLC to build RDL layouts outside of Dynamics NAV. By the end, you will create different types of charts so you can visualize key performance indicators inside the Dynamics NAV application. Style and approach This book is an essential guide in to understanding what is involved in creating reports in Dynamics NAV and its reporting capabilities.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Professional Reporting

Table of Contents

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Professional Reporting


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1. How Do I Start to Create a Report?

What is a report?

The request page

The report viewer

Report development phases

The data model phase

The layout phase

The testing phase

Report development tools

What do I use to develop the data model?

How do I create the report layout?

Built-in and custom layouts

Building the data model

Understanding the report dataset designer

Building the dataset

Data items and columns – fields, variables, and expressions

Including captions and labels

IncludeCaption versus FIELDCAPTION

How is the dataset flattened?

Unrelated tables or multiple data items, without indentation

Related tables or multiple data items with indentation

Report triggers

What happens when a report runs?

The report trigger sequence

What is a ProcessingOnly report?

Creating the layout

Visual Studio versus Report Builder

Creating a simple layout in Report Builder

Report Builder features

Wizards for prototyping

Creating a simple layout in Visual Studio

Visual Studio features

Report formatting, toolbars, and document outline

Building and testing the layout

Testing pagination and layout in different rendering extensions

Testing the report in different clients – Windows, Web, and tablet

Reporting design guidelines

The request page

The report description

The report creation workflow


2. Getting Started with the Tablix

Report items

Everything is a Tablix

The Document Outline

Changing the name of a Tablix

List versus Table versus Matrix

Filtering and sorting

How can I implement filters?

How can I implement sorting?

Interactive sorting


How can I implement grouping?

Adding a parent-child group to a Tablix

How do I implement expand/collapse?

Adding an adjacent group to a Tablix

Formatting report items

Using placeholders

Important properties – CanGrow and CanShrink

Example – create an item dashboard report


3. Expressions

Using expressions for properties

The expression language

Simple and complex expressions

Symbols used in expression placeholders


Understanding the scope of an expression

Creating custom functions

Typical expression examples

Working with dates

Working with strings

Decision functions

Generating page breaks in code

Repeating a column header on every page

Example – the green-bar-matrix


4. Data Visualization Techniques

An introduction to data visualization

Recipes to implement top x filtering

Conditional formatting in a report

Analyzing your data with data bars and indicators

Using Sparklines to visualize trends

Learning how to visualize information with gauges, maps, and charts

Using gauges

Using charts

Using maps


5. Document Reports

What is a document?

The data model

Implementing multilanguage

Address formatting

Including logos

The No. of Copies option

Totaling and VAT

Logging and No. Printed


The layout

Filtering the dataset

Working with headers and footers

GetData and SetData explained

Declaring the global variable and functions

Implementing the Get and Set functions

Alternative solutions – the mini-document

How do I implement page x of y?


6. Tips and Tricks

Report pagination

Show a footer or header on the last page

Place at the bottom

A fixed number of rows

Trans headers and footers

Creating links

Using a filter

Using a bookmark

Using the GETURL() function

Using internal bookmarks

Printing barcodes

Report templates

Using a report setup table

Report logging

The fixed header problem


7. Performance Optimization Techniques

Performance recommendations

The dataset

Captions and labels

Remove unused columns

Optimize the usage of BLOB fields

Variables and setup information

Avoid unnecessary rows

Report totals

Number formatting

Applying the correct filters

Recommendations according to the version of Dynamics NAV

The layout

Print layout versus print preview

Avoid conditional visibility on a big dataset

Best practices when visualizing information

Expressions in the page header or footer

Complex grouping and aggregate functions

Optimization for the chosen rendering format

Report design guidelines

Implementing hotfixes and rollup updates

Alternatives for building a faster dataset

Using a temporary table

Using a query object for the dataset


8. Word Report Layouts

Introducing the Word report layout

Creating a Word report layout

Formatting the Word report layout

Repeating a table header

Using Word templates

Optimizing your dataset for Word reports

Managing report layouts

Custom layouts

Editing a Custom RDLC layout

The report execution flow

The Word report execution flow

At design time

At runtime

Managing layouts in code

Scheduling reports


9. Power BI

Dynamics NAV web services

Using Excel

Power Pivot

Activating Power Pivot in Excel

Building a Power Pivot data model

Importing data into Power Pivot

Creating relations in the Power Pivot data model

Power View

Power Map

Power Query

Power BI Designer



10. Reporting Services

What are Reporting Services?

Installation and configuration

Creating a report in SSRS

Using SQL Server Data Tools

Publishing a report project

Implementing reusability

Shared data sources and datasets

Shared report parts

Creating functions

Using stored procedures

Calling a Dynamics NAV OData web service

The next step


Subscribing or scheduling


11. Charts in Dynamics NAV

The generic chart designer

Text management

Show any list as a chart

Business charts

Creating a business chart

Drill down your business chart

Preserving the user personalization

Implementing cues and colored indicators

A typical activities page

A typical cue table

Colored indicators

Cue style objects in Dynamics NAV



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