


3D Printing Designs: The Sun Puzzle电子书

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作       者:Joe Larson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:30.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create a fascinating 3D printing-ready puzzle in no time! About This Book Learn how to design a 3D printable model from an existing physical object Rekindle your mathematical mind to design perfectly interlocking complex pieces of a puzzle Personalize the puzzle’s design with a photo or shape of your own choice Who This Book Is For The book is meant for fairly advanced 3D printing designers who know their way around Blender, and know how to print out basic shapes. What You Will Learn Design, manipulate, and export 3D models for 3D printing with Blender Master the art from creating meshes, scaling, subdivision, and adding detail with the Boolean modifier to sculpting a custom shape Cut a model into small pieces and learn to design complex interlocking joints In Detail Jigsaw puzzles derive their name from when they were cut from wood sheets using a hand-woodworking tool called a jig saw back in the 1760s. Have you ever wondered how a model idea for a jigsaw puzzle is articulated, and how it was made with these traditional toolsThrough this book, you will master the techniques of designing simple to complex puzzles models for 3D printing. We will quickly introduce you to some simple and effective principles of designing 3D printed objects using Blender. Through the course of the book, you'll explore various robust sculpting methods supported by Blender that allow you to edit objects with actions such as bends or curves, similar to drawing or building up a clay structure of different shapes and sizes. Finally, when the model is sculpted, you'll learn some methods to cut the model and carve out multiple pieces of perfectly-fitting edges of different geometries to complete the puzzle. Style and approach This practical guide explores the union of 3D printing techniques and working with Blender to create intuitive puzzle designs. With a step-by-step approach, you'll learn to use Blender’s shape editing tools to make a basic puzzle shape and combine that with the sculpted model to create the final piece for 3D printing.

3D Printing Designs: The Sun Puzzle

Table of Contents

3D Printing Designs: The Sun Puzzle


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1. 3D Printing Basics

What is 3D printing?

What defines 3D printing?

What to design for?

How do FFF printers work?

The anatomy of a print

FFF design considerations

Overhangs and supports

Supportless 3D printing

Y – gentle overhangs

H – bridging

T – orientation

Wall thickness

Holes in models


2. Beginning Blender

Why Blender?

The price is right

Blender is comprehensive

It's getting better all the time

But Blender isn't perfect

Downloading and installing Blender

The default view

The 3D View

The 3D cursor

The best settings

A scroll-wheel mouse and number pad

A laptop with a touch pad and no number pad

Object creation

Navigating the view

Rotating the view

Jumping to rotation

Panning the view

Zooming the view

Orthographic versus perspective view

Wireframe and solid view

Transforming the object

Controlling transformations

Controlling the view

Axis locking

Precise transformation

Origin manipulation

Duplicating objects

Object selection

Shift select

Border select

Circle select

The Edit mode

Parts of objects

Incremental saving

Blender to real life

Exporting an STL


3. Sculpting the Face of the Sun

Creating the base object

Setting up sculpt

Drawing the face

Smoothing the edges

Adding the nose and eyes

Pulling out the rays

Sharpening the details


4. Cutting a 3D Jigsaw Puzzle

Resizing the model

How big should it be?

Scaling with properties

Building a puzzle piece

Building the basic shape

Sizing the puzzle piece blank

Turning a shape into an object

Adding some tolerance

Putting it all together

What if the Boolean modifier doesn't work?

Exporting and printing



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