


Image Processing with ImageJ - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Jurjen Broeke

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:234.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Extract and analyze data from complex images with ImageJ, the world’s leading image processing tool About This Book Design automated image-processing solutions and speed up image-processing tasks with ImageJ Create quality and intuitive interfaces for image processing by developing a basic framework for ImageJ plugins. Tackle even the most sophisticated datasets and complex images Who This Book Is For The book has been created for engineers, scientists, and developers eager to tackle image processing with one of the leading tools available. No prior knowledge of ImageJ is needed. Familiarity with Java programming will be required for readers to code their own routines using ImageJ. What You Will Learn Install and set up ImageJ for image processing. Process images using ImageJ’s built-in tools Create macros to perform repetitive processing tasks Set up and use an integrated development environment for ImageJ plugins Create plugins with a user-friendly interface for processing Use established ImageJ plugins for processing and quantification Generate a simple interface based on a real world example and create other interfaces for other projects Speed up interface development by setting multiple parameters interactively In Detail Advances in image processing have been vital for the scientific and technological communities, making it possible to analyze images in greater detail than ever before. But as images become larger and more complex, advanced processing techniques are required. ImageJ is built for the modern challenges of image processing – it’s one of the key tools in its development, letting you automate basic tasks so you can focus on sophisticated, in depth analysis. This book demonstrates how to put ImageJ into practice. It outlines its key features and demonstrates how to create your own image processing applications using macros and ImageJ plugins. Once you’ve got to grips with the basics of ImageJ, you’ll then discover how to build a number of different image processing solutions. From simple tasks to advanced and automated image processing, you’ll gain confidence with this innovative and powerful tool – however and whatever you are using it for. Style and approach A step-by-step guide to image processing and developing macros and plugins in ImageJ. The book will progress from using the built-in tools to macros and finally plugins for image processing.

Image Processing with ImageJ Second Edition

Table of Contents

Image Processing with ImageJ Second Edition


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1. Getting Started with ImageJ

ImageJ distributions

The uses of ImageJ

The current state of ImageJ




Integrated environment for acquisition and processing

Obtaining and installing ImageJ

Installation of ImageJ

Installing on Windows

Installing on Mac OS X

Installing on Linux

The ImageJ folder structure

Plugins folder

Macros folder

Configuring a fresh ImageJ installation


2. Basic Image Processing with ImageJ

Images in ImageJ

Image types

Grayscale images

Color images

Stacks and hyperstacks

Color images and multichannel stacks

Z-stack images and volumes

Time series

Multidimensional images

Extracting image and pixel information

Loading and saving images

Loading images and sequences

Saving images

Image calibration

Viewing images in ImageJ

Viewing multichannel images

Viewing time series


3. Advanced Image Processing with ImageJ

Correcting images

Technical background

Correcting Shot noise

Correcting dark noise

Uneven illumination – background subtraction

Image normalization

Bleach correction

Stack processing

Processing Z-stacks

Stack projections

Maximum projection

Volume viewing and rendering

Processing time series

Normalizing time series data


4. Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction with ImageJ

Image segmentation

Image thresholding

Thresholding grayscale images

Thresholding color images

Morphological processing

Morphological operators

Erode and dilate

Skeletonize and watershed

Image filtering

Filtering in the frequency domain

Image filtering in the spatial domain

Feature extraction

Edge detection


5. Basic Measurements with ImageJ

Selections and regions in ImageJ

Area selections

Line selections

Point selections

Basic measurements

Area selections and measurements

Oval selections

Polygon selections

Line selections and measurements


Line profiles


Semiquantitative colocalization

Particle analysis

Preprocessing and preparations


6. Developing Macros in ImageJ

Recording macros

Recording a macro for conversion

Modifying macros

User input in macros

Opening a specific file

Saving an image to a folder

Adding choices

Performing input checking

Showing progress in macros

Processing the time series

Running macros in batch process mode

Installing macros


7. Explanation of ImageJ Constructs

Frameworks for macros and plugins

Macros and scripting languages

BeanShell scripting

ImageJ main class

Functions to process images

Functions for selections

Saving and running your scripts

Plugins for ImageJ

ImageJ main class





The Roi class

The Application Programming Interface

Setting up NetBeans IDE

Gathering all components

Setting up a project

Building ImageJ

Creating a plugin

Creating documentation

ImageJ Javadoc

Plugin Javadoc

Developing plugins using Maven

Construction of the POM

Creating a Maven plugin project

Creating an ImageJ2 plugin

Pros and cons of using an IDE


8. Anatomy of ImageJ Plugins

The basic anatomy of a plugin

Legacy plugins

The PlugIn type

The PlugInFilter type

The PlugInFrame type

Implementing a legacy plugin

Combining macros and legacy plugins

SciJava plugins

The @Plugin annotation



Running and debugging plugins

Compiling plugins

Compiling SciJava plugins

Debugging plugins

Examples of available plugins

Example plugins available in ImageJ and Fiji







9. Creating ImageJ Plugins for Analysis

Plugin background and goal

Basic project setup

Creating a basic PlugInFilter

Testing our current implementation

Implementing the setup method

The return type and autocomplete

Javadoc for methods

Finishing the setup method

Implementing the run method

Detecting an object

Refining the detection

Detecting multiple objects

Implementing the measurements

Adding user interaction and preferences

Settings and options dialog

Adding external libraries

Adding the dependency for Apache POI

Creating an Excel file

Sharing your plugin

Creating a site

Uploading your plugin


10. Where to Go from Here?

Basic development

Additional tools

Project management and feedback

Other resources



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