


Learning Google Apps Script电子书

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作       者:Ramalingam Ganapathy

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:44.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Customize and automate Google Applications using Apps Script About This Book Gain insight into customizing and automating Google applications with JavaScript Create add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, or Forms; automate your workflow; integrate with external APIs; and more. A step-by-step guide to building real-world solutions Who This Book Is For Newbies to google apps * but having practical experience in Java*. What You Will Learn Learn about the Google Apps * platform and work with *s to develop Google apps Create custom menus and dialogs Parse and send emails Generate Google calendar events Build Translator and RSS reader applications Develop interactive web pages Design interactive web-forms Form a workflow application In Detail Google Apps Script is a cloud-based *ing language based on JavaScript to customize and automate Google applications. Apps Script makes it easy to create and publish add-ons in an online store for Google Sheets, Docs, and Forms. It serves as one single platform to build, code, and ultimately share your App on the Web store. This book begins by covering the basics of the Google application platform and goes on to empower you to automate most of the Google applications. You will learn the concepts of creating a menu, sending mails, building interactive web pages, and implementing all these techniques to develop an interactive Web page as a form to submit sheets You will be guided through all these tasks with plenty of screenshots and code snippets that will ensure your success in customizing and automating various Google applications This guide is an invaluable tutorial for beginners who intend to develop the skills to automate and customize Google applications Style and approach An easy-to-follow yet comprehensive guide, filled with many code examples and screenshots illustrating various Google Apps *s.

Learning Google Apps Script

Table of Contents

Learning Google Apps Script


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1. Introducing Google Apps Scripts

Google Applications

Google Apps Script

Visual Basic for Applications

The advantages of GAS over VBA

The limitations of GAS

Google Drive


Google Calendar

Google Docs

Google Sheets

Google Apps services

Creating Google Sheets in Drive and sharing them with your friends and the public

Script projects

Creating standalone script projects

Creating new projects in Sheets

Creating a custom formula in Sheets

Google Forms

Creating Forms within Google Sheet

Some research


2. Creating Basic Elements

Creating a clickable button

Showing toast when a button is clicked

Creating a custom menu

Creating a sidebar

Creating an Add-ons menu

Creating a modal dialog

Creating a modeless dialog

Debugging your script


3. Parsing and Sending E-mails

Creating Gmail Contacts by script

Accessing Sheet, cell, range, and offset

Reading and writing the Sheet data

Building a Gmail Contact search application

Building the Gmail parser application

Properties service

Downloading Gmail attachments to Drive

Sending e-mails using the MailApp service

Sending an e-mail notification on Form submission

Creating triggers manually

Creating and deleting triggers by script

Forwarding e-mails if the specific keyword is found in the message body

Sending e-mail with attachments

Embedding inline images in an e-mail message

Building an e-mail merger application


4. Creating Interactive Forms

Creating Forms using script

Publishing the script as a web application


Creating a Form using HtmlService

Submitting form using Google script API method

Creating forms using add-ons CSS and jQuery libraries

Creating an e-voting application

Creating a ticket reservation application


5. Creating Google Calendar and Drive Applications

The CalendarApp class

Creating Calendar events from a simple description

Creating simple Calendar events

Creating events with options

Creating events from Sheets data

Creating events from an external CSV file's contents

Enabling advanced Google services

Listing all the Calendars

Listing Calendar events in Sheets

Syncing events from one Calendar to another Calendar

The DriveApp class

Creating customized PDF files

Creating a Drive file routing application

Creating a Drive file search application


6. Creating Feed Reader and Translator Applications

The UrlFetchApp class

Creating a Google search application

Creating a stock quote ticker application

Logging Bitcoin quotes

RSS and Atom feeds

Skeleton of a RSS feed document

Creating an RSS reader application

Skeleton of an Atom feed document

Creating an Atom feed reader application

Using optional parameters with the UrlFetchApp class

The LanguageApp class

Creating the language translator application

Creating a document reviewing and instant inline commenting application


7. Creating Interactive Webpages

Creating a web app to render Sheet data as HTML

Creating a web app to return JSON

Converting Sheet data as a PDF file

Sending an HTTP/HTTPS request with query string

Creating RSS feed using ContentService

Creating a file upload application

Creating an employee timesheet application


8. Building a Workflow Application

Order processing workflow – steps explained

Configuring Google Sheets

Creating the Order form

Enhancing the Order form

Creating the dispatch form

Dispatching the articles

Enabling the user to acknowledge the article delivery


9. More Tips and Tricks and Creating an Add-on

Overcoming the "script exceeded maximum execution time" error

Configuring your script project to use external libraries

Using JSDoc annotations

Using the OAuth open source library

Creating, testing, and publishing add-ons

Installing add-ons from Chrome Web Store

Creating custom add-ons

Testing your add-on

Creating an add-on that uses an OAuth2 external library

Other useful links



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