


Augmented Reality Game Development电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Micheal Lanham

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:131.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create your own augmented reality games from scratch with Unity 5 About This Book Create your own augmented reality game from scratch and join the virtual reality gaming revolution Use the latest Unity 5 VR SDK to create pro-level AR games like Pokémon Go Innovate and explore the latest and most promising trend of AR gaming in the mobile gaming industry Who This Book Is For This book is for those who have a basic knowledge of game development techniques, but no previous knowledge of Unity is required. Some basic programming knowledge would be desirable, but the book is an introduction to the topic. The book is also suitable for experienced developers new to GIS or GPS development. What You Will Learn Build a location-based augmented reality game called Foodie Go Animate a player’s avatar on a map Use the mobile device’s camera as a game background Implement database persistence with SQLLite4Unity3D to carry inventory items across game sessions Create basic UI elements for the game, inventory, menu, and settings Perform location and content searches against the Google Places API Enhance the game’s mood by adding visual shader effects Extend the game by adding multiplayer networking and other enhancements In Detail The heyday of location-based augmented reality games is upon us. They have been around for a few years, but the release of Pokémon Go was a gamechanger that catalyzed the market and led to a massive surge in demand. Now is the time for novice and experienced developers alike to turn their good ideas into augmented reality (AR) mobile games and meet this demand! If you are keen to develop virtual reality games with the latest Unity 5 toolkit, then this is the book for you. The genre of location-based AR games introduces a new platform and technical challenges, but this book will help simplify those challenges and show how to maximize your game audience. This book will take you on a journey through building a location-based AR game that addresses the core technical concepts: GIS fundamentals, mobile device GPS, mapping, map textures in Unity, mobile device camera, camera textures in Unity, accessing location-based services, and other useful Unity tips. The technical material also discusses what is necessary for further development to create a multiplayer version of the game. At the end, you will be presented with troubleshooting techniques in case you get into trouble and need a little help. Style and approach This book shows you how to create every step of the game and gives practical examples.

Augmented Reality Game Development

Augmented Reality Game Development


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1. Getting Started

Real-world adventure games


Augmented Reality

Adventure games

Introducing Foody GO

Source code

Getting into mobile development with Unity

Downloading and installing Unity

Setting up for Android development

Installing the Android SDK

Connecting to your Android device

Setting up for iOS development

Getting started with Unity

Creating the game project

Building and deploying the game

Building and deploying to Android

Building and deploying to iOS


2. Mapping the Player's Location

GIS fundamentals


GPS fundamentals

Google Maps

Adding a map

Creating the map tile

Laying the tiles

Understanding the code

Setting up services

Setting up CUDLR

Debugging with CUDLR

Setting up the GPS service


3. Making the Avatar

Importing standard Unity assets

Adding a character

Switching the camera

Cross-platform input

Fixing the input

GPS location service

Map tile parameters

GPS simulation settings

Character GPS compass controller

Swapping out the character


4. Spawning the Catch

Creating a new monster service

Understanding distance in mapping

GPS accuracy

Checking for monsters

Projecting coordinates to 3D world space

Adding monsters to the map

Tracking the monsters in the UI


5. Catching the Prey in AR

Scene management

Introducing the Game Manager

Loading a scene

Updating touch input

Colliders and rigidbody physics

Building the AR Catch scene

Using the camera as our scene backdrop

Adding the catching ball

Throwing the ball

Checking for collisions

Particle effects for feedback

Catching the monster


6. Storing the Catch

Inventory system

Saving the game state

Setting up services

Reviewing code

Monster CRUD operations

Updating the Catch scene

Creating the Inventory scene

Adding the menu buttons

Bringing the game together

Mobile development woes


7. Creating the AR World

Getting back to the map

The Singleton

Introducing the Google Places API

Using JSON

Setting up the Google Places API service

Creating the markers

Optimizing the search


8. Interacting with an AR World

The Places scene

Google Street View as a backdrop

Slideshow with the Google Places API photos

Adding UI interaction for selling

The game mechanics of selling

Updating the database

Connecting the pieces


9. Finishing the Game

Outstanding development tasks

Missing development skills

Cleaning up assets

Releasing the game

Problems with location-based games

Location-based multiplayer game

Firebase as a multiplayer platform

Other location-based game ideas

The future of the genre


10. Troubleshooting

Console window

Compiler errors and warnings


Remote debugging

Advanced debugging



Unity Analytics

Issues and solutions by chapter


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