


Hands-On Neural Networks with Keras电子书

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作       者:Niloy Purkait

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:62.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Your one-stop guide to learning and implementing artificial neural networks with Keras effectively Key Features * Design and create neural network architectures on different domains using Keras * Integrate neural network models in your applications using this highly practical guide * Get ready for the future of neural networks through transfer learning and predicting multi network models Book Description Neural networks are used to solve a wide range of problems in different areas of AI and deep learning. Hands-On Neural Networks with Keras will start with teaching you about the core concepts of neural networks. You will delve into combining different neural network models and work with real-world use cases, including computer vision, natural language understanding, synthetic data generation, and many more. Moving on, you will become well versed with convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, autoencoders, and generative adversarial networks (GANs) using real-world training datasets. We will examine how to use CNNs for image recognition, how to use reinforcement learning agents, and many more. We will dive into the specific architectures of various networks and then implement each of them in a hands-on manner using industry-grade frameworks. By the end of this book, you will be highly familiar with all prominent deep learning models and frameworks, and the options you have when applying deep learning to real-world scenarios and embedding artificial intelligence as the core fabric of your organization. What you will learn * Understand the fundamental nature and workflow of predictive data modeling * Explore how different types of visual and linguistic signals are processed by neural networks * Dive into the mathematical and statistical ideas behind how networks learn from data * Design and implement various neural networks such as CNNs, LSTMs, and GANs * Use different architectures to tackle cognitive tasks and embed intelligence in systems * Learn how to generate synthetic data and use augmentation strategies to improve your models * Stay on top of the latest academic and commercial developments in the field of AI Who this book is for This book is for machine learning practitioners, deep learning researchers and AI enthusiasts who are looking to get well versed with different neural network architecture using Keras. Working knowledge of Python programming language is mandatory.

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Section 1: Fundamentals of Neural Networks

Overview of Neural Networks

Defining our goal

Knowing our tools



The fundamentals of neural learning

What is a neural network?

Observing the brain

Building a biological brain

The physiology of a neuron

Representing information

The mysteries of neural encoding

Distributed representation and learning

The fundamentals of data science

Information theory


Cross entropy

The nature of data processing

From data science to ML

Modeling data in high-dimensional spaces

The curse of dimensionality

Algorithmic computation and predictive models

Matching a model to use cases

Functional representations

The pitfalls of ML

Unbalanced class priors



Bad data

Irrelevant features and labels


Further reading

A Deeper Dive into Neural Networks

From the biological to the artificial neuron – the perceptron

Building a perceptron




Introducing non-linearity

Activation functions

Understanding the role of the bias term


Learning through errors

The mean squared error loss function

Training a perceptron

Quantifying loss

Loss as a function of model weights


Computing the gradient

The learning rate

Scaling the perceptron

A single layered network

Experimenting with TensorFlow playground

Capturing patterns heirarchically

Steps ahead


Signal Processing - Data Analysis with Neural Networks

Processing signals

Representational learning

Avoiding random memorization

Representing signals with numbers

Images as numbers

Feeding a neural network

Examples of tensors

Dimensionality of data

Making some imports

Keras's sequential API

Loading the data

Checking the dimensions

Building a model

Introducting Keras layers

Initializing weights

Keras activations

Summarizing your model visually

Compiling the model

Fitting the model

Evaluating model performance


Adjusting network size

Size experiments

Regularizing the weights

Using dropout layers

Thinking about dropout intuitively

Implementing weight regularization in Keras

Weight regularization experiments

Implementing dropout regularization in Keras

Dropout regularization experiments

Complexity and time

A summary of MNIST

Language processing

Sentiment analysis

The internet movie reviews dataset

Loading the dataset

Checking the shape and type

Plotting a single training instance

Decoding the reviews

Preparing the data

One-hot encoding

Vectorizing features

Vectorizing labels

Building a network

Compiling the model

Fitting the model

Validation data


Early stopping and history callbacks

Choosing a metric to monitor

Accessing model predictions

Probing the predictions

Summary of IMDB

Predicting continuous variables

Boston Housing Prices dataset

Loading the data

Exploring the data

Feature-wise normalization

Building the model

Compiling the model

Plotting training and test errors

Validating your approach using k-fold validation

Cross validation with scikit-learn API



Section 2: Advanced Neural Network Architectures

Convolutional Neural Networks

Why CNNs?

