第一部分 人际交往的基本技巧
1. “如果你想采蜜,不要踢翻蜂巢”
2. 与人交往的最大秘密
3. “能做到这一点的人拥有整个世界,做不到的人孤独一生”
第二部分 让人们喜欢你的六个方法
1. 真诚地关心别人,你就会处处受到欢迎
2. 给人留下良好的第一印象的简单方法
3. 记住对方的名字,否则,你会麻烦不断
4. 学会倾听,成为良好的沟通者
5. 如何引起他人的兴趣
6. 如何让人们立刻喜欢上你
第三部分 如何赢得人们的赞同
1. 争论中没有赢家
2. 如此树敌屡试不爽
3. 如果你错了,立刻承认吧
4. 一滴蜂蜜
5. 苏格拉底的秘密
6. 对付抱怨者的安全妙招
7. 如何与他人合作
8. 能够为你创造奇迹的处方
9. 了解每个人的想法
10. 人人都喜欢的诉求
11. 借鉴影视的表现手法
12. 如果以上这些都没有效果,那么试试这一招
第四部分 做一个高明的领导者
1. 如果你必须指出错误,那么这就是开始的方法
2. 如何批评——而不招致怨恨
3. 先承认你自己的错误
4. 没有人喜欢接受命令
5. 给他人留面子
6. 如何激励他人获得成功
7. 给他人一个好名声
8. 让错误看上去容易纠正
9. 让人们乐意做你希望的事
Preface to Revised Edition
How this Book Was Written—And Why
Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most out of this Book
PART ONE Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
1 “If You Want to Gather Honey,Don't Kick over the Beehive”
2 The Big Secret of Dealing with People
3 “He Who Can Do This Has the Whole World with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way”
PART TWO Six Ways to Make People Like You
1 Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere
2 A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression
3 If You Don't Do This,You Are Headed for Trouble
4 An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist
5 How to Interest People
6 How to Make People Like You Instantly
PART THREE How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
1 You Can't Win an Argument
2 A Sure Way of Making Enemies—And How to Avoid It
3 If You’re Wrong,Admit It
4 A Drop of Honey
5 The Secret of Socrates
6 The Safety Valve in Handling Complaints
7 How to Get Cooperation
8 A Formula That Will Work Wonders for You
9 What Everybody Wants
10 An Appeal That Everybody Likes
11 The Movies Do It. TV Does It. Why Don't You Do It?
12 When Nothing Else Works,Try This
PART FOUR Be a Leader:How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment
1 If You Must Find Fault,This Is the Way to Begin
2 How to Criticize—And Not Be Hated for It
3 Talk About Your Own Mistakes First
4 No One Likes to Take Orders
5 Let the Other Person Save Face
6 How to Spur People on to Success
7 Give a Dog a Good Name
8 Make the Fault Seems Easy to Correct
9 Making People Glad to Do What You Want