


The Diabetes Breakthrough电子书

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作       者:Hamdy, Osama, MD, PhD.

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:41.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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A proven and effective 12-week plan to reverse type 2 diabetes, lose weight and ditch the medication for goodThis groundbreaking book, based on the highly successful and award-winning Why WAIT (Weight Achievement and Intensive Treatment) program conducted at Joslin Diabetes Center, reveals how you can finally conquer your diabetes —in just 12 weeks!This book will help you:Cut your medications by 50 to 60%—or even stop them altogether! Learn how to safely lose—and keep off—those 10-, 20- or even 50-plus pounds that are holding you back from a healthy life. Tailor your exercise plan to the way you really live and work, so you can get results without being a slave to the gymWith information on how to create checklists and goal worksheets, and including real-life success stories, The Diabetes Breakthrough will help keep you motivated in making smart decisions—even on the busiest days!



Foreword by John L. Brooks III


Introduction: Why WAIT? Lose Weight Now

Part I: The Diabetes Solution

Diabetes Breakthrough Overview: Basics about Insulin, Blood Glucose, Calories, Exercise, Goal-Setting and More

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 1: Meal Plans, Logbooks, Exercise Barriers and Stretching

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 2: Medications and Weight Gain, Diabetes Pills, Serving Sizes and Cross Training

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 3: Portion Distortion, Resistance Training and Newer Diabetes Medications

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 4: Insulin Use, Circuit Training and Delay and Distraction Techniques

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 5: Blood Glucose Lows and Highs, Fitness Benefits and Interval Training

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 6: Diets and Dieting, Core Training, Yoga and Changing Your Negative Thoughts

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 7: Social Eating, Superset Training and Becoming an Active Exerciser

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 8: Body Core Exercises, Dining Out and Managing Urges and Cravings

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 9: Mental Stress, Deep Breathing and Relaxation Exercises

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 10: Mindful Eating, Sleep and Balance and Agility Exercises

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 11: Secrets of Successful Losers, the Importance of Exercise and Lapse and Relapse

Diabetes Breakthrough Week 12: Your Personal Weight Maintenance Plan and Survival Tips for Down the Road

Part II: The Diabetes Life Plan

Diabetes Breakthrough to Lasting Weight Loss

Appendix A: Breakfast Menu Choices and Examples

Appendix B: Lunch Menu Exchanges and Recipes

Appendix C: Dinner Menu Exchanges, Recipes and Acceptable Frozen Dinners

Appendix D: Joslin Diabetes Center Nutritional Guidelines

Appendix E: Medication Algorithms for Your Health Care Provider


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