The birth of vision

Understanding biological vision

Conceptualizing spatial invariance

Defining receptive fields of neurons

Implementing a hierarchy of neurons

The birth of the modern CNN

Designing a CNN

Dense versus convolutional layer

The convolution operation

Preserving the spatial structure of an image

Receptive field

Feature extraction using filters

Backpropagation of errors in CNNs

Using multiple filters

Stride of a convolution

What are features?

Visualizing feature extraction with filters

Looking at complex filters

Summarizing the convolution operation

Understanding pooling layers

Types of pooling operations

Implementing CNNs in Keras

Probing our data

Verifying the data shape

Normalizing our data

Making some imports

Convolutional layer

Defining the number and size of the filters

Padding input tensors

Max Pooling layer

Leveraging a fully connected layer for classification

Summarizing our model

Compiling the model

Checking model accuracy

The problem with detecting smiles

Inside the black box

Neural network fails

Visualizing ConvNet learnings

Visualizing neural activations of intermediate layers

Predictions on an input image

Introducing Keras's functional API

Verifying the number of channels per layer

Visualizing activation maps

Understanding saliency

Visualizing saliency maps with ResNet50

Loading pictures from a local directory

Using Keras's visualization module

Searching through layers


Gradient weighted class activation mapping

Visualizing class activations with Keras-vis

Using the pretrained model for prediction

Visualizing maximal activations per output class

Converging a model

Using multiple filter indices to hallucinate

Problems with CNNs

Neural network pareidolia


Recurrent Neural Networks

Modeling sequences

Using RNNs for sequential modeling

What's the catch?

Basic RNN architecture

Temporarily shared weights

Sequence modeling variations in RNNs

Encoding many-to-many representations



One-to-many for image captioning

Summarizing different types of sequence processing tasks

How do RNNs learn?

A generic RNN layer

Forward propagation

Computing activations per time step

Simplifying the activation equation

Predicting an output per time step

The problem of unidirectional information flow

The problems of long-term dependencies

Backpropagation through time

Visualizing backpropagation through time

Exploding and vanishing gradients

Thinking on the gradient level

Preventing exploding gradients through clipping

Preventing vanishing gradients with memory


The memory cell

Representing the memory cell

Updating the memory value

Mathematics of the update equation

Implementing the no-update scenario

Implementing the update scenario

Preserving relevance between time steps

Formalizing the relevance gate

Building character-level language models in Keras

Loading in Shakespeare's Hamlet

Building a dictionary of characters

Preparing training sequences of characters

Printing out example sequences

Vectorizing the training data

Statistics of character modeling

Modeling character-level probabilities

Sampling thresholds

The purpose of controlling stochasticity

Greedy sampling

Stochastic sampling

Testing different RNN models

Using custom callbacks to generate text

Testing multiple models

Building a SimpleRNN

Stacking RNN layers

Building GRUs

Building bi-directional GRUs

On processing reality sequentially

Benefits of re-ordering sequential data

Bi-directional layer in Keras

Implementing recurrent dropout

Visualizing output values

Visualizing the output of heavier GRU models


Further reading


Long Short-Term Memory Networks

On processing complex sequences

Breaking down memory

The LSTM network

Dissecting the LSTM

Comparing the closest known relative

GRU memory

LSTM memory cell

Treating activations and memory separately

LSTM memory block

Importance of the forget gate

Conceptualizing the difference

Walking through the LSTM

Visualizing the flow of information

Computing cell state

Computing contender memory

Computing activations per timestep

Variations of LSTM and performance

Understanding peephole connections

Importance of timing and counting

Exploring other architectural variations

Putting our knowledge to use

On modeling stock market data

Importing the data

Sorting and visualizing the trend

From DataFrame to tensor

Splitting up the data

Plotting out training and testing splits

Windowed normalization

Denoising the data

Implementing exponential smoothing

Visualizing the curve

Performing one-step-ahead predictions

Simple moving average prediction

Exponential moving average prediction

The problem with one-step-ahead predictions

Creating sequences of observations

Reshaping the data

Making some imports

Baseline neural networks

Building a feedforward network

Recurrent baseline

Building LSTMs

Stacked LSTM

Using helper functions

Training the model

Visualizing results

Closing comments



Reinforcement Learning with Deep Q-Networks

On reward and gratification

A new way of examining learning

Conditioning machines with reinforcement learning

The credit assignment problem

The explore-exploit dilemma

Path to artificial general intelligence

Simulating environments

Understanding states, actions, and rewards

A self-driving taxi cab

Understanding the task

Rendering the environment

Referencing observation space

Referencing action space

Interacting with the environment

Solving the environment randomly

Trade-off between immediate and future rewards

Discounting future rewards

Markov decision process

Understanding policy functions

Assessing the value of a state

Assessing the quality of an action

Using the Bellman equation

Updating the Bellman equation iteratively

Why use neural networks?

