


How Children Learn - Book 1电子书

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作       者:Pound, Linda

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:124.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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An unrivalled introduction to the pioneers of educational theory that you won't be able to get through your studies without. This must-have book includes profiles on Vygotsky, Steiner, Montessori and Froebel, as well as 24 other theorists.


Front Matter

Title Page

Publisher Information

How Children Learn


John Comenius

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Johann Pestalozzi

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Robert Owen

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Friedrich Froebel

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Sigmund Freud and psychoanalytic theories

Key figures in psychoanalysis

The eight stages of psychosocial development (Erikson)

Their writings

Their writings

Putting the theories into practice

The influence of psychoanalytic theories

John Dewey

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Margaret McMillan

Her life

Her writing

Her theory

Putting the theory into practice

Her influence

Rudolf Steiner

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Maria Montessori

Her life

Her writing

Her theory

Putting the theory into practice

Her influence

Susan Isaacs

Her life

Her writing

Her theory

Putting the theory into practice

Her influence

Jean Piaget

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Lev Vygotsky

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Burrhus Skinner

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

John Bowlby

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Jerome Bruner

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Chris Athey

Her life

Her writing

Her theory

Putting the theory into practice

Her influence

Loris Malaguzzi

His life

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

The influence of Reggio Emilia

Paulo Freire

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence


The High/Scope approach

Putting the theory into practice

The influence of High/Scope

Margaret Donaldson

Her life

Her writing

Her theory

Putting the theory into practice

Her influence

Howard Gardner

His life

His writing

His theory

Putting the theory into practice

His influence

Te Whariki


Putting the theory into practice

The influence of Te Whariki

Forest schools


Putting the theory into practice

Theories about outdoor play

Learning through play

What is play?

Why is play important for early learning?

Theories about play

Making time for play

Research into brain development

Factors that promote brain development

Factors that hinder brain development

Care and attention

Emotional intelligence

The power of emotions

Putting the theory into practice

The role of parents

End Matter

Also Available

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