


Get the Guy电子书

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159人正在读 | 2人评论 6.2

作       者:Hussey, Matthew

出  版  社:Harper Wave


字       数:33.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Love is hard. But it doesn't have to be. Leading relationship expert and rising media personality Matthew Hussey provides what every woman needs to know to find lasting love. Offering invaluable insight into the male psyche, he will change the way you approach men and dating and give you the tools you need to find the man you deserve. Hussey answers every single woman three most burning questions: Where do I go to meet good menWhy didn't he callHow do I get him to commitIn Get the Guy , you will learn specific strategies for getting out there and meeting the best single guys. You will also learn why the guy you like has gone cold and the secrets to reigniting a spark with him. And you'll discover why so many guys seem to be afraid of long-term commitment and the three simple steps you can take that will change his mind. Hussey also reveals why playing hard to get is a lose-lose game. A man doesn't want to endlessly chase a woman who is impossible to attain; he wants to win over a woman who is “high value. You'll find out how to create nonnegotiable standards for the way you want to be treated and utilize a foolproof method for determining if a man can live up to them. Leveraging what he learned from coaching thousands of men to find personal and professional success, Hussey will teach you how to meet more men, how to choose one who is worth your time, and finally, how to keep him enthralled forever. His insightfulness, irreverence, and warmth make the journey to love playful and fun, and his advice ensures success in both romance and life.





PART ONE: Find the Guy

1 - Put the Odds in Your Favor

2 - Being a Woman of High Value

3 - Get a Social Life That Serves Your Love Life

4 - The Mindset of the Chooser

5 - The Traits of Desirable Women

6 - The White Handkerchief Approach

7 - From Great Conversation to First Date

8 - The Joy of Text

9 - A Word About Online Dating

PART TWO: Get the Guy

10 - The Ultimate Formula for Attraction

11 - A Word About Insecurity

12 - The Art of Creating the Great Date

13 - The Sex Talk (Part I)

14 - Stuck in the Friend Trap

15 - Why Hasn’t He Called?

16 - Premature Obligation

PART THREE: Keep the Guy

17 - How to Be the Woman of His Dreams

18 - Is He Mr. Right?

19 - What Guys Really Think About the C-Word

20 - The Sex Talk (Part II)

21 - If You Want Him to Commit

22 - Love for Life


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