


Unity 5.x 2D Game Development Blueprints电子书

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作       者:Francesco Sapio,Abdelrahman Saher

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:43.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Explore the features of Unity 5 for 2D game development by building three amazing game projects About This Book Explore the 2D architecture of Unity 5, and the tools and techniques for developing 2D games Discover how to use Unity’s 2D tools, including Sprites, physics, and maps, to create different genres of games Practical tutorial on the intermediate and advanced development concepts in Unity 5 to create three interesting and fully functional games Who This Book Is For If you've got the basics of 2D development down, push your skills with the projects in this hands-on guide.Diversify your portfolio and learn the skills needed to build a range of awesome 2D game genres. What You Will Learn Explore and understand the vital role of sprites in 2D games Move, animate, and integrate sprites into a 2D platform game Set up User Interfaces (UIs) to keep track of the progress through the games Apply 2D Physics to improve gameplay believability Learn the foundation of Level Design and how to quickly create 2D Maps Discover NPC design, event triggers, and AI programming Create an epic strategy game, challenging all the skills acquired in the book In Detail Flexible, powerful, and full of rich features, Unity 5 is the engine of choice for AAA 2D and 3D game development. With comprehensive support for over 20 different platforms, Unity boasts a host of great new functions for making 2D games. Learn how to leverage these new options into awesome 2D games by building three complete game projects with the Unity game tutorials in this hands-on book. Get started with a quick overview of the principle concepts and techniques needed for making 2D games with Unity, then dive straight in to practical development. Build your own version of Super Mario Brothers as you learn how to animate sprites, work with physics, and construct brilliant UIs in order to create a platformer game. Go on a quest to create a RPG game discovering NPC design, event triggers, and AI programming. Finally, put your skills to the test against a real challenge - designing and constructing a complex strategy game that will draw on and develop all your previously learned skills. Style and approach This is a practical and easy-to-follow guide that starts with the basics and gradually delves into the process of creating 2D games. With step-by-step instructions on how to build three games, followed by a detailed explanation of each example, you will understand the concepts not just in theory, but also by applying the knowledge you gain in practice.

Unity 5.x 2D Game Development Blueprints

Unity 5.x 2D Game Development Blueprints


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1. Sprites

2D mode

Custom packages

Dealing with sprites

Importing sprites

The Sprite Renderer component

The Sprite Editor

Our character makes its first steps


2. Animations

Animating sprites

Automatic clip creation

Manual clip creation

The Animator

The game


3. Physics

2D physics

Rigid bodies

Colliders 2D

Box Collider 2D

Letting the character move

Adjusting the Platformer 2D controller

Defining a physical shape for the character

Improving the Animator

Testing the character movement

Building a cool level


4. Level Design

Tiled for 2D level design

Approaching UI

Game handler

Adding enemies


5. Creating Our Own RPG

Role-Playing Games

Getting ready

Importing the level

Slicing the sprites for our hero

Creating our hero

Dressing up our hero

Giving the power of movement to our hero

Animating the hero


6. AI and Pathfinding


AStar Algorithm in Unity

A tool for Unity

Setting up the tool

Using pathfinding for enemies

Shaping our soldier

Giving intelligence to the soldier

Final notes


7. Tower Defense Basics

Tower Defense games

Getting ready

Setting up the scene and creating the map


Creating the bullet prefab

Scripting the bullet


Creating the tower prefab

Scripting the towers


Creating the enemy prefab

Scripting the enemies

Moving along the designed path

Detecting towers' bullets


8. User Interface for the Tower Defense Game

Getting ready

Designing the UI

Creating a lives counter

Creating and placing the lives counter

Scripting the lives counter

Implementing a money system

Creating and placing the money counter

Scripting the money counter

The tower seller

Creating and placing the tower seller

Scripting the tower seller

Finishing the tower seller

Upgrading the towers

How it works

Creating and placing the tower menu

Scripting the tower menu

Finalizing the tower menu


9. Finishing the Tower Defense Game

Getting ready

Waypoints for enemies

Getting the waypoint coordinates

Implementing waypoints in the Game Manager

Passing waypoints to the enemies

Integrating the UI into the game

Integrating the Lives Counter

Integrating the Money Counter

Placing the towers

Allowed areas

Scripting the placement script

Final tweaking of the Tower prefab

Creating an enemy spawner

Finishing the gameplay

Winning conditions

Losing conditions

Upgrading towers

Finishing the TowerScript

Final adjustments to the TowerMenuScript

Practice makes perfect



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