Performing a forward pass in Q-learning

Performing a backward pass in Q-Learning

Replacing iterative updates with deep learning

Deep Q-learning in Keras

Making some imports

Preprocessing techniques

Defining input parameters

Making an Atari game state processor

Processing individual states

Processing states in batch

Processing rewards

Limitations of reward clipping

Initializing the environment

Building the network

Absence of pooling layers

Problems with live learning

Storing experience in replay memory

Balancing exploration with exploitation

Epsilon-greedy exploration policy

Initializing the deep Q-learning agent

Training the model

Testing the model

Summarizing the Q-learning algorithm

Double Q-learning

Dueling network architecture


Limits of Q-learning

Improving Q-learning with policy gradients


Section 3: Hybrid Model Architecture


Why autoencoders?

Automatically encoding information

Understanding the limitations of autoencoders

Breaking down the autoencoder

Training an autoencoder

Overviewing autoencoder archetypes

Network size and representational power

Understanding regularization in autoencoders

Regularization with sparse autoencoders

Regularization with denoising autoencoders

Regularization with contractive autoencoders

Implementing a shallow AE in Keras

Making some imports

Probing the data

Preprocessing the data

Building the model

Implementing a sparsity constraint

Compiling and visualizing the model

Building the verification model

Defining a separate encoder network

Defining a separate decoder network

Training the autoencoder

Visualizing the results

Designing a deep autoencoder

Making some imports

Understanding the data

Importing the data

Preprocessing the data

Partitioning the data

Using functional API to design autoencoders

Building the model

Training the model

Visualizing the results

Deep convolutional autoencoder

Compiling and training the model

Testing and visualizing the results

Denoising autoencoders

Training the denoising network

Visualizing the results



Generative Networks

Replicating versus generating content

Understanding the notion of latent space

Identifying concept vectors

Diving deeper into generative networks

Controlled randomness and creativity

Using randomness to augment outputs

Sampling from the latent space

Learning a probability distribution

Understanding types of generative networks

Understanding VAEs

Designing a VAE in Keras

Loading and pre-processing the data

Building the encoding module in a VAE

Sampling the latent space

Building the decoder module

Defining a custom variational layer

Compiling and inspecting the model

Initiating the training session

Visualizing the latent space

Latent space sampling and output generation

Concluding remarks on VAEs

Exploring GANs

Utility and practical applications for GANS

Diving deeper into GANs

Problems with optimizing GANs

Designing a GAN in Keras

Preparing the data

Visualizing some instances

Pre-processing the data

Designing the generator module

Designing the discriminator module

Putting the GAN together

Helper functions for training

Helper functions to display output

The training function

Arguments in the training function

Defining the discriminator labels

Initializing the GAN

Training the discriminator per batch

Training the generator per batch

Evaluate results per epoch

Executing the training session

Interpreting test loss during training

Visualizing results across epochs



Section 4: Road Ahead

Contemplating Present and Future Developments

Sharing representations with transfer learning

Transfer learning on Keras

Loading a pretrained model

Obtaining intermediate layers from a model

Adding layers to a model

Loading and preprocessing the data

Training the network


Concluding our experiments

Learning representations

DNA and technology

Limits of current neural networks

Engineering representations for machines

How should a good representation be?

Preprocessing and data treatments



Smoothness of the data

Encouraging sparse representation learning

Tuning hyperparameters

Automatic optimization and evolutionary algorithms


Multi-network predictions and ensemble models

The future of AI and neural networks

Global vectors approach

Distributed representation

Hardware hurdles

The road ahead

Problems with classical computing

The advent of quantum computing

Quantum superposition

Distinguishing Q-Bits from classical counterparts

Quantum neural networks

Further reading

Technology and society

Contemplating our future


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