


The Calorie Myth电子书

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作       者:Bailor, Jonathan

出  版  社:Harper Wave


字       数:47.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Contrary to what most diets would have you believe, the human body does not recognize all calories as equal. Some foods are used to boost brain power, fuel metabolism, and heal the body—while others are simply stored as fat. In The Calorie Myth, Bailor shows us how eating more of the right kinds of foods and exercising less, but at a higher intensity, is the true formula for burning fat.WhyBecause eating high-quality foods balances the hormones that regulate our metabolism. When we eat these foods, our bodies naturally maintain a healthy weight. But when we eat sugar, starches, processed fats, and other poor-quality foods, the body's regulatory system becomes "clogged" and prevents us from burning extra calories. Translation: Those extra 10 pounds aren't the result of eating too much . . . they're the result of eating the wrong foods!Bailor offers clear, comprehensive guidance on what to eat and why, providing an eating plan, recipes, and a simple yet effective exercise regimen. Losing weight doesn't have to mean going hungry or spending hours at the gym. The Calorie Myth offers a radical and effective new model for weight loss and long-term health.



Foreword by William Davis, MD

Preface by JoAnn E. Manson, MD

Introduction: The SANE Solution

Part I: The Calorie Myths

1. The Myth of Calorie Math

2. Your Set-Point Weight

3. How Your Set-Point Rises and How to Lower It

4. Eating More Doesn’t Make You Fat

5. Exercising More Doesn’t Make You Thin

6. The Myth That All Calories Are Created Equal

7. Calorie-Quality Factor 1: Satiety

8. Calorie-Quality Factor 2: Aggression

9. Calorie-Quality Factor 3: Nutrition

10. Calorie-Quality Factor 4: Efficiency

11. The Myth of Moderation

12. Where the Calorie Myths Came From

13. Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Confusion

14. Why Good Health Is Bad Business

15. How Humanity Can Achieve SANEity

Part II: The Solutions

16. Go SANE with Your Diet

17. SANE Carbohydrates

18. SANE Proteins

19. SANE Fats and Sweets

20. The Ten Principles of SANE Eating

21. Get Smart with Your Exercise

22. The Six Principles of Smarter Exercise

Part III: The Sane Solution and Action Plan

23. Smarter Subconscious

24. Five Weeks to Complete SANEity

25. Simple SANE Cooking

26. Your Smarter Exercise Program

Conclusion: Fight Fat with Facts

Afterword: Spread the Word (and Get Bonus Content!)

New FAQs for the Updated Edition


Appendix A: To Do before Exercising Smarter

Appendix B: Products That Make Going SANE More Convenient

Appendix C: Further Reading



About the Author

Praise for The Calorie Myth



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